Chapter 23

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"He'll be there at 7. So don't be late."

Christina set me up on a blind date. It's not like I was desperate, but Kris was just too much for me. After I met YooJin earlier this week, I couldn't get the idea that they were together out of my head. I guess because I had that thought at the back of my head that day, my hands automatically asked Christina for a blind date.

I was standing in front of the elevator, waiting for it to get to me. It was now around 6:30 PM and I was worried I might be late for the date. I didn't want to keep him waiting. It's rude if I was late on our meeting. I looked at my watch again, even though I already knew what time it was.

The elevator door rings and I lift my head to get in. But to my surprise, Kris was in it and as soon as we made eye contact, he smiled. But I don't like his smile. He was smiling at me like I was one of his business partners. I slightly smiled back and pressed the lobby.

"You're not going to the basement ?" he asked.

At first, I was surprised that he would actually talk to me. I thought that he was going to ignore me for the rest of my life. I kept my head forward but I could see that he was looking my way.

"Yes," I nodded.

"Don't you need to take you car ?"

"I didn't bring it today."

"Why ?"

"Because I'm meeting someone."

"JongIn ...?"

That's when I turned to see his face. He looked calm, but there was a cold atmosphere.

"... No ... Someone else."

"Oh ..."

Silence fell between us.

"Do you want a ride to your destination ?" he finally asked.

"No, thank you. I can manage."

"Where are you going ?"

"Please, don't mind me."

"Justine, just tell me where you're going."

He sounded demanding, as usual. I was kind of glad that he was talking like how he used to. But that thought was instantly pushed away.

"I'm going to the Galaxy Hotel," I replied.

"And you're meeting someone there ?"

I nodded.

"Then let me give you a ride. I'm going there as well," he continued.

I opened my mouth to decline, but I didn't really want to stand outside and wave for a taxi that might not even pass by. And Kris might not let me decline him so what's the use refusing his offer ? In the end, I followed Kris to his car and he drove me to the Hotel. On the way, there was no talking at all. We were both really quiet.

As soon as we arrived, I quickly told him my thanks and got out. The ride was harder than I thought. I couldn't stand being near him. I left him where he was and started heading for the restaurant inside the hotel. The restaurant was almost at my reach when someone called out to me.

"Justine," someone called.

I looked to my side and saw YooJin walking up to me. I sort of had the idea that it was her that Kris had business with. Scratch that. A date. As much as I wanted to escape this situation, I couldn't. She was a business partner and I didn't want to be rude. Instead, I gave her a smile and stopped my tracks.

"YooJin, nice to see you again," I said.

"It's nice to see you too," her smile was wide and beautiful. "Did Kris invite you for dinner ?"

So it was YooJin that Kris was meeting.

"Oh, no. Actually I have other reasons to why I'm here," I told her.

"Oh, I see. Are you meeting someone ...?"

"Yes," I smiled.

"Is it a date ...?" her voice was more calm and if I wasn't wrong, she sounded a little serious.

"Something like that ?" I gave out a small laugh.

"Oh ... Bu-"


YooJin and I were both surprised that she was cut off. We turned to see Kris and he was now beside us in a matter of seconds.

"Should we go in ?" he asks while opening his arms to grab her waist.

He gave her a slight push to the restaurant and they started walking away. YooJin looked at me as if she still had something to say. At first, she had on a worried look, but it quickly changed to an apologetic smile. I got what she was saying by her face expression. I smiled back and nodded knowingly.

I stood there for a while, trying to calm myself down and try not to get upset at this situation. When I was calm enough to continue, I walked in to the restaurant and told the front desk that I had a reservation. A lady walked me over to the table and sat me down. My date wasn't here so I looked around the restaurant out of habit. I noticed that Kris and YooJin were at a table not too far from me in the middle of the restaurant as I was at the window. I tried not to pay my attention to them. As I was sitting there, someone tapped my back. I looked up to see a familiar face.

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