THE 🔹 t r a n s f e r

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"You've got to be joking," I tell my big sister with wide eyes. "Sorry Ems, I just lost the job and uncle Arther said he'd help us if we move over there!"Maple explains. "What about Ilvermorny? My friends? My boyfriend?"Red asks while pacing causing me to get dizzy.

"You don't have a boyfriend," I point out. "Yes, I do!" She yells at me and I raise my arms in surrender.

Maple grabs Red's shoulders and tries to calm her down. "You are going to transfer to my old school, Hogwarts!" She chirps and I scoff. "Hogwash, you mean? I heard that school is full of snobby kids who think they are better than everyone else," I say while getting up and crossing my arms.

Red and Maple roll their eyes. "You do realize you sound like one at the moment, right?" Red asks. "Hey!" "Just saying!"

"Where are we going to live anyway? Doesn't uncle Arthur have like a billion kids?" I ask and change the subject. "He doesn't have a billion kids, and we have lots of money from mom and dad so that's where I come in and find us a place. While he hooks me up with a job with the ministry!"

"Please don't make us go!"Red pleads. Maple sighs. "We have until the end of the week to pack everything," she says and leaves the living room.

Red turns towards me with a blank face. "When we move I'm getting the biggest room," she says and I laugh. "You wish!" I reply and head to my room to start packing.

 ✪ 4 days Later ✪ 

Maple drives towards the countryside and I mentally groan. Being surrounded by bugs and heat, great.
"Are we there yet?"Red asks in a bit of annoyance. "Poppy, if you ask that one more time, I'm going to break your wand!"I tell her while glaring at her.

She rolls her eyes and looks out the window. "Okay guys, we're here!"Maple says and pulls into the driveway. "We're ladies," I say with a fake British accent and she shakes her head. Red looks at the house and gasps, "Did you have to get one with so many plants basically covering the window I bet we won't see a thing once we go in there!"Red exclaims. I open the car door and apparated inside. I look around and it's a little dusty and there's some paper on the ground.

I run upstairs and look for the biggest room. "Ember! You better not get it!"I hear Poppy yell, I laugh and enter the biggest room. Red runs in here shortly after and groans. "Not fair!" she yells and stomps out. Loser.

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