Chapter 18

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I woke up to the sound of his soft breathe. I felt his chest move up and down, synchronizing with his breathing. I slowly opened my eyes and found him sound asleep.

Last night was not what I expected. Maybe it was due to my fever, but my emotions burst out in front of him. I couldn't stop my tears until I fell asleep. I'm guessing he moved me to my bed.

Kris's face was right next to mine and his eyes were closed. His face looks really calm and at peace. I lifted my hand to his face and brushed his hair to the side. I knew he was handsome before, but seeing him this close was something different.

His eyes slowly opened and met mine. We laid there just staring at each other. I didn't know what to say. This wasn't my usual morning. While I was still trying to figure out what to say, Kris saves the day by saying something first.

"Good morning," he says.

I blinked at him. All I had to say was 'Good morning' back at him but I couldn't even manage that. My lips were shut tight and didn't think about opening up. I shouldn't just leave him hanging like that, so all I could get out for an answer was a nod.

He chuckled at my reply. It sounded so nice in ears and made my heart beat faster.

"Sorry for staying," he said.

I eyebrows creased at his question. Why are you sorry ? I should be the one to apologize. You had to deal with my crying for hours, carry me to my bed, and also help me out with dinner. I shook my head at him. My mouth still wouldn't open.

"Are you only going to answer me with nods and shakes ?"

I shouldn't ... So I shake my head.

"Then say something."

I don't know what to say though ... I bit my lips and looked away from his gaze.

"I miss your voice ..."

My head snapped back to face him and my eyes were wide with surprise. What did he just say ...?

"W-What ...?" I asked, still baffled.

"You finally said something," he sighed.

I was still out of it. Kris was different since yesterday. Why was he being so nice and compassionate ? He didn't mind me before, so why does he care now ? Why is he saying things like what he just said ? So many questions were forming in my head but I couldn't seem to bring them out. I just looked at him with a confused face.

"Are you hungry ?" he asked.

I nodded.

"Did you eat what I made ?"

I nodded.

"Do you want breakfast ?"

I nodded.

"Are you really not going to say anything ?"

I shook.

"Then say your answers. I feel like I'm talking to a baby."

I couldn't stop myself from letting out a little giggle. The face he made while he was complaining was one that I've never seen on his face. He legitly looked like a whiny kid.

But that face was gone in an instant when I laughed.

"That sounds nice," he smiled.

My heart stopped for a second. He had a smile that was genuine and sincere. Not the ones that he's been giving me. He looked like he was looking at some interesting toy whenever he smiled, but right now was different. My heart was beating fast and my face was turning red.

"Let's go eat," he chuckles and gets up from the bed.

I follow right behind him. We go to the kitchen and Kris opens the fridge. Well, he's awfully familiar with my house. He looks inside and takes out some eggs. He closes the fridge and grabs the bread from the counter.

"Toast and eggs ?" he asked.

I nodded. He laughed again and headed to the stove. He told me to go sit down but I went right next to him. He looked at me with question.

"I want to help," I shrugged.

He smirked and handed me the bread. I took it with both hands.

"You can toast that," he said while turning on the stove.

I went over to the toaster and placed 4 pieces of bread and pressed the large button. I turned around to see his back. A smile came on my face as a crazy thought came into my head.

We seem like a newlywed couple.

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