-oLD MaN?-

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"So why are we going to Hogsmeade?" I ask Draco, and he doesn't even glance at me. "I want to introduce you to some people," he replies. "Do you have secret children and you want me to meet them because I'm your girlfriend?" I ask him as we enter Hogsmeade. "No I don't have children, I don't even want children. Not yet at least," he says and pulls me closer and we walk towards the deep corner of the small place.

I see Draco's parents and I immediately walk back. Draco stops to look at me with concern, "What? Are you nervous or something?" he asks me. "Well, I did call your dad old and I did tell him to fuck off," I point out. "That was a long time ago, now c'mon," he says and pulls me to their table. "Wai-" "Draco!"His mother shouts as she hugs him.

 I stood behind Draco and his mother pulls away. "Now where is this you've been talking about in your letters?" his mom asks. Draco softly pulls me in from of him and I face her. Her eyes showed a bit of worry but it vanished as she put on a smile. "Pleasure to meet you, darling," she says and motions us to sit down across of them. 

I sit across from her and Draco sits in front of his dad. "Er dear, what's your surname?" she asks me. I clear my throat, "Weasley mam," I tell her with a strand of shyness in my voice. Lucius scoffs. "Please call me Narcissa, well if you want to," Narcissa offers and I slowly nod.

"Draco has been sending letters saying how you both went to the ball and that you asked him, why did you ask and not wait for him to ask you?" Draco's dad asks. "It is rather unladylike," his mom adds.

"I asked Draco because I knew he was too afraid to ask me. I am in Gryffindor after all, I have the courage to do just that, and if I were to wait for Draco to ask me I think would have gone to the ball in the first place, I mean I was new and I barely knew anyone," I tell him.

His face expressionless and so are his eyes, weirdo. "Why don't you tell them about your family?" Draco says while breaking the awkward silence. "Well my parents were killed when I was young and I was being raised by my older sister, I'm the youngest of the 3, she lost her job as an Auror in New York so we moved back here to live beside our uncle. I think you know him, Aruthr Weasley?"

"We know exactly who he is," Lucius spits out and I held back an eye roll. "Right well, that's basically all I know about my family," I say and I hold Draco's hand under the table. " I heard one of your older sisters are competing in the Triwizard Tournament, hows that?"Narcissa asks.

"Well, its actually her and her boyfriend competing, quite funny if I'm being honest. But I just have a feeling like something bad is going to happen, maybe it's just because it a very dangerous game and my sister happens to be a part of it. If you couldn't tell, my sisters and I are very close." 

Lucius tenses up and Narcissa smiles at me. "You talking about your sisters remind me of my own," she starts. "I was also the  youngest, I always looked up to them but of course my sister turned into a blood traitor when she married a muggle, but before that we were the best of friends and loved each other dearly" she says, "Are you saying that you don't love your sister because she married someone she loves?" I ask her and Draco clutches my hand tightly.

Lucius looks at her and she got flustered. "I-I will always love my sister, it just the choice she made by cutting all communication and never talking to us again that hurt," she confesses and I sigh. "Look, I know you are both struggling to like me because I'm a Weasley, a Gryffindor, and a 'blood traitor', but all those aside I really care for Draco, and I'm beginning to love him," I start and Draco smiles at me.

"And I'd do whatever to keep his heart stopping smile his face, but if you don't appreciate us together I guess I have to respect your wishes and end whatever we have," I say. "What? No! Mum, dad, please, I-I love her," Draco confesses. 

They both look at us and Narcissa smiles at us. Lucius gave us a slight nod and got up with his life and they both walked out. "She's good for him," I hear Dracos mom whisper. "Surprisingly she is," he responds and they both disappear. I turn towards Draco and shake my head at him. "I'm so going to kill you when we go back to the castle," I tell him. He smiles and pecks my cheek, "I know," he whispers.


"So you were 5 when your mum told you girls don't have a penis?"Draco asks Ron as he tried not to laugh. "For the hundredth time yes!"Ron exclaims and everyone, excluding Ron, laughed. "Oh, I have a story!" Harry says and we look at him.

"There was this one time where my aunt and uncle left the house for a few hours, my cousin Dudley brought over a girl and they were at it all night. They didn't hear my aunt pull in the driveway and they got caught licking peanut butter off each other! I mean, who even likes peanut butter?"

"I like peanut butter," I say and Harry gives me a weird look. "I love peanut butter!"Draco exclaims and places an arm around me. I smile at him and he does the same.

"Now I see how you two deserve each other," Ron mutters with an eye roll. I stuck my lounge at him and he did the same to me. "Well it's getting late, we really should be getting to our dorms," Hermione says while getting up and yawning.  Harry yawns next and Ron gets up beside Hermione.  "I think going to sleep sounds like a good idea," Ron states and rubs his eyes. "Are you coming to Em?" he asks.

I look at Draco and he looks at everyone with a slight frown. I turn back at the trio in front of us. "I think I'm going to sleep in Draco's dorm, "I tell them.  "Well, if he wants me to," I add. Draco scoffed, "Of course I want you to, what kind of question is that?" I elbow him in the shoulder as I say goodnight to the three. Draco, the trio, and I go our separate way. I follow Draco to the dungeons, where the 'Slytherin Headquarters' is at.


I lay in Draco's bed and he lays beside me. We look at each other and he brought me closer, "You're so beautiful," he whispers. I smile and blush, "You are too." He chuckles and held me tight. "I love you Draco," I whisper and kiss the tip of his nose.

"I love you too Ember."

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