﹝Ha ve MERCY﹞

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Red begins to flutter her eyes and I call for the head nurse person.

"Red? Red are you okay?" I ask her in such concern. "Get your fucking face out of mine," she snaps and sits up. I shake my head, yeah, she's fine alright. "Do you remember what happened?" I ask her.

"Harry became a champion, what else is there?" She asks and rubs her eyes. "Red, you got chosen as well," I tell her slowly and she drops her hands. "Oh no! I did didn't I, where's Cedric?" She asks and looks around.

I sit on her bed and grab her hand, she gives me a weird look. "After your name was called you went to the back, and you came out unconscious. Cedric was the one who brought you here, then he left. I stayed with you for two nights and a day but I haven't seen Cedric after that. What happened between you two?" I ask her.

"I-I don't know," she whispers and looks down. I was about to open my mouth but Professor Dumbledore came in. "Good morning girls," he greets. "Good morning," I reply but Red says nothing. "I'm guessing you want to talk to her Professor?" He nods and I leave the hospital wing.

I bump into Draco, who has a girl on his side. "Apologize!" she snaps at me. "Pansy shut it!"Draco yells at her and looks at me. "What's the matter with you?"He asks with a softer tone.

"Nothing's the matter, I'm just looking for Cedric, have you seen him?" I ask. "I think he's outside with Pottah," he says. I thank him and kiss his cheek. The pansy girl gaps dramatically. 

"Shoot, sorry, I didn't mean to do that!"I fib. He smirks, "You can do it again if you'd like," he flirts. I roll my eyes and push him away. I walk outside and I see Cedric and Harry. I push by Harry and slam Cedric against the tree.

"Do you know how hard it was to tell my sister that her boyfriend wasn't even with her when she needed him the most?" He gulps and rubs his arm. "I know I don't have a good reason bu-" I cut him off.

"But nothing! I know my sister would never compete for something as big as this competition! She's too lazy to ever write her name down! You are what the British people call, a bloody wanker!" I yell at him and the entire courtyard is dead silent.

"You either apologize to her with fucking roses and chocolates or break things off, I don't need her in more pain, you bitch," I spit at him and walk away.

⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄

"Maple, I'm writing to you because Red has been chosen to compete in The Triwizard Tournament, but I-we- both know she wouldn't have put her name in the Goblet of Fire. She's also having boyfriend troubles. Please please please please come and help her. And me! I need advice because I like this one guy but you need to help fix Red's problems first! Just bring yourself instead of writing a letter back. Love you.

Your favorite sister- Ember "

⋄ ⋄ ⋄ ⋄

I give the letter to my Raven and she instantly flies away.

"Oh! Ember hi!" I hear a girl chirp behind me. I turn my head to see Amy. "Sup Amy?" "What?" "Nothing, "I say quickly. "How are you?" I ask.

"I've been....average? I don't know to be honest. Last night I got a letter from my mum and now she's getting married!" Amy says and I stand their awkwardly. "I-I don't know what to say to that, sorry," I said with an awkward one.

"No it's alright, most people don't know what to say to sad little Amy anyways," she mutters. I slowly nod and walk out of the room without a word. I see Draco look at me from across the hall and I quickly walk towards him.

"Hey Draco ready for your first lesson?"I ask him. "Sex lesson right?" He asks smugly. "That's if you obey to what I say," I reply with a smirk. "Are you serious?" He asks with his eyes wide.

"No, I'm Ember," I say and he rolls his eyes. "I'm only joking, of course, there's no sex lesson idiot, I'm trying to help you become a big boy in front of your parents, "I say and he blushes. "Shut up, someone will hear you," he grits out and we both walk outside towards the black lake.

"Okay! Let's start, Draco you are such a horrible person I hope you rot with the no-ma-muggles!" I yell at him. "W-where is this coming from?" he asks and takes a step back. I push him to the floor. "You're pathetic!" I shout and his face has anger written all over it.

"I'm not pathetic you bloody larva!" He yells and trips me. He has his wand against my throat and I smile. The anger on his face vanishes and all that is left is confusion.

"Well done Draco, for a moment, I didn't think you had the little fire in you," I tell him. He removes his wand and helps me up. "That was a test wasn't it?" He asks but I'm sure he already knew the answer.

"Yup, and you passed!" He put on a small smile and placed his wand away. "You didn't actually mean the things you said right?" he asks. I shook my head, "You're actually a pretty cool person Draco," I compliment and he smiles.

"You are pretty cool too, Ember," he says and I smile at him. I suddenly have this weird feeling in my stomach and it's kind of a pleasant feeling.

"Next time I'm going to make it seem like your mother is here, so be prepared," I inform him and he nods. "We should go back, it's going to be snowing soon," he says and we walk back. "Hey, Draco?"

"Yes, Ember?" "So you know there's this ball thing that's coming up?" "Yes." "I wanted to know if you wanted to go with me, "I tell him and he stops. He looks at me and I suddenly find my feet really interesting to look at. He lifts up my chin and I look into his eyes.

"I'd love to escort you, Ember Weasley," he says. HE SAID YES! "That great! Like really awesome dude, "I say and softly punch his shoulder. "Yeah....dude," he says awkwardly and punches me back only harder. "Ow!"

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" he yells and rubs my shoulder. I start to laugh which caused him to laugh along. "We're so stupid," I comment and he laughs harder.

After a while, our laughs die down and it began to snow harder. We step closer towards each other and we look into each other's eyes. "This is no kissing in the rain but I'd really like to kiss you right now," he whispers as we lean in.

"Go for it, "I whisper back as I look at his slight pink lips. Then our lips collide, they move in sync- it was as if they were made for each other.

Draco wraps his arms around my waist and I run my hands through his hair.

We pull away and smile widely. "We should definitely do that more often," he says and places his forehead against mine. "I agree," I say and once again, our lips collided.

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