⍚ U N F O R G I V A B L E ⍚

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"The name's Alastor Moody," the new short rounded professor says. He writes something on the board and I begin to zone out. "-I'm here because Dumbledore asked me, end of the story, goodbye, the end!" He says and Ember lightly chuckles. "Any questions?" he asks and Ember raised her hand.

He points at her and she lowers her hand. "When is this class over?" she asks and the entire class laughs. I, however, roll my eyes at her, she's such a child. The professor ignores her and began to speak.

"When it comes to the dark arts you believe in a practical approach," he states. "But first, which can tell me how many unforgivable curses there are?" he asks the class. "3, sir," the mudblood answers. "And they're so named?" he asks while limping towards the board. "Because they are unforgivable, the use of any one of them would-" Herwhiney answers again but gets cut off.

"Would earn you a one-way ticket to Azkaban, correct? Now the minister says you're too young to see what these curses do- I'd say different! You need to know what you're up against! You need to be prepared, you need to find another place to put your chewing gum beside the other side of your desk Mr.Finnigan!" He yells and turns around.

I quietly laugh and everyone turns to the Gryffindor. He mutters something and the professor throws the chalk towards him. My father would have loved to see this. "I'm here across classrooms, so which curse should we see first?" The professor says as he stops in front of Weaselbee's desk. "Weasley!"


"Stand," Moody says sternly and the ginger does as told. "Give us a curse," he demands. "Well, my dad did tell me about one, the Imperius Curse," he replies. "Your father would know all about that, gave the ministry quite a bit a grief a few years ago, perhaps this will show you why," Moody says and I see that Ember scrunched her nose at him.

Moody uncovers something and brought out an ugly looking spider and made it twice the size it was before. "Imperio," he says while pointing his wand to the spider and the spider jumps on someone's desk then onto Crabbe's face and I started to laugh.

"Don't worry! Completely harmless!" Moody says.

The spider went on Embers hand and she pets it softly. Then it flew to on top of Ron's head and I laughed harder at his reaction. "What are you laughing at?" Moody asks and puts the spider up to my face causing me to freak out. "Get it off, get it off me!" I see Ember smile and shake her head at me. "Talented isn't she?"Moody asks and takes the stupid spider off me.

"What should she do next? Hit the window, drown herself?" He places the spider back on his hand and he looks at the class. "What's the next curse? Eh? Someone give it to me!" He demands and looks at Longbottom saying something about the torture curse.

"Curcio!" Moody spits at the spider. I cringe at the sound of the spiders suffering. "Stop it!" Both mudblood and Ember yell. "Can't you see it's bothering him?" Granger says. "Stop it!" Moody takes the spider and places it on Embers desk. "Perhaps you can give us the last unforgivable curse Ms.Weasley." Ember gulps and shook her head, not looking at him in the eye. "No? Avada Kedavra!" He yells and the spider dies.

Ember doesn't flinch and doesn't move at all. "The killing curse, only one person is known to have survived it, and he's sitting in this room," he says and walks closer to Pottah.
Ember stares at the professor with the utmost deadly look in her eyes.


After the class was dismissed, Crabbe and Goyle followed me to the main hall where the table was cleared and a goblet of fire in the center.

"Go find Pansy and Blaise, I need to speak to them," I tell both of the boys behind me. I hear them leave and I spot Ember with tears in her eyes. I debated whether I should go check up on her or not. "Please stop staring at me Malfoy," Ember says while staring at me with teary eyes. "Don't tell me what to do, blood traitor!"

"Alright, keep staring at me then, take in all my broken beauty," she says smugly. I just realized how stupid I was to say that. I walk towards her and sit beside her. She places her head on her knees and stares at me with a weak smile on her face. "What's the matter?" I ask her. She sighs and closes her eyes. "My parents were killed by the unforgivable curse," she says, the opens her eyes.

"Who killed them?" "I don't know, my oldest sister never told me, and I did ask! But it was like she was protecting me from something or not, I don't know. I sound stupid," she says and rubs her eyes. "You saying that last bit officially makes you stupid," I tell her and she softly glares at me.

"From what I know your sister basically raised you, I think she raised you right considering how much I tolerate you," I compliment and she smiles. "How old were you when they died?" I ask. "I was 6." I pause and push myself to say how much I pity her. Merlin, what am I doing? Trying to comfort a blood traitor, if my father hears about this he'll have my head.

"I know what your thinking, 'poor her, little girl being raised by no one except her older sisters'," she says. "And on top of that, I don't even remember the last time I hugged my mother, my parents we're such travel lovers they left us alone in New York for three years. Please, Draco pity me more because all I can feel is anger!"

I look at her and place her curl behind her ear. She looks at me in shock and her face softens. "Why are you still here? I'm a traitor, a Weasley on top of that, not to mention a Gryffindor, al-" I cut her off with placing my finger on her lips. "I'm here because....because I care, and I can tell you need a lot of caring for right now," I say and remove my finger. She smiles at me and the door opens showing Pansy, Blaise, and the two idiots.

I look back towards where Ember was sitting, only to see her gone.

Why do I care for her?

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