Chippy Chap 25

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A/N: Before we get into the Chippy Chap I would like to apologize. I have been away for many reasons but the main reason was my mental health. I have many mental illnesses that I struggle with so I appreciate all of your patience while I was dealing with that!

Last Time. . . .

She hugged me with that smile that I could look at forever, "Only if you give me lots of cuddles and snacks." I scoffed at her as I returned her hug, "Sure thing Peppermint now help me eat all this fucking food before class starts." She nodded and we ate food together and watched some TikTok videos on my phone which I only have because she downloaded it.

Now. . . .

Normal POV

Y/n, Hitoshi, and Katsuki were currently at Hitoshi's apartment so Y/n could pack up some items.

Y/n threw her clothes into a duffel bag not even bothering to fold them, "Hey Hitoshi," The young girl yelled out gaining the attention of the purple haired male, "What's up?" He responded tiredly.

She held up a cat onesie that belonged to the boy, "Can I steal this?" She said with a slight giggle.

He rolled his eyes at the female then walked over to the closet where he pulled out a smaller sized onesie. He threw the smaller onesie at the girl hitting her in the face, "Take that one since it's smaller." he laughed at the girl.

Y/n pouted at him but gladly shoved the onesie into her bag. Katsuki came walking in with his usual scowl, "Oi Peppermint, are you almost done?" Y/n zipped up the rest of her bag with a small smile, "Yep" She responded.

Katsuki walked over and grabbed her bag then walked back into the living room, Y/n and Hitoshi walked out after him but Y/n had a sadden look on her face, "What's wrong?" Hitoshi asked.

She looked around the apartment, "I'm gonna miss living with my best friend even though it only lasted 1 night." She said.

Hitoshi patted her head with a smile, "It's not like you won't be over at all, now that you aren't living with your Father you can come over and we can have those sleepovers you're always talking about." He said.

Y/n's face brightened with a slight smile until Katsuki wrapped an arm around Y/n's shoulder, "Not gonna fucking happen, alone at least." Y/n rolled her eyes.

"Well we better get out of here before Mitsuki-Senpai gets worried," Y/n said removing Katsuki's arm, "I'll see you tomorrow Sleepy Kitty and make sure you text me." Hitoshi nodded in agreement as he walked the couple to the door.



Katsuki and I were now at his house where it had been decided that I would be living now, we walked in and I immediately removed my shoes.

"Oi Old Hag We're Home!" Katsuki yelled through out the house. I walked in a bit more but was bombarded in a bear hug from Mitsuki-Senpai, "Awe my beautiful Daughter is home!" She said in a cheerful tone, I giggled at her but gladly hugged her back.

She released me and I saw a tall brown haired male with glasses and a mustache walk in, "Hello Y/n, it's great to finally meet you. I'm Masaru Bakugou, Katsuki's Father, but please call me Masaru." He held out his arm for me to shake which I gladly did.

"It's great to meet you Masaru-Senpai and thank you for allowing me to stay in your home." I said grateful.

Mitsuki-Senpai jumped into the convo, "Don't worry about it Y/n, you're family and we always help family! Also you can stop with the formalities just call us Mom and Dad or just Mitsuki and Masaru if you'd like!" I smiled at the always energetic Mitsuki.

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