Chippie Chap 1

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"Papa, Papa!" The youngest Todoroki child begin to run through the house upon hearing about the arrival of her father Enji. The 5 year old girl runs the the front door and wraps her arms around her Father's legs, "Hi Papa! Welcome home," she says in a cheerful manner.

He smiles and places his hand on top of her head, "Hello princess, how has your day been? Have you experience any signs of your quirk?" he gives her a slight smile.

The girl quickly gives him a bigger hug before letting go of his legs to look up at him, "Nope, not yet but don't worry when I do get my quirk I'll be the strongest in the Todoroki family," she throws a fist into the air with a big smile on her face.

He puts his fist on his hips and laughs, "Not as strong as your father."

"Well, We'll have to see about that *Giggles*," she give him a happy and cocky grin.


"Papa look!" She was showing her father that she can make flames come out her left hand and ice come out the right hand. "Look Papa I got two quirks!" 

"Yes you did you will be strong like your Father," He then looks over and sees that Shoto was able to do the same thing, he walks over to him and pats him on the head, "Good job son, you will surpass me and be defeat All Might. You will fulfill the purpose of why I created you."

After that day Y/N wasn't able to spend as much time with her father like before, he was always training with Shoto when he was home. Y/N tried to join in the training as well but was told a princess like her should study and do light training instead. Y/N decided to train by herself and show her father she's strong but during that time her Mother was going through some very tough times.

One day Shoto and Y/N were going to see their Mother in the Kitchen only to find her freaking out while talking on the phone to her Mother. "I feel like I'm going crazy. I can't take it anymore. Every day, the children seem more like him, and the twins, their left sides are unbearable to look at. Y/N keeps saying she wants to be just like him when she's older which just, drives me crazy! All I see is their Father, I can't raise them anymore. I want to run away from this life."

Y/N had tears in her eyes from the words she was saying then she heard Shoto speak up, "Mom, what are you saying?" They stood there waiting for their Mom to turn around when the tea pot started to scream and soon after all that was heard was the twins screams.

(Damn that's some dark S**t)

Y/N and Shoto stood before their Father and listen to his words, "Moronic woman, to hurt the both of you at such an important time."

Y/N and Shoto stood with their heads down, "Papa, where's Mommy?" Y/N asked with tears in her eyes as she looked at the back of her Father's head.

"Huh. Oh, she hurt my masterpieces so I put her in a hospital to keep you both safe."

Shoto started to shake, "That was your fault." Enji turned around after hearing Shoto say that with a 'huh?'. Tears started streaming down Shoto's face, "You're the one who made her hurt me! I will reject you." 

Y/N had tears streaming down her face while she thought over and over her Mother's words 'Y/N keeps saying she wants to be just like him when she's older which just, drives me crazy!' She fell to the floor crying, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, It's my fault......She said that I was making her crazy," Y/N tugged at her hair while screaming, "I'M SO SORRY SHOTO, IT'S ALL MY FAULT!" 

Nothing was said, all that was heard was the cries from the twins........


Y/N and Shoto's relationship was heavily broken with Y/N blaming herself and locking herself away to study and train in peace. Shoto tried many times to talk to her and make her understand that it wasn't her fault but she wouldn't listen. 

Enji eventually started to train Y/N when she was 11 but always told her that she would just be a simple housewife instead of a hero like her brother. Y/N and Shoto's relationship was mended a bit around this time because they never talked about what happen when they were little. Over time things started to get a bit better in the world especially after she got recommended to go to the best Hero school around, UA High. 

Tomorrow was both her and Shoto's first day of school and she was extremely nervous being as she was home schooled her whole life. She thought to herself, A new chapter of my life begins, starting tomorrow.

A/N: New Book YAY! I hope you enjoy and if you would like more vote and comment to let me know, ALSO I have another Fanfic of Bnha called "Finding Where I Belong X reader story"

Rock That Halo...........Or Devil Horns Either Works

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