Chapter 09

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It was 8:30PM. I pulled up to the valet and walked inside the hotel. I headed for the restaurant and stepped inside the kitchen. People in the kitchen glanced my way and smiled while I smiled back and headed for the pastry section. Once I got there, I heard arguing.

"Are you serious ?? Get out of my kitchen !!"

"Technically, it's mine."

"Doesn't mean you could just walk in here while we're working and just grab whatever's there to eat and bother my workers. These are for tomorrow's shift. If you come in here and eat whatever you like, there are changes in the inventory system and I would have to change everything !"

"I'm not bothering your workers. I'm just here to bother you. And I own this place. What's the problem if I just take a few bites ?"

Oh .... So that's him .....

"UGH !!!"

Christina was gawking in frustration. One of her employees noticed me and called out to her.

"Umm... Chef ...."

Christina turns her head to where the employee was pointing and we made eye contact. The guy she was yelling at was also looking at me while chewing on a baguette. I lift my hand up and put it back down. Christina checks her watch and sighs. She takes off her apron and throws it at the guy she was yelling at and he catches it. The guy didn't seem to be bothered by it. All he did was laugh a little and kept eating the piece of bread in his hands.

"Jackie !" Christina yelled.

"Yes, Chef," a voice replied from the back.

"Get things cleaned and send them home."

"Yes, Chef. You heard, get cleaning."

"Yes, Chef !" the whole kitchen answered.

"Wait, you're leaving ?" the guy asks, but Christina just ignores him as she comes towards me, grabs me by my wrist, and pulls me along with her.

We walk into her office. I close the door behind us as she starts changing. I walked up to her desk and sat on her chair.

"Is that him ?" I asked, even though I already figured.

Christina nods in reply without looking at me. I nod knowingly without looking at her. When she was finished, she typed something in the computer really quickly and grabbed her bag. I stood up and waited for her at her door. She comes towards me and interlocks her arm with mine and we started walking out. We stood at the valet and my car came. We got in and drove off.

"Wait, you look hot today. What's wrong with that Kris dude ??" she asks once we got in the house.

"I have no idea.. I really tried," I said with a sad look.

"Aww .. Sweetie ~ You're sexy in my eyes ♥" she smiled a naughty smile at me and winked.

I smiled the same way back to her and bit my lips.

"If I was a guy, I would totally do you ~" she joked.

We laughed and headed for my room. We walked into my walk-in closet and Christina got some comfortable clothes from the drawers.

"I'm going to stay over, but don't worry, I'm going to leave before the party," she says as she hands me a pair of a shirt and sweats.

"Kay" I replied.

We got into comfortable clothes and we went to the kitchen. We grabbed a few things to nibble on and some drinks.

"Hey, so I don't know what to wear tomorrow."

"Well, isn't it a formal party ?"

"Yea, I don't know if I have a dress for it though."

"Can't you just wear that one black dress you wore to Stasha's wedding ?"

"Hmm ..." I thought to myself.

I got up and headed for my closet and I heard Christina follow. I dug through some old clothes that were hanging in the corner of my closet. When I finally found what I was looking for, I pulled it out and placed it on me as I turned to Christina.

"Try it on," she smiles.

I then take my clothes off and put on the black dress. It was a flowy dress. It was wavy and slick with 2-3 layers of the fabric. It exposed my back, so obviously I couldn't wear a bra. The dress was open shoulders and it was held up by strings that I tied around my neck. It was short and came up halfway to my thigh. It didn't show my cleavage at all but the main point of this dress was the exposed back.

I wore a thin white overall over this when I went to our friend's wedding, but this time, Christina suggested that I only wear the dress.

"What if I'm cold ? It's the beach after all."

"Then take it, but try to be exposed in front of him."

"But I feel like he won't even notice it.. Shouldn't I be wearing something that shows cleavage and more.. You know ... Open ??"

"Girl, you don't want to be too exposed. Give him a little something to think about," she says with a wink.

But you know, I feel like she's right. And I've only worn this dress only once, so why not ?

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