Chippie Chap 2

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Just a little info before you read PLEASE READ!

Y/n Todoroki has never attended school except home school, the only time she goes out is for work which is mostly modeling. She has a past relationship with All Might, which we'll get into later. Lastly she's very protective over Shoto and over people talking about their scars because she feels responsible. 



"Shoto Todoroki hurry the Hell up and let's go, we're going to be late because of you!!! I could literally become a Hero and you still wouldn't be ready!"  The door opens to reveal my annoying twin brother.

"I'm here okay, now let's go." We quickly walk downstairs waving goodbye to our other siblings, mainly Fuyumi, as we left the house.

Shoto and I walk side by side on the way to school, I'm glad we live close by UA. "So are you excited to start school?" He hums in response. I glare at my non-responsive brother, "Oh come on show a little emotion for me," he stiffens a bit from trying not to chuckle as he keeps walking. I grab his arm with a smile on my face, "Well I for one am very nervous, this is going to be my first time going to school, and what if I have to deal with some fans or something."

He gives me a soft smile and pats my head with his left hand, "There's no need to be nervous because I'll always protect you," I give him a smile in return but then quickly turn my smile into a pout, "Last time I checked Sho, I don't exactly need your protection." He gave a simple laugh as we made our journey to school.


"Why the hell is this door so big?!?!" Shoto chuckles at my reaction before walking in and immediately taking a seat next to the window all the way in the back. Typical Shoto. I walk in and I'm greeted by a blue haired boy with glasses, "Hello my name is Iida Tenya!" 

I smile at him, "Hello Iida-Kun, my name is Todoroki Y/n, but you can just call me Y/n-Chan since it would get confusing with my brother. It's really nice to meet you!" I finished my sentence while slightly bowing.

"It's nice to meet you to Y/N-Chan!"

After talking to Iida-Kun for a bit I walked over to my brother, "Hey Sho?" He hummed in response, "Are you really not going to introduce yourself?" He just looked at me with a monotone face while simply stating, "I'm not here to make friends." I stuck my tongue out at him while taking a seat in front of him.

More and more students showed up and took their seats, it was quiet until Iida started yelling at a ash blond who had his feet on the desk. Bad thing about this is, he's two seats in front of me.

"Take your feet off that desk right now!!!" Iida yelled "Huh?" The blond replied. They continued yelling at each other until a green haired boy had all the attention on him, then our teacher hopped into the room inside a yellow sleeping bag.

"Put these on and head outside, you have 10 minutes." He pull out gym uniforms from his sleeping bag and handed them out to us. 

We walked out to the changing rooms and I entered the girls side obviously. I got dressed quickly and ran out with my hair still down but I ran into the same ash blond haired boy from before, "Oh! I'm sorry for running into you, I must not have been paying attention." I said politely.

The ash blond boy looks at me with a scowl, "Watch where you're going Shorty!" I stood there a bit shocked that he could just yell at me like that after I had apologized. Then I realized what exactly he had said, this boy just called me 'Shorty'.

I immediately looked up at his scowling face and starting poking his chest with my left pointer finger, "Now YOU listen here you damn Porcupine! I don't know who you think you are but you need to learn some respect!" I yelled.

He grabbed my hand with his right hand then with his left he grabbed the collar of my jacket, "YOU WANNA GO YOU STUPID BITCH!" I got closer to his face then screamed back, "YEAH I WANNA GO, YOU DUMB ASS!" 

He began to emit explosions from his hands so I started to freeze his hand but then I felt another hand touch us which melted the ice I was forming. I look over at Sho who then pulled the ash blond boy off me, "Don't touch her." he said in a very menacing but still calm voice.

"FUCK OFF YOU DAMN HALF AND HALF BASTARD!" He yelled at Sho so I, being the completely rational person I am, punched him straight in the jaw which let me tell you, FELT AMAZING!

The ash blond went to attack me again but we both were wrapped up in a. . . scarf?

"THE HELL IS THIS!!!" The ash blond yelled.

In a very tired and uninterested tone the teacher Aizawa said, "Don't make me expel you both already, I don't get paid enough to handle this." I quickly apologized to the teacher while the Ash blond just glared at me.

'The hell is your fucking problem damn porcupine? Want another knuckle sandwich?' I thought while I glared back at him.

Sho grabbed my arm after Aizawa let me go and started walking me over to where we were suppose to meet but I ripped my arm out of his grasp, "I don't need your help Sho, I'm more than capable to walk without your help." Leaving him behind I walked over to the other students and stood next to a red head male. 

Aizawa was explaining how we would be doing a Quirk  test to see how our quirks work. He called the ash blond boy who I now know is named Bakugou to throw a ball since he placed first in the entrance exam. 

'He got first, Hmm well I'm surprised.' I thought to myself.

He stood in the circle than threw the ball screaming 'DIE', well not before he gave me a smirk that will probably burn into my brain because it was actually hot. The way he was looking at me is like he's challenging me and I never  back down from a challenge.

'Well Porcupine I can't wait to see what you got'

Rock That Halo..............Or Devil Horns Either Works

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