〷 MER biTChEs 〷

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I change into my bathing suit and looked at Cedric. "Ceddy?" I whisper and he looks at me. "Are you okay? What's wrong?" He asks with concern written all over his face. "Do you think it's okay to be doing this in...you know...my state?" I ask him. He sighs and wraps his arms around my waist, "To be honest, no, the mermaids are known to be vicious characters, they are savages. I don't know what I do with myself if I lost you bo-"

"Look at the lovely couple! How tragic that the pair has to go against each other in the Triwizard Tournament," the reporter lady says as the quill writes what the reporter said, and the man behind her takes pictures of us both.

I roll my eyes in annoyance and get out of the tent with Cedric holding my hand. "I hate that lady," I tell him and he laughs, "I know you do, but hate is a strong word," he says as we walk over to the boat.

As a few more students climb aboard. A man rowed us to the middle of the lake where 3 wooden towers stood. "Welcome to the second task!" Dumbledore greets as Ced helps me off the boat. 

"Last night, something was stolen from each of our champions. A treasure of sorts," he says. Cedric and I stand next to the other champions and Draco ran towards me. "Have you seen Ember?" he asks and I shook my head no before I could ask what happened he ran off. Dumbledore says something about a personal treasure that we need to get from the bottom of the lake. 

The cannon was shot and I jumped into the lake. I swim towards the seaweed forest and Cedric cast a spell my way. An air bubble. I let go of the breath that I was holding and smiled at him. We parted ways and I saw something swim behind me. It looked like Fleur was swimming up with nothing in hand. As I swim I heard someone singing and I followed it.

Cedric and Harry were already there. I looked at my little sister who was floating there with something wrapped around her ankle. I grabbed my wand and took it off. Cedric was already swimming up and I soon followed him with my sister in my arms. 

As the cold air hit me, Ember woke up with a gasp. "Come on we need to swim over there," I tell her and point towards the middle tower. Once we both reached, Cedric and Draco were there. Ced covered me with a towel and kissed my cheek. Draco covers Ember and pecks her lips, oooooo its official isn't it?

Viktor Krum came next and his shark head began to his original big head. He and Hermione swim towards us and we help them climb on. Ember hands a towel to Hermione and Draco gives Krum his robe. 

"Where's Harry?" Hermione asks in a worried tone. I look towards the waters and there's no sign of him. "Oh Cersei," Ember mutters and Draco rubs her back. All of sudden Ron and I'm guessing Fleur little sister had floated up and they begin to swim towards us and they were wrapped into many towels. 

I waited anxiously for Harry to come up but there's still no sign of him. There he was breaking through the water and gasping for air. I let out a sigh of relief as he lands in front of us. I hand him my towel and ruffle his hair. "Good job Harry," I tell him. He shakes his head, "I finished last," he points out. "But you still finished."

Fleur kissed both Harry and Ron's cheek and hugged her little sister. 


"Attention!" Dumbledore yells and the cheering stopped. "The winner is- Mr.Diggory!" he announces and Ced smiles as his friends clap on his back. Dumbledore tells everyone how he used the bubble-head charm and so on. Multiple people cheered and I kissed his cheek. "I'm so proud of you, Ceddy bear," I tell him and he smiles at me. "Did it for the both of you," he whispers and I blush.

"And in second place, Harry Potter! For not only rescuing Mr.Weasley but for also getting the treasure from the opposing team!" Professor says and I clap for Harry. "That leaves Ms.Weasley at 3rd, Mr.Krum at 4th, and Ms.Delacour at 5th! Good job everyone!"

I grab Cedric's hand and we both walk to the boat, "I can't wait to go inside and get some hot cocoa," I tell him and he laughs. "With marshmallows right?" he asks and I nod, "Oh but of course, I'm not a savage Diggory!"


"You did well," Angela says as she sits next to me. "Oh, thank you, Angela, is that what you wanted to tell me or is there something else?" I ask kindly. "Actually, yes there is!" she exclaims. I raise an eyebrow at her sudden outburst.

"I have known Cedric ever since I moved next to him 5 years ago, I would like to know what charm you used to make him like you so much," the 'Hufflepuff' asks. For a moment my face held nothing but then the next moment I exploded from laughter.

 "A Charm? To make him like me so much? Oh, sweetheart, you humor me, you see I was raised basically not to use magic, I could only use it when necessary. And for him, I just use my face and smile and he falls in love every single time I use them," I tell her with a fake smile. I see Cedric walking behind her but I gave him a look and he waited.

 I look back to Angela and her face turns red. "You came only 8 months ago I call this sorcery!" she yells in my face. "I suggest you walk away before things get messy, dear, I'm getting angry and you don't want to see me when I'm getting angry."

I stand up and look down at her. "I'm going to expose who you really are," she threatens and drew out her wand which caused Cedric to tense up and go for his wand but I give him another look. She pointed her wand towards me and I quickly grab my wand.

"Angela sweetie, everyone already knows I'm a queen," I say smugly and she growls. "Confri-," "Petrificus Totalus!"I quickly yell, she freezes and fell to the floor. 

I walk towards her and bent down. "You should've walked away when you had the chance, but thanks for revealing your true nature to us," I say and put my wand away. I grab Cedric's hand and we walk away.

"I've always thought she was a nice girl," Cedric mumbles as he caresses the back of my hand. "Yeah well, badgers are strong mysterious creatures," I tell him. He stops and looks at me, "I'm never letting you out of my sight," he tells me and I smile, "I don't mind that," I tell him and I peck his lips. He smiles and pulls me in for a make out. 

"I love you," I tell him and he chuckles. "I love you too." 

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