Chippy Chap 19

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Last Time. . . .

I rolled my eyes as Katsuki sat next to me, but this next line that he muttered to himself worried me, "What part of her was frail?" He looked the other way from me which made me worry even more.

'Maybe. . . . he does like her?' I thought to myself.

"I'll be back," I stated as I walked off without another word.

Now. . . .

I was walking through the halls trying to distract myself when I saw the short brown haired girl, "Hey Y/n-Chan!" I smiled at her, "Hi Uraraka-Chan."

She walked up to me with a smile, I was the first to break our silence, "Good job out there Uraraka-Chan, I think your plan was well strategize." 

She nodded at me, "Thanks Y/n-Chan, Bakugou-Kun was a lot tougher than I expected!" I nodded at her as well, "Well um Y/n-Chan can I ask you something?"

"Sure you can Uraraka-Chan." I said.

"A-Are you and Bakugou-Kun dating?" She asked nervously.

I nodded with a smile, "Yes we are!" 

She scoffed at me, "Well I should tell you. . .I have a crush on him. . ." I looked at her shocked.

I gave her a fake smile, "If I didn't know any better I would take this as a threat." I fake laughed.

She glared at me, "You should." I stopped laughing then glared at her, "Y/n-Chan, you might think you guys can make it but let's face it, he's to good for you." She smirked when she looked at me knowing she hit a nerve, "You're some big model and any guy would fawn over you but let's face it, Bakugou-Kun is probably just using you for fame when really he has a crush on me as well. He even brought me my jacket after the match!" 

I looked down at my shoes because honestly I didn't know what to say, were my previous thoughts coming true?

Uraraka-Chan started walking past me with a giggle, "Hey Uraraka-Chan," She looked back at me as I glared at her, "Katsuki pitied you so he brought your jacket to you plus he's not the type to cheat so I trust him." She scoffed at me as she headed to the stands.

I stood there for a few minutes until I felt ready to go back. I walked back down the halls then entered our section of seats but when I entered my heart broke. I saw Uraraka-Chan sitting next to Katsuki and talking to him as they waited for the match to begin. I walked in right past them and sat next to Tokoyami-Kun.

"So the match hasn't started yet?" I said to Tokoyami-Kun, he nodded at me. I could feel someone staring daggers at me so I knew it was Katsuki. "Who do you think is gonna win Tokoyami-Kun?" I asked.

He looked at me then back at the stage, "I'm not sure. Both are strong but I don't know how Midoriya-Kun is going to block his Ice." I nodded.

"Yeah I can already tell Shoto isn't planning on going easy on Midoriya-Kun." I sighed.


Right away Sho used his Ice but Midoriya-Kun blocked using One for all. It was so windy and cold, I wrapped my arms around me since I wasn't wearing my jacket anymore but something blocked the wind from me. 

I looked up and saw Dark Shadow, "Awe Dark Shadow you protected me!" I started petting Dark Shadow, "You're so sweet!" I said to Dark Shadow.

Tokoyami-Kun looked shocked, "Dark Shadow you aren't suppose to come out unless I call you!" Dark Shadow blew a raspberry at Tokoyami-Kun as it continued cuddling into me.

Katsuki stood from his seat, "OI YOU STUPID SHADOW THAT'S MY GIRLFRIEND!" Dark Shadow pushed Katsuki back into his seat as he said, "Screw you Gremlin!" I laughed as Dark Shadow came back over to me and rested on my shoulder.

"THE FUCK YOU JUST CALL ME!" Katsuki yelled louder.

I glared at Katsuki, "Oh shh Katsuki, Dark Shadow is my friend so back off."

Mina and Kaminari-Kun both went, "Ohhhhhh"

Uraraka-Chan smirked at me, "Awe Y/n-Chan is there trouble in paradise?" Katsuki glared at her as did I.

I smirked at her, "There's gonna be trouble with your head in a second when I slap you silly." I said as I stood from my seat but I stopped when Katsuki sat beside me pulling me back into my seat. Uraraka-Chan scoffed at us as we continued watching the battle.

I was watching the intense battle as Katsuki tried to hold me hand but I moved my hand into my lap so he couldn't. 

'I don't know why I'm so mad at Katsuki!' I mentally screamed but there was no stopping my actions, it was like I wasn't in control of my actions towards him. I stared down at my hands as I kept thinking, 'I can't believe I threaten Uraraka-Chan like that, sure I don't like her but I've never threaten anyone like that!'

I sat there watching Shoto take hit after hit, "Oh no Shoto." I was shaking at this point, "He's thinking to much." I muttered to myself.

Tokoyami-Kun looked at me, "I'll be okay Y/n-Chan." I nodded.

Todoroki POV

I kept thinking back then, "Leave him alone Papa!" I saw Y/n yell protecting me.

"Get out of my way Y/n."


"Their only 5 please quit pushing them!" 

"You to moronic woman get out of my way!"


I looked at my sister and mother on the floor but Y/n got back up, "I hate you Papa! All Might is the number 1 hero because he doesn't care about the fame, all he cares about is helping people!"

"The hell did you just say!" 


I remember us crying after the incident with my mom. I remember everything.

"Hey Sho, you know I think you'll be the best hero because unlike Papa you'll help others without caring about rank!" Y/n said to me.

I can't believe I forgot so much.

"No matter what Sho I'll be here for you!"

"Its your quirk, not his!" I heard Midoriya yell at me.


I watched Shoto use his fire I stood up, "WHAT THE HELL!" I yelled in shock, "He's actually using his fire." I said as I fell back into my seat laughing to myself.

"Are you okay Peppermint?" I continued laughing as the fight went on.

"I will never use his power in battle."
"Except against me."
"Not even against you."

I laughed even more that my fellow classmates were worried about me. Katsuki grabbed me by the shoulders making me look at him, "OI PEPPERMINT!"

I smirked at him, "I'm going to defeat him while he's at his best." Katsuki looked confused but let me go.

I looked at my classmates, "I'm sorry for worrying you I'm just excited the Shoto won so I can defeat him."

With that I walked out to prepare for my battle that was next.

'I'm gonna show that bastard I'm the best!'

Rock That Halo..............Or Devil Horns Either Works

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