Chippy Chap 17

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Last Time. . . .

I felt someone grab my shoulders and pull me back with a growl. I looked up and giggled, "Hello Katsuki can I help you with something?"

He went to say something when the matches appeared on the screen, "Who the hell is Uraraka-Chan?" he said which made me laugh, "It's the girl you call Round Face." He nodded.

I looked up to see I'm facing Tenya-Kun, I should strategize before my fight with him.

Now. . . .

There's fun time before the battles begin so we have an hour to ourselves.

"If I can cause damage to his engines then I can force him out of the ring without even using my Ice!" I said to myself as I sat underneath a tree.

"Oi Peppermint," I looked up to see my extremely hot Boyfriend, "You fucking hungry?" I nodded at him.

"I'm starving! Thanks Katsuki!" I grabbed the food and started eating while Katsuki sat next to me and ate food as well. "Are you prepared for the games Katsuki?"

He scoffed at me, "I was fucking born ready." I giggled.

I moved closer to Katsuki so we were touching making mine and his face turn red.

We continued eating until I heard my name, "Y/n." I looked up to see Hitoshi, "Hi Sleepy Kitty, what can I do you for?" I asked.

"Can we talk?" He looked at Katsuki, "alone." he clarified.

I stood up from the ground dusting myself off, "Of course!" I looked at Katsuki, "Thanks for the food Katsuki I'll see you in the stands okay, save me a seat!" I walked away from the fuming boy and followed my purple haired bestie.

"So Hitoshi, what did you want to talk about?" He looked at me blankly then simply said, "Izuku Midoriya."

I looked at him questionably, "What about him? He's a good kid."

"That's who I'm going against," I nodded at him, "So I want you to give me information on him."

I sighed and looked at the floor, "Sleepy Kitty you know I can't, you might be my best friend but he deserves a fair shot so if I give you information on him I'll have to do the same for him as well."

He nodded at me, "I respect your answer, actually it's one of the reasons we became friends." I smiled at him.

"Well I'm going to go get seats with my class I know you can prove yourself out there Sleepy Kitty so don't give up and do your best, oh and don't forget to go-" He shut me up by patting my head and finishing my sentence, "Beyond Plus Ultra." I giggled with a nod.


I was currently sitting in the stands next to Katsuki, who was throwing some kind of fit, and Denki-Kun who I think was checking me out. It was Midoriya-Kun's and Hitoshi's turn to battle.

'I don't know who to cheer for?!' I mentally panicked.

Midoriya VS Shinso

I watched them both enter the arena but when the round started they just stood there waiting to talk, "He's probably going to get Midoriya-Kun to talk then use his quirk to make him walk out, Smart." I muttered to myself.

"Oi you sound like that fucking Nerd so shut up." Katsuki growled.

"You sound like nails on a board but I still listen to you." I rebelled, I heard him scoffed at me.

"MIDORIYA IS WALKING OUT OF BOUNDS!" Present Mic-Sensei yelled.

'At this rate Midoriya-Kun is gonna lose'

Suddenly there was wind and he stopped causing Hitoshi to panic and start yelling at Midoriya-Kun. Hitoshi punched Midoriya-Kun as he kept trying to push him out but then Midoriya block one of Hitoshi's attack by flipping him onto the floor making him go out of bounds.

"Midoriya Wins!!!" Yelled Present Mic-Sensei.

I watched Hitoshi start to walk off the stage so I got up and yelled at him, "GREAT JOB HITOSHI! YOU'RE WHAT A TRUE HERO LOOKS LIKE!" I smiled brightly at him while waving my arms, Katsuki of course growled at me.

He looked at Midoriya-Kun and was talking to him but then smiled as he looked back at me making me wonder what they were saying.

What they were saying. . . .

"You know everyone usually tenses up while talking to me," He looked up at you, "everyone except for her. You should keep your defenses high around people and so should your loud friend." Hitoshi said to Midoriya-Kun while he was still frozen, "I might just take a spot in 1-A and claim the heart of the girl I've been fighting for since the beginning." He stopped using his quirk and walked out leaving Midoriya-Kun shocked.


I ran after Shoto since his fight was next, "Hey Shoto!" He looked back at me as I gave him a big hug, "Good luck and make sure to win out there so we can fight later okay!" He looked at me monotone than nodded. 

I released him allowing him to walk around the corner where he suddenly stopped, "What do you want?" he said angrily.

I stood there waiting for someone to respond but unfortunately,  it was my Father, "You're acting disgracefully Shoto." Shoto started walking as my Father kept talking, "If you simply used the power in your left side you would've had an overwhelming victory in both the first rounds. You're weaker sister was even able to beat you both times." 

I looked down in anger, "I'm not fucking weak old man!" I muttered to myself.

"It's time to stop this childish rebellion of yours. You have a duty to surpass that imbecile All Might. . .Do you understand what I'm saying? You're different from your siblings, you're different from your sister. You are my greatest masterpiece." My Father said making my blood boil.

I could hear the anger in my brothers voice, "Is that all you have to say to me, you Bastard? I'll win this match and advance using only Mom's quirk. I won't give you the pleasure of seeing me use yours."

"Even if you win this tournament you'll soon find out the limits of that power." My Father stated. I ran back to the stands so I could watch the match with Katsuki but I was still pissed from what my Father said.

I sat down next to Katsuki and just kept looking straight ahead without a word. "Oi," I hummed at Katsuki letting him know I heard him, "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I shrugged not giving him an answer. Katsuki grabbed my hand from my lap and intertwined our fingers. 

I looked at him with a red face, "Uh, Katsuki what are you doing?"

"What does it look like Peppermint?" He kept looking forward as he talked, this caused me to smile a bit and lift my spirits.

Todoroki VS Sero

They both appeared and the first to attack was Sero-Kun, he used his tape to wrap around Shoto and tried you swing him out of bounds but Shoto caused a huge Ice hill.

'He must be so pissed that he took it out on poor Hanta-Kun."

Everyone yelled 'Nice try' in the stands.

I could see he was hurt emotionally. 'I'll have to talk to him later.'

Instead of watching the next match I decided to go to the waiting room and think about my match.

I was sitting on the chair with my head in the palms of my hands, "So much has happened in one day," I placed my head onto the table as I sighed, "My head is gonna explode!" 

I heard a chuckle, "If you need explosions then I'm the best person for the job." I turned my head to the side so I could see Katsuki, "What's wrong Peppermint?" He asked as he sat next to me.

I sighed at him, "I just have to much on my mind Katsuki." I put my face into my arms.

I felt Katsuki grab my hand and held it as I looked at him. He placed his head on the table so he was at eye level with me, "Tell me about it."

Rock That Halo..............Or Devil Horns Either Works

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