Chapter 20

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I stepped out of my apartment and headed towards the park near my house. When I got there, I sat on a bench on the side and waited while fidgeting with my phone. After all this time, I still couldn't calm myself down. I heard footsteps heading towards me and looked up to see him.

"Hey," he started.

I didn't say anything back and scooted to the side so that there was enough space inbetween us. He sat down at the other end of the bench. There's silence between us because we don't know who should start first. I wanted to speak up but words weren't coming out of my mouth. I had so many questions for him and I thought I was prepared, but my mind went blank.

Thankfully, he got the idea that someone should start. I appreciated him making the first move.

"I'm really sorry about yesterday. I was really drunk and I know that calling you in that state was a huge mistake. Umm.. I said something to you yesterday about still loving you, and I just want to let you know that that didn't come out because I was drunk. I'm perfectly sober right now, and I can tell you again that I still love you."

My heart wouldn't stop beating. I was staring at JongIn and he was staring at his fingers.

"W-What do you mean by 'still'... ?" I was finally able to force that out of me.

But even though it took me so much effort to ask that question, all JongIn did was just sit there with his face still looking at the floor. Then JongIn opens his mouth.


"So are you going to do her today ?"

It was getting annoying. People flocking me with attention that I don't really want. They are always wanting my attention and wanting to get close to me. They act like they know me when the only thing they know about me is my name. It's been like this ever since I can remember.

"You shouldn't really go around sleeping with every girl in school," TaeMin says.

TaeMin is the only person that knows my real self. Ever since I started this player gig, he's been trying to get me out of it. It wasn't like I was doing this just to ruin the girls' lives. They ask for it, and honestly, I have no reason to decline. Of course, I tell them that I don't want anything related to commitment, but they are still down to hook up.

"She's the one who asked," I told him.

"Dude, just cause she asks doesn't mean you do it. Honestly, you're a slut," he said.

I wasn't really offended because it's true. But I don't throw myself at them, they throw themselves on me and I just accept the offer. But if someone other than TaeMin were to say something similar, I would definitely be pissed off.

It was a new semester and once I walked into the new classroom, I could hear the talks and the giggle of girls who knew who I was. I found some people who were familiar and sat with them. But there was something that I was curious about. There was a girl that sat next to the window. She didn't talk to anyone in class. I don't think she even noticed me either. I didn't know who she was, but I would see her in the same spot everyday and all she did was take notes. And when class was over, she would just walk out without even noticing me when I was standing right in front of her.

I'm sure it wasn't something like love at first sight, but I did want to know her. I don't know what I want to know. I just wanted to know. So unconsciously, I went to class early because I knew she would be there earlier. I sat at the seat behind her and just waited with my head down and my eyes closed. I was perfectly awake, thinking about what I would say to her if I saw her.

Then I heard footsteps in front of me and someone sitting down. I raise my head to see her getting her notes out. Just like any other day, she didn't even bother to talk to me. So I started. It was stupid, but all the things that I thought about was deleted and all that I could say was ask her for the time.

To my surprise, she was actually pretty easy to talk to. I thought that she would be one of those people who don't want to make friends, or even a nerd that would only focus on her studies and set goals that were too high that she would have to seclude herself from the world. But she wasn't like that. She was also the only girl who didn't throw herself at me.

After some time, I asked her out. At first, it was for a simple date, but I wanted to be with her more, so I officially asked her out. But I guess me having a girlfriend wasn't something that most people at my school could really comprehend.

My friends kept asking if she was that hard to do. I told them that she wasn't like that, but they wouldn't get off my back about it. I told them that I was going to sleep with her just so they can stop pestering me about it. But they didn't believe that I could do it because we haven't even kissed yet. I didn't realize that I haven't made a move. But the way the guys were talking turned something in me. In the end, the guys and I made a bet. But I didn't think that things would turn out this way.

She didn't really have an expression. I guess she already knew that I was a player. Since she already knew, I proposed a deal. But all she gave me was a hurt expression and walked away.

It hurt.

The face she made right before she left me stuck with me for the rest of the day. There were multiple times that I wanted to call and apologize, but why ? It's not like I was really serious. I was just curious. She didn't even come to classes. So I decided to just ignored the feelings that were in me.

But it never left.

All I could do was think about her. I tried everything I can from going to the club to sleeping with other girls. But it was no use. I couldn't get her out of my mind. When I finally saw her by coincidence at school was when I realized that I really missed her.

I loved her without even knowing I was in love with her.

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