Chapter 28: Realization and Fear

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Taehyung's POV

Did I hear right? Two days? 48 hours? I looked from face to face, trying to read through their concerned looks.

"Hyung? Two days? What happened? Hyung, am I dying?" I looked at Yoongi hyung with pleading eyes.

Yoongi's POV


I was breathing so fast, my heart felt like it was in my mouth. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked over my shoulder to see Jin hyung. "H-hyung..." I whined, and motioned towards Tae. I really didn't know what to do. The person who makes me so happy is in so much of pain and I can't even do anything but watch him suffer.

My thoughts were disrupted when Doctor Bogum suddenly asked us to come out. Taehyung was trying to stand up but we made him stay where he was. The six of us followed the doctor out. 

"What is it, Bogum ssi? Is it about Tae? He is getting better right?" I blurted out before he could say anything. The doctor shook his head. 

Uh oh, I thought, That is not a good sign.

We sat down on the sofa outside Tae's room. Jungkook and Jimin were standing so that Bogum ssi could sit down and talk us through Taehyung's case.

No one's POV

The ambience was horrible. Everyone was waiting for the news to drop on them like a bomb. 

The doctor cleared his throat. "OK guys. I'm afraid it's bad news." He waited for that to register in our brains and continued. "I did an extensive scan of Taehyung's brain. The neurological signals are all messed up." 

The others just nodded their heads, not understanding a word the doctor was saying. 

"In simple terms, Taehyung's brain is failing."

There was a silence, folllowed by a series of random questions. "What do you mean?" "Doesn't that only happen in movies?" "Is Taetae hyung dying?"

That last question was asked by Jungkook. It made everyone look at him. Poor Jungkook's eyes were filled with tears. 

"D-doctor?" Yoongi asked, slowly raising his head. "Is he?"

Doctor Bogum slowly looked at him in caution. "I can't exactly tell you that he is dying, Yoongi ssi. But I can tell you that if we don't take action now itself, he will be brain dead."

"How long?" Jin asked, "How long does he have?" Everyone looked at the doctor, fear etched on their faces.

"Considering his lack of control over his abilities, my best guess would be 4-5 months. I am sorry guys." And with that, the doctor left the boys to themselves.

There was a long silence. To say they were shocked would be an understatement. Their second youngest member has at most 5 months to live. They were to shocked to even move. 

The first person to break the uncomfortable silence was Yoongi. "Guys, " he said, his voice mysteriously calm, "let's go see Taehyung. Stop moping around like he is already dead." And with that he turned around and went into Taehyung's room, leaving the others open-mouthed in their places.





A/n: Hi peanuts!!!!! So, I just wanna tell you guys that I have not done science in school. I mean I did it till like 8th grade but that about it. So I have no idea what I'm talking about here regarding the neurological signals and all. So it's all fictional. 

Have fun reading. Love ya guys

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