Chapter 15

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I felt sick. I think it was because of the driving, I didn't appreciate the movement of the car and the lights flashing by me. My head was getting even more dizzy.

"Close your eyes," Kris said, "it might help if you don't look at what's around you."

He might be right. I closed my eyes and soon I fell asleep.

I felt cold hands on my forehead. My brows furrowed and I slowly opened my eyes. We were in the parking lot of our building. I look over to my right and see that Kris was already out of the car and by my side.

"Can you get up ?" he asked.

I nodded and stepped out of the car. I lost balance as I was exiting. But good thing Kris was there to grab me. He helped me stand straight and then we headed upstairs.

"Thanks, have a good night," I said as I reached out for my bag.

But he didn't reply. All he did was stand there while still holding my bag. I looked at him confused. With his chin, he pointed to my door.

"Huh ?"

"Open it."

"Umm ..."

He's not going to come in, is he ..? I punched in my password for my home and he swung the door open. I looked at him with wide eyes that didn't know what he was up to. He then supported me inside. I couldn't protest. I was still trying to figure out what he was trying to do.

Obviously he knew where my room was because his house was the exact duplicate of mine except everything was on the opposite side. There's only one room in our apartments so I guess Kris knew where he was going. He helped me to my room and made me lay down on the bed.

"Get some rest," he said as he walks out.

I don't really know what that was for. He looked angry and I didn't want to protest. He might get even more mad at me, but I don't know what he's mad about. I don't want him to stay mad at me.

Even though I was trying to figure out why Kris was so angry, I couldn't help but feel my eyes becoming heavy due to the comfortable feel of my mattress and the soft sheets. I didn't hear anything outside of my room. I'm guessing he left for his house. So I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


I woke up to some sounds outside of my room. I checked my clock and it was 8o'clock. It's been about 2 hours since I knocked out. I got up from my bed, wondering what that sound was. When I stood up, I notice that my ankles were feeling okay. I guess it was just a temporary thing.

I opened my door and walked towards the living room. The lights were on and I heard noises coming from the kitchen. When I turned to see the kitchen, Kris was at the stoves. I was surprised to see that he didn't leave. He had his back to me and I'm thinking he doesn't know I'm here.

I slowly walked up to him as I sniffed at the smell. It smelled pretty good. I don't even know what he was making.

Before I reached him, he felt my presence and turned back to see me.

"Should you be walking ?" he asked.

I paused and looked down to my feet. I shook my head and looked back up and kept shaking.

"Doesn't hurt anymore," I replied.

"That's good."

He turned back to the stove.

"Are you making porridge ?" I asked as I walked up next to him.

"It's almost done," he said as he nodded.

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