Chapter 11

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It took me a while, but I finally found out. I was starting to fall for Kris. I shouldn't be. He was rude, he was my boss, and he's too much for me to handle, as in, he's too big of a person for me to look at him as a candidate. I'm not self-dissing myself. I just acknowledge the fact that Kris was on a whole different level than I am. He should be with a daughter of a rich company. It only makes sense. I guess dramas do have a little sense in them. But my life is not a drama and I shouldn't be too selfish, but after that night, after how he told me I was attractive, I couldn't stop thinking that I actually had a chance with this man.

It's been exactly a week. I tried harder everyday to look nice. Christina also helped me with shopping for new clothes that were more appealing to the eye. But everytime I tried, he would just walk away from me like he didn't even notice me.

It kind of hurt. I didn't think that I would fall for him while I was trying to seduce him. Of course, he looks good and I was sort of into him before, but his rudeness totally killed those feelings. I'm not the type of person who would just fall for someone because of looks, and all Kris said was that I was hot THAT NIGHT. Not today, not yesterday, not every other day. THAT NIGHT. JUST THAT NIGHT. Why did it have such a big effect on me ..?

Today was a nice sunny Sunday morning. Tomorrow, I would see him again. Even though we live right next to each other, I can't seem to find the perfect timing to see him here. Even at work, I would only see him when I'm called. I don't know how to deal with these feelings. I miss him... I want to see him....

Suddenly, I hear loud noises. I wondered where it was coming from. I step towards my balcony, but it's not from outside. I walked over to my door and stepped out. Is it from Kris's house ? I reached for the doorbell and pressed it. The noises stopped and the door opened right after.

Kris was wearing a shirt and sweats. So was I. But he made it look like porn. I haven't seen him for a day and I get this ? Okay... I like...

"Can I help you ?" he asks.

"The sound ..."

"Oh sorry, I was watching a movie. I'll lower the volume."

"How loud do you need to play the movie ? This building has thick walls."

"I like loud movies."

I looked at him like he was crazy, even though I was thinking he looked hot with his messy hair.

"Kay, I'm going to go back," I made out.

"Do you want to watch it with me ?"

I spun around and nodded about 100 times.

"Come in," he laughs.

Oh my gawd, Justine. You're so uncool right now. I quickly got inside and took off my shoes. I walked towards the couches and plopped down. I saw that there was popcorn and reached for it and placed the whole bowl on my lap and started nibbling.

"You look like you're at a friend's house."

"What ?? I thought we were pretty close. I mean we were meant to be ~" I joked and tried to focus on the movie that wasn't even playing.

"What do you want ? Beer ?"

"Sure, why not ?"

Kris comes back with a beer and places it in front of me. He then gets the remote and the movie started playing again. Of course, I tried really hard to pay attention to the movie, but that's not going to happen. I couldn't focus on the movie because Kris kept reaching for the popcorn that was on my lap. I tried not to make contact with him. I kept glancing back to the popcorn to see if his hands weren't there. If they were, I didn't get popcorn. I felt like if I touched him even a little, I would turn red as a tomato and that he would find out. My mouth was dry and so I grabbed the beer and drank a huge gulp. I think I finished half of it in one drink.

"You drink that like it's water.." he says.

I didn't turn to look at him and kept my eyes forward and on the TV screen. I don't know if it was because I couldn't go to sleep last night, or if the beer was getting to me, or because the movie was boring. Maybe it was all three ..? My eyes were getting really heavy. I convinced myself that I wasn't sleepy. But I couldn't help it. I closed my eyes and kept my back straight. I'm going to just keep my eyes shut for a few minutes....

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