Chippy Chap 4

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........I started stuffing my little face with sweets in this nice unoccupied room.

Well the room wasn't unoccupied for long.....




Turns out I ran into All Might's personal dressing room.....



While I was stuffing my face with food I heard the door to the room open so I hid under a table that had a mirror attached to it. I watched a large figure walk into the room.

"Thank you everyone and the lights should be on any moment!" The figure shut and locked the door then sighed. "Thank goodness my time is almost up." The room started to fill with smoke a little then the lights turned on.

Here I sat a ten year old little girl stuffing her face with sweets and watching the Hero her Papa hated turn into a very scrawny man. 

I wasn't going to say anything and wait for him to leave since he hasn't noticed me but of course I just HAD to burp.


He looked at me and we just stared at each other.




I held out the treats, "You want some? They're really good." I causally got up and sat on the couch while he still stood there shocked. I then started to panic from his staring, "I'm sorry that I saw your secret All Might-San but I won't tell anyone I promise! If it makes you feel better I'll tell you one of my secrets!"

All Might is the Hero I inspire to be one day. He doesn't do this for the money or fame, he actually wants to help people just like I do. Sure my Papa hates his guts and would want to know something like this but this is something All Might wanted to keep a secret for a reason, I might not know the reason but I won't tell anyone because it's not for me to tell. 

The scrawny man laughed at me, "I suppose since you already saw it no point in hiding it. I'm Yagi Toshinori, what's your name kiddo?"

I stood up and placed the plate of sweets on the table then bowed, "I'm Todoroki Y/n Sir, I'm the daughter of Endeavor. I also am currently working as a model in this building." I looked back up a little nervous, he just smiled and sat on the couch next to were I had been sitting before.

"So....What are we eating until this storm passes?" I smiled and sat back down.

Yagi and I got pretty close during this night and we shared many secrets. He told me he had a feeling he could trust me because I was a lot like someone he was really close to that recently had died. During this night he told me how his power One For All actually works and I told him how my Papa really is to our family. He was very sad about our family because he felt like it was his fault but non the less agreed not to tell anyone. It was weird how close we got to each other and how he was acting like a Father to me. After all the talking we did I ended up falling asleep on his lap for the night and when I awoke he was still there. We exchanged information and I obviously had to put him in my phone as something other than All Might.

End Flashback / Y/N POV

"I miss those times," I laughed, "As do I," Yagi responded. We sat there for a few minutes until I stood up and grabbed my bag, "Well I should head home, I'm sure Shoto is waiting to walk home with me." I waved goodbye as I ran out to meet with Sho.

 I ran outside where my Twin was, "SHO! I'm sorry for taking so long..." I yelled out of breath from running.

"It's okay, here drink this." He handed me a bottle of water which I gladly drank, "WHEW! Thanks Sho, I really needed that. Let's go home now okay?" He nodded and we headed home for the night.

I ate dinner with my family and ended up having to help Natsu with his homework since he isn't the smartest in the family. Thankfully Papa wasn't home tonight because of work out of town so it was pretty peaceful night with my family. After all that I ended up taking a shower, I got dressed in a big T-shirt and shorts, then crawled into my bed with my phone. 

Hey Y/n! This is Mina! I wanted to know if you wanted to walk to school together tomorrow?

[N/n] N/n=Nickname
Hey Mina, I would love to walk to school with you tomorrow! Where should we meet?

How about we meet at -Name- Cafe? Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, and Bakugou should be there as well lol I guess Kiri convinced them to walk with us. What do you say?

Ugh Bakugou-Kun is gonna be there? Whatever I'll just ignore him and hang out with Mina and who ever the other people are.

Sure I'll meet you there at 7, sound good?

YEP! Well meet you there N/n!

I went through my other text messages that I had messed that were mainly from my Manager and co-workers. After going through my phone I went to sleep all curled up in my bed but I had an uneasy feeling that I was being watched before I fell asleep.

Rock That Halo..............Or Devil Horns Either Works

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