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No one can take away Ember's personality; I swear she's going to kill me

No one can take away Ember's personality; I swear she's going to kill me

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A couple of months had passed and everyday torture was given to me. Every day it got worse but today...it was something worse. Instead of me collecting my usual Crucio's, Draco is going to take them. I haven't seen him for a week or two. Bellatrix had decided to chain us on opposite walls with our backs facing each other. 

Some death eaters pull both me and Draco up and they brought upstairs. Snape, Draco's parents and him were sitting at a table. "Amber its time for you to die," Pettibitch says. "I think I already did when I first saw your fucking face," I tell him and Snape had a small smirk on his face but it disappeared.

"And for the millionth time, my name is Ember, get it right," I snap and Voldemort hits his hand on the table. A death eater sits Draco beside his parents and he looks at me in worry. Voldemort grabs his wand and slowly waved it around me. At first, nothing happens but then I start to feel dizzy. My blood starts to float into a huge vile that Snape is holding. 

I open my mouth but blood comes out and old scars reopen. A death eater enters with Mr.Olivander, a goblin, and Luna Lovegood. "Put them in the dungeon," Voldemort says without even casting them a glance. 

Voldemort stops for a moment he looks over the vile of my blood. He places his hand in it and he quickly pulls it out. My blood burned his skin, hella cool. "Why is it doing that?" he asks Snape in a hiss. "Perhaps it's defending itself, or it's the poison that makes it untouchable," Snape answers. "Peter, bring me that muggle girl," Voldemort orders and Pettibitch obeyed. 

"Here you are- my lord," he says and throws the adult woman at Voldemorts crusty feet. He looks at me and hands me the vile. "Drink," he whispers, this psycho bitch did not just tell me o drink my own blood. Nonetheless, I took a sip and nothing happened. Everyone besides the no-maj looks shock. 

"Give her the vile," he tells me and motions me to give it to the muggle. I think the fuck not, "I'm not going to let her drink my blood," I grit out and he gives me an emotionless face.

"I understand, I wouldn't want a dirty muggle drinking something so powerful," he says and has his snake eat the woman. "Lucius, come here," he says, oh no. Lucius hesitantly walks over here, fear clearly written all over his face, I look around and my eyes meet someone. I smirk at them and they got scared. I threw the poison all over them and they burn they scream in pain and I turn towards Voldemort. 

"Oops, I guess you can't get my blood after all," I tell him, he glares at me, "You will pay," he says then apparates out of the room. The other death eaters leave the Manor the same way.

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