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After burying my sister beside Red and lay down in between their graves. "I love you guys, always & forever," I say and I disapparate to a room, a dark room.

 "Ember?" I hear someone call behind me. I turn around slowly and I see Draco rubbing his eyes and sitting up from his bed. "Draco-" he hugs me and I quietly cry into his shoulder. 

I take off my shoes and sweater before looking at him, "Can I have a shirt?" I ask him and he nods. He hands me a shirt that looks like a dress and I put it on. I take off my skirt and climb into his bed. We lay down facing each other and he grabs my hand from underneath the covers. "I love you Ember," he whispers and I hold onto his hand tighter. "I love you Draco."

"I wanted to protect you, from him. He made me a death eater and I had to play his game," Draco starts and he pulls me closer.

"My father told me I had to break up with you because the Dark Lord said I couldn't be with a blood traitor. I'm sorry I didn't fight hard enough for you, and I will never love Pansy, you will always be the one for me," he explains and I smile at him. 

"You're such an idiot," I say and I shake my head while quietly laughing. He blushes and his forehead presses against mine. "But you're my idiot," I whisper against his lips and they collide.
His hands went to my hips and my arms went around his neck. Sparks were felt, its something I have trouble getting used to and I will never get tired of it. 

We pull away and he looks at me, "Be my girlfriend again?" he asks and I smile. "It would be my pleasure," and we cuddle, throughout the night we never let each other go. 


"Draco! Open the door now!" I hear someone yell while banging on the door. I shake Draco and he jumps up. "Open!" "Oh Merlin," he whispers. "Sorry father, I'll be out in a couple of minutes!" he yells and the person behind the door huffed but walks away. Draco turns towards me and I placed my head on my knees. 

He pecks my forehead and my face heats up. "I'm going to have breakfast but I will bring you something, what do you have in mind?" he asks me and he gets up. I think for a bit then all of a sudden I have a craving, french toast with powdered sugar and strawberries. 

"French toast with powdered sugar and strawberries?" I ask him while biting my lip in the hope that he'll say that he can get me that. "Anything for you," he says and putting on a dress shirt and formal looking jeans.

I smile at him and I walk towards him and I give him a hug. He hugs me back and kisses me. "I'm sorry that my aunt killed your sister," he says, why did you have to mention that you idiot? 

"It isn't you who has to apologize Draco," I tell him and I sit down on his bed. "But I didn't do anything to stop it," he whispers and I give a sad look.

"Neither did the one she loved Draco, I think we are all to blame. Once everything had happened between you and Dumbledore, Maple told me something was pulling her towards the Astronomy tower and I didn't stop her from going. I could've prevented her from going into her own death trap," I tell him and he sits down next to me.

"You aren't to blame Ember," he tells me. "You aren't either," I whisper and we lean in but someone was knocking at the door.  "Alohomora," they whisper and the door opens. I hid behind Draco and the person enters the room and they gasp. Oh, how stupid of me, of course, they are going to see me. I stood in front of Draco with my wand in my hand. 

His mother looks at me in shock, her eyes look at Draco then back to me. She closes the door and sits in Dracos chair in the corner. "And when did you get here?" she asks and I sit down on the bed in criss-cross applesauce. 

"Last night," I simply answer and she nods. "Your hair grew," she points out awkwardly. "That's what happens when you don't see me for a year or two," I say with a smirk and she looks annoyed. "I'm not going to say a word because you two truly belong together," she says and Draco holds my hand.

(OOOO she also ships Drember)

"Draco, your father wants you in his study, it's urgent, and Ember we are going to have company tonight, I suggest you do not make a sound," she says and leaves the room- closing the door behind her.

"Ember, the Dark Lord wants you for your blood, and since you are the only one with the dragon blood he will stop at nothing to have you," he says and I sigh, "I'll be okay Draco."


"Please stop!"



"I've been looking everywhere

 for you Ember."

"Please stop..."


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