Chippy Chap 24

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Last Time. . . .

We both ate the food and had conversations about random things. After eating we walked to school, I was laughing so hard from our conversation about fricking cats.

'This feels like old times, and it's perfect.' I thought with a genuine smile on my face.

Now. . . .

Shoto's POV

I walked to school by myself since Y/n was forced to leave last night.

'I wonder where she stayed last night, probably with Bakugou-San even if I don't want that for her.' I thought to myself.

I walked into class where I saw Bakugou-San but I didn't see Y/n in sight, I walked up to him who looked angry as normal, "Bakugou-San, where is Y/n?" I asked in my normal voice.

He glared at me, "The fuck you talking about Half & Half?" He said angrily.

I was confused by his answer, "Didn't she spend the night with you last night?" I asked confused.

He looked confused now, "Why the fuck would she be spending the night with me? She went home last night."

'Does he not know what happened last night?' I thought.

I went to walk away so I can look for Y/n but he grabbed my arm angrily, "Where the fuck is my girlfriend you half & half bastard!" He yelled.

I sighed then monotonously said, "I don't know, My Father kicked her out of the house last night and she isn't answering her phone at all so I figured she was with you." He looked extremely pissed.


I went to Recovery Girl for her to heal me but she declined since I seemed like I was already exhausted. Hitoshi was walking me to my class since he said he was worried about me.

"Sleepy Kitty you don't have to walk me to class I'm okay really," I said tiredly.

He just kept walking as he said, "I'll leave once I walk you to class Small Fry." I pouted at the name he called me.

Before I could reach my class door Katsuki came storming out. He stormed over to me grabbing me by the collar, "Where the fuck were you last night?!" He yelled at me.

I was irritated by the brute force he was showing me so early in the morning and I was truly to tired for this, "I was staying with a friend." I tiredly said as I removed his hand off me.

He looked at Hitoshi, "Was it this fucker!?" He yelled pointing at Hitoshi

Hitoshi rubbed his temples, "Yes I'm that 'Fucker' that she stayed with last night." Hitoshi looked at me with a smile and patted my head, "I'm going to head to class I'll see you later." I waved him off then looked back at Katsuki's glare.

Katsuki was glaring at Hitoshi's back then reverted it to me, "You went to his house last night?" I nodded as confirmation. He kept glaring at me in silence which I was use to, "Why the hell did you think it was okay to stay with him!" He yelled making me glare at him.

"Excuse me?" I said angrily, I started using my pointer finger to poke his chest, "I can stay the night anywhere I want! You're not my parent so you have no say in what I do an-"

Katsuki gripped onto my arm aggressively making me shut up from the pain, "I might not be your parent but I am your Boyfriend and I do have a say when you sleep at another guys house!" He yelled gaining other peoples attention.

I was trying to pull my arm from his grip but he just held onto me tighter causing me more pain, "Katsuki, you're hurting my arm so let go!" I yelled a bit louder gaining the attention from innocent bystanders.

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