Chippy Chap 20

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Last Time. . . .

I smirked at him, "I'm going to defeat him while he's at his best." Katsuki looked confused but then let me go.

I looked at my classmates, "I'm sorry for worrying you I'm just excited the Shoto won so I can defeat him."

With that I walked out to prepare for my battle that was next.

'I'm gonna show that bastard I'm the best!'

Now. . . .

Before I have to start my battle I decided to see Midoriya-Kun, I watched a bunch of my classmates walk out sadly so I just walked in.

"Hi Recovery Girl is Midoriya-Kun okay?" I looked and saw Midoriya-Kun and Yagi, "Oh hello Yagi, how are you feeling Midoriya-Kun?"

Midoriya-Kun started freaking out, "I'm okay I have to have surgery but. . .wait is it okay for her to see you!" 

I giggled at him, "Remember what I said to you before the 1st trial?"

"Good luck Midoriya-Kun and be careful with One for all."

"Oh right I remember now!" Midoriya-Kun yelled, both Yagi and I smiled, "But how does she know All Might?"

"I told her of course! See saw me detransform when she was a kid." I nodded at them, "Yep and I was so shocked that I gave him snacks!" I replied.

We heard the intercoms say the next battle was about to begin, "I'm sorry Midoriya-Kun I wish I could stay but I'm next to battle."

He smiled at me, "No problem Y/n-Chan, good luck out there." I smiled then headed out.


My match between the vines for hair girl went quickly, all I had to do was use my fire to scare her than chase her out of bounds. 

I was walking out of the field and into the hall only to be met with my Father, "Y/n."

"Father." I said coldly.

He glared at me as I glared back at him, he was first to break our silence, "I want you to back out of the competition." I looked at him shocked then scoffed at him while I tried to walk past him shaking my head, "Y/n I don't need you wasting your brothers energy. He can actually win this as for you-"

"I can win this to!" I yelled back at him as he glared at me, "What 'Dad' are you scared I'm going to defeat your precious masterpiece!"

He scoffed at me, "You can't beat him Y/n so just listen to me and back out, say you can't because it's your Brother I don't care." He walked closer to me so he was towering over me trying to intimidate me, "He is my legacy and he is going to surpass All Might while you continue your model work and get married."

I looked down in anger, "Your Legacy?" I laughed at him then I looked dead in his eyes with a glare, "You might think he's your legacy but when I win this I'll prove to you that I'm your greatest masterpiece." I smirked at him, "But the difference is, I'll let everyone know how my 'Father' never approved of me."

I stood my ground until he smacked me causing me to look at the ground, "You will do as I say or else you can find another place to live! Remember you are replaceable!" He yelled at me then he walked away.

I stood there looking at the ground as a tears left my eyes. "Are you okay?" I froze when I heard the voice. 

I quickly wiped my face then looked up to see Kiri-Kun, "Kiri-Kun, yeah I'm fine don't worry!" I smiled at him as he looked at me worriedly.

"Before you head back to the stands you should go look at your face." I looked at him confused, "You have a red hand mark." he said pointing to his own cheek.

I placed my hand on my cheek as I felt like I was going to cry again, "Thank you Kiri-Kun, Good luck out there." I walked away from him as fast as I could so I wouldn't cry in front of him.

Kirishima POV

I watched Y/n-Chan walk away in a hurry, "I wish I could help you." I said to myself. I heard the whole conversation between her and Endeavor making me not like him. 

'That guy is so unmanly!'

"I have to talk to Bakugou-Kun." I said to myself. "But it'll have to wait until after our fight." I said looking at the stage.


Wayyyyyy later

I was preparing for my match with Todoroki, I haven't seen Katsuki since way earlier. 

"N/n" I looked up to see Hitoshi, "Hey sleepy Kitty!" I yelled as I gave him a hug.

"What happened to your face?" I released him then looked down nervously, "Is it that noticeable?" I asked.

He nodded, "Not to most people but I've learned to look for it since we were kids remember." 

I nodded as my body started to shake. 'I just want to break down from everything but I know I can't.' I mentally screamed.

I felt Hitoshi hug me then he whispered into my ear, "Its okay to cry Y/n, you know you can always let your guard down around me." I felt the tears start to stream down my face.

I cried into Hitoshi's chest, I cried thinking about Katsuki and Uraraka-Chan, I cried thinking about where I was going to be living after today, I even cried because I'm not good enough for anyone. "i-i-I'm s-sorry Hitoshi!" I whimpered out.

He continued patting my back, "It's okay Y/n but you need to get ready for your match with Todoroki-Kun." I nodded as I wiped my eyes with a smile.

"I can do this and I'm gonna win!" I said throwing a fist into the air.

Hitoshi smiled at me, "Yeah you can, make me proud."


I smiled at Hitoshi, "Wish me luck" I walked out hearing Hitoshi say good luck.

I walked to the middle of the field and onto the stage.

'If I go through with this I have nowhere to go.'


'If I back out I let everyone down including myself'

Shoto nodded at Present Mic-Sensei as he got into fighting stance.

I looked at my father, 'What if he's right and I can't do this?'


I kept looking at my Father, "I-I. . . ."

Rock That Halo..............Or Devil Horns Either Works

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