Chapter 05

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I hear knocking at my door and I looked up to see that Suho was all packed.

"Hey, boss, is it cool I leave ? It's already 5 but you seem to be busy. I have an appointment."

"Yea, you're good to go," I smiled, "be safe !" I called out as he smiled and started heading for the elevator.

I kept working until I realized it was 7:45PM. I remember that I said I would meet JongIn at the bar at 8 but I really didn't feel like going. But since I am a woman of my words, I got up, reached for my bag and started heading for the elevator. Everyone has already left and it was dark outside already. I look out the glass wall all across this building while I wait for the elevator. Isn't too early to be dark outside already. But then again, it's fall.

The elevator door rings and I turn around to step inside.


I find Kris inside the elevator. I hesitate but Kris moves to the side for me to walk in, and so I get on.

"You haven't left yet ?" he asks.

"No, I had some things to finish up."

"Thank you for your hard work," he chuckles.

I smile slightly and give him a light bow, just moving my head a little. I face forward and try not to think about how awkward I am with him.

"Are you headed to the bar ?" he asks.


"Do you need a ride ?"

"No, I have my car today," I reply bluntly.

"I see."

We were both silent until the elevator came to the basement where our cars were. The doors open and Kris gestures for me to step out first. I realize how much of a gentleman he is. Every time I see him, he would respect me as a high position but also treat me like a lady. I really appreciated that.

I walk up to my car and Kris went to his which was not far from mine. We said our goodbyes and got into our cars. Kris starts his engine first and leaves the parking building. I start my car right after and started driving to the bar.

When I arrived, I got out of the car and gave the valet my keys. I step inside and go down a narrow stairway to get to the bar. As I walk in, I find JongIn sitting at a table. He notices me and smiles. As I walk up to where he was sitting, I realize how some of the girls at the bar were eyeing him. Of course they would, it's Kim JongIn. I also fell for his looks when we were back in college. When I got to where he was, he got up to give me hug and I declined by pushing his chest away from me with one hand and just simply sat down on one of the chairs. JongIn shrugs and sits down right after. After he sits down I look at him straight in the eyes and he does the same but with a smile.

"What do you want to talk about ?" I asked, annoyed.

"Woah ~ Aren't you a little too hasty for someone who came 10 minutes late ?" he says with a joking tone.

"Well, you should be grateful that I even came."

"Haha, you've changed a lot. You used to be all shy and timid back in college."

"Haha, you're the same as ever. A douche."

"Woah .. Ouch .." he pretends to be hurting before he casually continues, "Do you want something to drink."

"No, I brought my car."

"Just call a driver."

"That will be unnecessary."

He smirks playfully and grabs his drink for a sip. He places the cup back on the table.

"How were you ?" he asks.

"........" I didn't answer because I just wanted him to get to his point and be out of here.

"So, second in command," he continues.


"Oh come on, don't be like this."

This was when I was finally done with him. I got up and started heading for the staircase. I go out the door and started walking up some steps before I was grabbed by the arm and pushed against the wall on the stairs.

I know who stopped me but I didn't dare look at him.

"Look at me," he demanded.

I kept my head turned to the side and didn't look. I was so filled with anger that if I was to look at him in the eyes, I would literally slap him and make a scene. I was always the type of person who would think boldly but never do anything about it because I was too cautious. I want to slap him, but I didn't want to make a scene.

"I honestly don't get why you're like this. It's not like I committed murder."

.... What ....?

"Excuse me ...?" I finally turned my head and looked at him.

"Look, I know we've had some rough times in the past, but don't you think it's time to finally let go ?"

I don't believe this guy.

"You played with me ... You literally looked at me like I was some game and made a bet with your nasty friends. You made a bet that you were going to take my virginity. Do you seriously think that I was going to forgive you for that ?" I couldn't control what I was saying and tears were starting to well up.

"But I lost, remember ?"

Ha ... I shake my head and tears started to run down from my eyes.

"Baby, don't cry-"

JongIn brought his hands up to my face and wiped my tears. I slapped his hands away.

"Don't call me baby. You disgust me."

I pushed him away using both my hands with a force and started heading up. I stopped when I found Kris there.

Great. This guy is just all over the place.

I tried to cover my face by looking down and went past him and got to my car. I drove off and got to my apartment. I parked my car and started for the elevator. I got on and I found Kris running to catch up. I quickly pressed the close button, but he outran the elevator doors. I cursed a little in my mind as he got in.

"Thank you for holding the elevator for me," he says and I can hear the sarcasm.

I smile a fake smile and kept my head forward. The elevator got to our floor and we stepped out. Right when I punched my password and was about to open the door, Kris speaks up.

"Would you like to come over for a drink ?"

I turned the top of my body just so that I can see him over my shoulders. He was leaning on his door with his legs slanted and his arms crossed.

"Excuse me ?" I asked, confused.

"Would you like to come over for a drink ?" he asked again.

"I'm not deaf, I was asking why."

"Just. I thought you needed a friend tonight," he says with a shrug.

So he did hear the conversation that I had with JongIn. Great... Why was he even there ..?

"You do realize that you are my boss and I am an employee..?"

"You do realize that we are not in a work place and that we are just neighbors right now ..?"

I can tell he was mimicking me. I turned myself back around thinking that this was ridiculous.

"Fine, suit yourself," he says as he punches in his password.

I don't think it's that bad. I mean, I did want a drink but there were none in my house.. So why not ?

I turned around and to my surprise, I see him with the door opened and waiting for me. I look at him and then at the door and back to him. He then nods his head towards his house and I step in.

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