Chippy Chap 23

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Last Time. . . .

I ran to the corner or the room to the trash can and puked my guts out.

'I can't believe he's kicking me out when I won!'

I started to cry as I fell to the floor, "Screw you old man." I said in between sobs.

Now. . . .

I was walking aimlessly through the park, bags in my hands.

'I should find out where I'm gonna sleep tonight.'

I went to walk to a bench but my tired body collapsed so I laid against a near by tree. Instead of trying to get back up I just remained on the floor and took my phone out of my pocket, I put in my password and I opened my contacts.

'Who should I call?'  I questioned myself.

I looked at my favorites contact list, "I could call Katsuki but I don't want to bug him." I said to myself.

Then the contact Sleepy Kitty caught my eye. I always felt bad because he was always there whenever my Father hurt me or I was just having a bad day. This happened so often that we have code words for everything at this point.

I pressed the call button.

Calling Sleepy Kitty



"Hello?" He answered.

"Sleepy Kitty, uh code Pineapple."

I heard a slight silence, "How bad?" He asked firmly.

I looked at my body only to be met with a lot of injuries, "Uh pretty bad, he actually kicked me out." I chuckled nervously.

I could hear shuffling on the other end of the phone before he spoke in a angry tone, "He fucking kicked you out?! You can come stay with me I don't mind, Where are you right now so I can come get you." I heard banging then him mutter a few inaudible words.

"Im at ---- Park, I'm laying on the floor since I'm to tired to get up *Giggle*."

I heard more shuffling and a door close on his end, "I'm on my way now."

"Okay I'll see you when you're here."

Call Ended


I felt someone shaking me making me open my eyes, "Oh hi Hitoshi." I simply said.

He continued looking at me, "You look like hell." I gave him a light chuckle while nodding my head, "That's what every girl wants to hear!" I said sarcastically.

"You still have a sense of humor I see," He helped me stand up then basically dragged me to a bench, he went back to the tree grabbing my bags. He knelled before me with a plastic bag, I watched him pull out first aid supplies from the bag. "How much did that all cost?" I asked him.

He started putting disinfectants on my wounds making me wince, "Not much and before you say anything no you don't have to pay me back." I thanked him.

He kept cleaning my wounds in silence but he eventually broke our silence, "I'm surprised you called me instead of your new boyfriend." 

I looked at him with a sad smile, "He doesn't know anything about this side of me." He eyed me as I continued, "I don't want him to think I'm frail."

He smiled at me, "Small Fry you are far from frail."

I smiled, "Thanks Sleepy Kitty."

He chuckled, "I think you're the sleepy one here." I smiled, "Yes, yes I am."

He stood up and held out his hand, "Then let's head home so you can sleep." I smiled once more and took his hand.


We reached Hitoshi's apartment and he helped me sit on his couch, "Do you need anything? Maybe a shower?" I smiled at him, "Even if I wanted to I'm to tired for a shower." 

He laughed at me, "I could mind control you so you can shower." I chuckled at him, "I'm okay Hitoshi I think I'm just gonna sleep." I tried laying down on the couch but Hitoshi picked me up, "Where do you think you're taking me?" I asked him.

"To bed." He stated making me laugh, "I thought I already was on the couch." He rolled his eyes at me, "I'm not gonna let the girl sleep on the couch, you can sleep on my bed and I'll sleep on the couch unless you wanna cuddle." He smirked at me making me roll my eyes.

"You know I'm already use to cuddling you right?" I giggled but then Katsuki crossed my mind, "But my boyfriend probably wouldn't like it sooo." He laid me down on his bed.

"Goodnight Small Fry," I lightly punched him, "Goodnight Sleepy Kitty." I muttered before slowly falling asleep.


I woke up feeling like hell, "Ugh this fucking sucks," I muttered to myself.

"I bet it does." I looked up at Hitoshi and my face immediately went red.

I covered my eyes, "PUT A PANT ON, I MEAN A SHIRT!" I heard him chuckle then rustle around the closet

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I covered my eyes, "PUT A PANT ON, I MEAN A SHIRT!" I heard him chuckle then rustle around the closet. "D-Do you have a sock on now?" I asked.

He laughed again, "A sock? You do get flustered easily." I uncovered my eyes, "Screw you!" I yelled at him with a red face.

He walked over to me then leaned down so he was trapping me on the bed with his arms, "Anytime you want Small Fry." My face went even redder so I took the pillow behind me then hit him in the face with it.

"Ok Mister, you gotta chill with the flirting!" I yelled making him laugh more.

"No can do Small Fry, I like your reactions to much." He said giving me a kiss on my cheek then walking out of the room.

I jumped up out of the bed groaning in pain as I then leaned out the door frame, "And stop calling me Small Fry you jackass!" I heard him laughing in the Kitchen.

I decided to take a shower before school so I did just that, when I got out I looked at the bruises on my body with a sigh. I quickly got dressed, threw my hair up into a ponytail, then bandaged up my bruises and cuts.

"Breakfast is ready!" I heard Hitoshi yell. I ran out as Hitoshi placed two plates down on the table, I sat down in front of one of the plates with a big smile, "Thank you for the meal!" I said happily.

We both ate the food and had conversations about random things. After eating we walked to school, I was laughing so hard from our conversation about fricking cats. 

'This feels like old times, and it's perfect.'  I thought with a genuine smile on my face.

Rock That Halo..............Or Devil Horns Either Works

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