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"Maple! You're here!"I yell as I see my sister in the common room. "I came as soon as I can Blue!" she says while getting up to give me a hug. We pull away and she takes me to the couch. "So I fixed whatever happened between Cedric and Red, and now they are a happy couple..again! Let's talk about you and this guy you were talking about.

I begin to blush at the thought of what happened yesterday. Merlin, I'm such a loser.

"Oh! Something happened! Oooo, tell me!"Maple exclaims and acts like a teenager. "Nothing happened!" I tell her and her face drops, she gives me a blank expression which made me roll my eyes. "Okay, so we kissed a few times but that was it," I tell her. She squeals and gives me a hug.

"Hey, you're gonna wrinkle my robe!" I shout and she lets go of me. "So are you two going to this ball thing?" She asks and I nod. "Who asked?" "Me, duh," I tell her and she smirks at me.

"That's my girl!" she says and ruffles my hair. "I just got off my period Maple! my mood swings are still here, you do not want to mess with me!"


"Hey Ember," I hear someone say from behind me. I turn around to see Red. "Hey Red, are you nervous?"I ask her, word got around that the first task is battling a Dragon.

"Of course I'm nervous!" She exclaims and runs her hands down her face- clearly stressing out. "Do you know who's going first?"I ask her, I really hope she doesn't, the pressure won't suit her well.

"Cedric is going first, then Krum, then me and Fleur, that leaves Harry as the last one." Poor Harry. "You're going to be fine! You were ahead of everyone in Ilvermorny!" I tell her and she rolls her eyes. "Yes, I know was, but that a long time ago!" "That was literally 5 months ago Red," I say with a blank face. "Exactly!" She yells and we both laugh. I look over Red's shoulder to see Maple running towards us.

"You two follow me now!" She yells as she runs past us. I look at Red and shrug my shoulders, nonetheless, I follow my eldest sister to an empty classroom. "What wrong Mapes?" Red asks while catching her breath. "So Severus just told me your first task is Dragons!"

"Okay so?" "Who the fuck is Severus?" Red and I say at the same time. "It's Snape! And I really need to get this off my chest, mom got pregnant with me at a really young age, and our parents both thought "Why don't we genetically design our baby?" And by doing that, they injected dragon blood into my veins and did the same to you too.

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