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"Trying to change ourselves is harder than trying to change the world we live in"..

2months later..

Seating on one of the Acapulco chairs in the balcony, loneliness striking every part of her as everyone was out for their daily activities. Fahma thought of the events that happened within these two months.

" Safwa's wedding has a memory to hold,Ya Salaam!! I miss that girl" she smiled remembering how Safwa cried when she was leaving her parents and the way she placed a fake smile on her face during her reception. She remembered Yusra who has been a very good friend since when they met. And she bursted out laughing when she remembered how Zee has been complaining about her statue just because she's pregnant.

"Zee is a character".She thought.. She also remembered their happiness when their results were pasted,the happiness and satisfaction shown on her parents faces and the courage her younger ones built up to be like her.

"Alhamdulillah "  she finally sighed.

"What's next?" She asked herself.. "A more healthy Tahfeez,Service, Work and.." She stopped halfway and laughed at her answers and suddenly her phone beeped indicating she has a message..

"Little sister,I hope you're doing very OK and boredom isn't messing you up. I am very busy but I promise soon I'll help you while time away. Take care"

"Oh Sadeed! You never get tired. Thanks for always being there for me" she whispered to herself with a smile and then the thought of Engineer crossed her mind. She prayed what she was doing wasn't off limits,the thought of him always checking up on her,understanding and caring makes  her feel blessed and sometimes guilty..

"What if I was his first wife and I found out about him trying to get another wife? How will I feel? Why does he even want to get married again?" She asked herself.

If not that he met her father directly,she would have rejected his proposal because if there is one thing she grew not to like even though it's Halaal is getting married to another woman's husband because she knows it will definitely hurt.

Engineer A.S Ibrahim or Ahmad as his name goes is a man in his early thirties with a wife and two children currently in his PhD studies and a lecturer. His personality is just amazing, now a very nice and jovial being and later the other way round. Tall,fair skinned,V-faced with thin stubbles complimenting his beauty. In short he is handsome and a symbol of principles as well. He makes the best match for every outfit and perfumes he wears and for that Fahma is secretly getting attached to him.

Her thought clung to Jabir's mind throughout his stay in Abu Dhabi,making him feel like he was losing. At dawn,she's the bright light that guides his way. In the morning, she's the blazing sun that shines his world. In the afternoon, she's the intense heat that pricks his skin. In the evening,she's the warm cloud that envelopes the sun and at night,she's the moon that outshines all the stars.. Her mere thought makes him more confident and courageous in achieving his goals. Even after several attempts of Saeed asking him why he hasn't confessed his emotions to her yet, he never got the answer. And finally he will be on his way back tomorrow,to face the reality he has been secretive about because his mother is up on her hills to do the right thing for him. Jawaahir is more concerned about what's going to happen if he fails to do what his mother asks than anyone,hoping and praying he has changed his mind already. Sometimes,she wonders what  was special about this Fahma he keeps ranting about.

Sadeed has always been in contact with Fahma hiding under the mask of not having any sibling and he picked interest in her because he sees her as a younger sister. Amrah argues saying what was between them was beyond that but whenever she remembers Ahmad she let's go.

Ahmad has already been permitted by Fahma's parents to send his parents for formal introduction which he informed his parents about making them understand that he wasn't getting married because he is facing any marital problems but because he wants to practice the Prophets Sunnah. They planned to go after they inquired on her family and their background and they instructed him to make the information known to his wife. He did as they said,consoled her and made her understand that he wasn't getting married because he lost interest in her and that he still loves her just as much as he has before. Being a considerate woman,she calmed her nerves accepting the fact but still internally,only she knew what she was going through and she prayed to Allah to make her heart calm and able to accept her fate..

Hey peeps!!! How're you all doing?
Engineer lecturer is married oo😂😂..
Sadeed didn't say he loves her oo

Jabir on his way back💃💃💃...



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