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Toms POV:
Her brown hair flowed effortlessly below her shoulder blades and her gorgeous Hazel eyes scan the crowd trying to find her friend. Slowly I make my way towards her my pace quickening up when she starts to walk away.

All of a sudden she runs, full pelt, towards a dude standing all alone with a confused and almost scared look on his face. His bedazzled look immediately changes into one of happiness. She finally stops, just as I'm about to say hi, and kisses this random dude on the lips. I almost wince, it's her boyfriend!!! Shit.

Zendayas POV:
"Trevor!" I yell, arms flailing. I haul myself at him letting a sigh of relief escape my, once tense, body. "Thank god." I almost shout as I press my half- shaking body against him. "I was wondering where you were." His grizzly voice, making his core vibrate. "Thought you had cheated on me."
"NO!" I yell "I would never do that to you!"
He laughed, as i smoothly (if I do say myself) grabbed his hand and started to walk down towards the exit of the mass crowd of people surrounding a random guy. Phtfff, celebraties.

Tom POV:
I already knew were she would be going, the coffee shop in the corner, every Saturday with her boyfriend. Eugh, she can do so much better. I start to walk, dodging people's camera, to busy focussing on Mark who was signing autographs. Thank god, I escaped them, I start to pick up my pace, watching the exit as it drew closer to me. I knew I would make it, and I did.

I entered the coffee shop, feeling the warm air brush against my face. She was there in the corner, as usual, with Trevor who was too busy on his phone than to recognise the piece of art in front of him. I sat silently  beside her, not too close but not too far away, Trevor all of a sudden got up and walked over to the bar, his attention fixed on the barista serving him.

I made my move. "Hi." I said, redness slowly creeping up my face "how are you?"
"Who are you?" She replied "Are you a fan?" My mind was whirring, whirring with things to say, but all that came out my mouth was "No."
"Oh ok, then, who are you?" Her angelic voice almost put me in a trance, but I made sure it didn't look like I was crazy fan. Because I'm not. Seriously.

"Oh! I'm Tom, Tom Holland." I murmured hoping that didn't draw any attention, "cool!" Her voice rang out through the busy coffee shop. Annoyed looks started being shot at me and Zendaya, I quickly whispered to her: "Shhhh, I don't want to be kicked out again!" She laughed, now, when I say she laughed, she laughed. She threw her head back in joy, which made her hair flick back like a flower in the wind. "Can I get your number?" I blurted out. She looked at me like I was a piece of dog shit. "Only for business reasons." "Of course." I said, scrambling for words, to cover up my mistakes. "Oh yeah, of course." OMG I'm getting my crushes number!!! But, of course, only for business reasons. Duhhh.

All of a sudden a low grizzly voice spoke up- "What are you doing with my girlfriend?" Oh no.

Zendayas POV:
OMG! I met an actor called Tom! And he wanted my number! For business reasons, obviously. But, of course Trevor interrupts his intimidating voice scaring Tom beside me: "What are you doing?" He inquires, staring straight at Tom, I butt in, "He's Tom Holland, and he's an actor." He grunted, showing no signs of interest."Yeah. Cool." Tom murmured, his face turning beetroot red.

He does look quite cute, when he does that, obviously not in that way, but you know. "Come on then Zendaya." "Lets go." I stand up and grab my bag, and say bye to Tom, his smile beaming. When we're outside, Trevor looks at me and says, "He's nice." And carry's on walking. I know, I say in my head, I know.

Toms POV:
Ok, first plan of action, get to know her, I can invite her, round to my house. That'll work, I think. Then we can take it from there.

I stand up and get up google maps on my phone, nearest bus station 500 yards. By the time I get home it's around 5:00pm, I sit down and begin to text:

Hi how are you?

I'm good thank you, how bout you?


Anyway, are you free to come
round to mine tomorrow

Yeah, why...?

Oh!!! Only for business reasons 😊

Oh ok 👌🏻 Cool! I'll see you
tomoz. 😁

Bye 👋🏻

See ya 🙃

Ok!!! I need to tidy my house, to make a good impression. Should I cook a fancy meal? Nah. She likes Dominos, right? That's romantic. I think...

Zendayas POV:
"TREVOR!!!" I yell. I can hear his annoyed whispering as he trundles down the stairs. "What?" He asks, annoyed. "By the way, tomorrow I'm going round to Tom Holland's house."
"Oh ok ." "That was a waste of time." He says, under his breath. I roll my eyes, he can very moody sometimes, still I still love him. Definitely. Absolutely. I think...

Hey!!! Hope you enjoyed, don't know when I'll post second part, but hopefully soon. Xxxxx  Thx for reading 📖😘

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