Chippy Chap 14

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Last Time. . . .

"Well. . . Honestly I've been feeling like someone is watching me and are just waiting to get me and well when I'm asleep I'm vulnerable so I've just been staying awake. I guess what I'm trying to say is I just don't feel safe."

"I promise you this, if anyone tries to hurt you I'll kill them Peppermint." He said then kissed her forehead.

He slowly fell asleep. . . . .

Now. . . . 

Today's the Sports Festival and we all were currently waiting in a room together. I was in the corner  stretching my body while we all waited. Katsuki walked over to me, "Oi Peppermint, what are you doing?" 

I looked up at him through my hair since I was bending down, "Hello Katsuki, I'm stretching before everything goes down. I wanna be ready for anything!" He smirked at my enthusiasm.

"Y/n, do you want me to put your hair up before the games?" Mina asked and I laughed at her, "Mina I can do it myself." She starting pouting so I said, "Okay you can."

She put my hair into a simple high ponytail, as she was doing my hair I heard Shoto and Midoriya declaring war on each other so I decided it was my turn. I walked over after they had their declarations, "Hey Sho," he hummed at me in acknowledgment, "I want to say that you might think Midoriya-Kun is who you have  to beat but. . ." I looked right into his eyes, "You're the one that I have  to beat."

He looked at me shocked, "What? Y/n what are you talking about?" 

I scoffed at him, "We all know who Dad is going to be rooting for," I made sure to stand up straighter to make myself a bit taller, "I'm going to show him I'm worth rooting for as well." I declared, he nodded at my words as I stared at him with a look of determination.


We started walking out to the field but Katsuki grabbed my arm making me look at him while he spoke, "Oi the Old Hag told me to tell you that she wants you to kick my ass." I giggled at him, "I'm sure you won't make it easy for me but I'll do my best." He grunted which I took as a yes.

We continued walking and I could see all the fans, I waved at everyone with a big smile. Midoriya-Kun looked at me in fear and wonder, "How are you able to be carefree with all these eyes?" I laughed at him, "I guess its the Model in me."

I looked at the stage and saw Midnight-Sensei, "Oh no why a R-rated hero?"

"AND NOW FOR THE STUDENT PLEDGE KATSUKI BAKUGOU!" Midnight yelled as I mentally sighed.

'He's gonna be an ass right?'

"I just wanna say, I'm gonna win."

'Called it'

Everyone started yelling and booing.

I rolled my eyes, "OH SUCK IT UP! YOU WANNA PROVE HIM WRONG THEN DO IT IN THE GAMES!" I yelled at everyone which made everyone glare at me.

'The model in me isn't use to this. . .' I thought

Katsuki walked up next to me and glared back at them like he was. . . protecting me?

Midnight-Sensei continued talking, "OUR FIRST GAME IS. . . . . AN OBSTACLE COURSE!"

'blah blah blah' 

We're now at the doorway waiting for it to begin, "Good luck Midoriya-Kun and be careful with One for all." I quickly whispered to Midoriya-Kun before I started running through leaving him with a shocked face.

'Crap i'm being squished!' 

I looked around me as Ice started forming I used my fire as I ran, "Nice Try Sho!" I yelled with a smirk. I kept running keeping up with Shoto. I stopped when I saw HuGe fucking robots.

'Isn't this a waste of money?'

I laughed, Time to use some heat, I used a large amount of fire from my left side as I ran between the legs of the robot aiming my fire at it the whole time. My high amount of fire and heat caused the robot to overheat and crash.

'I'm even past Shoto' I smirked at this thought and kept running but then heard Shoto from next to me, "Nice move to bad I'm still gonna win." I scoffed at him, "In your dreams!"

We came up to the next obstacle and HOLY FUCK THAT'S A LONG DROP!

I saw Shoto start skating across with ice so I followed his tracks and used my fire to make me catch up. I could hear Katsuki behind me using explosions.

'Good thing I have to take so many classes for dancing or else I wouldn't have the balance for this.'

We both got pass Shoto in the lead a bit as we ran up to a minefield.

"What the hell are they trying to kill us?!" I said to Shoto as he started carefully running through.

'I can do this all those classes weren't for nothing!'

I looked at the floor and started speed dancing through it allowing myself to get ahead of Shoto. That's when I heard "Him".

"BASTARD YOU MADE YOUR DECELERATION OF WAR TO THE WRONG PERSON!" Katsuki yelled at he started trying to hit both Shoto and I with explosions.

The three of us were fighting each other at this point so I crouched down in a T position causing them both to trip and fall as I got back up and started running again I heard explosions that got them, "Sorry Boys no hard feelings!" I yelled back.

I kept running as fast as I could especially when I heard a huge boom behind me, "Holy fuck I have not clue what that was, Just keep running, just keep running." I said to myself.

I was still running until a explosion blew me farther towards the exit but that's when Midoriya-Kun ended up in front of me, "WTF!" I yelled, I used my fire to go faster but it was no use. . . .I fucking came in second.

I ran through breathing heavily from the running. I looked at Midoriya-Kun crying over his victory, "Midoriya-Kun!" he looked at me with a red face, "I just wanted to say good job and I like your quick thinking!" I gave him a pat on the head as I walked over to Katsuki.

I looked at him and could tell he was mad but I wasn't gonna let that spoil my mood, I was beaming with confidence and happiness.

"Hey Katsuki that was amazing right! We placed in the top 5! We're amazing!" I was smiling from ear to ear and my hand up in the air waiting for a high five, "You gonna leave me hanging?" I laughed as he put his hand to mine but instead of slapping it he connected our hands.

"Katsuki that's not how-" My sentence was cut off by Katsuki kissing me on the lips. . .

A/n: sorry if this sucks it's 1 in the morning and I worked all day but wanted to get something out for you!

Rock That Halo..............Or Devil Horns Either Works

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