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h e r m i o n e  

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h e r m i o n e  

"So...you and Draco...did it?" I ask her in shock and she nods. "Did it hurt?" I ask her and she nods once more. "Wow- um- how was it?"

"I don't really want to talk about sex, Hermione, we need to focus on this potion," she tells me and I blush. "Right, the potion," I mumble out and I grab a cup to serve the poly juice. I gave her the cup and she smells it. I wonder if Ron and I- "Oh that- that's uh that smells like shit," she says and takes the glass far away from her face. I laugh her and I serve my own. 

"Do you have the hair?" I ask her and she nods. We both place it in the cup and take a drink. "I'm going to throw up," Ember says and she places the cup down and she runs towards the toilet. "Hurry because I need to as well."


"I swear if Ron says one nasty thing about me I'm going shove this wand u-" "Ember please be quiet," I tell her as we climb up the mountain of sand. Ember groans and we stand in front of the boys. "Well...how is it?" I ask the boys and they stare at us. "You look hideous," Ron says while looking at me, hmm then I guess I'm looking how I am supposed to. 

"Ember you loo-"

"Say one more word Rhonda and I'll beat you silly," Ember threatens and we all- excluding Ron- laugh.  Griphook hands me the sword of Gryffindor and we place our hand on top of each other. "You all ready?" Ember asks and we nod but Griphook said no. 


"oH MeRliN, just being in this stairway gives me chills," Ember or Narcissa mutters. "Agreed," Ron says as I nod. A man walks out of a store and they boys press against the wall. "Madam Lestrange, Mrs.Malfoy," he greets, "Good morning," I blurt out and he gives me a weird face before leaving. "Good morning? Good morning? You're Bellatrix Lestrange, not some dewy-eyed school girl!" Griphook tells me. 

"Hey easy," Ron defends and my heart had gentle flutters. "If she gives us away we might as well use that sword to slit our own throats."  I look down in shame, "He's right, I'm stupid, "I say and Ember rubs my shoulder. 

"Okay let's go then," Harry says and I walk with Ember as Ron covers Griphook and Harry. 

We enter Gringotts and slowly all the Goblins look at us. I clear my throat and I try to capture the Goblins attention. "I'd like to enter my vault," I stated clearly. "Identification?" he asks and I try to think of something to say. "I hardly think that would be necessary, so if you could just let us enter that would be great," Ember says in a very mature accent. 

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