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"I'm going to kill that elf," Draco growls as some death eaters push us to the- what I'm guessing- the dining room. "Not if I kill it first," I sneer while looking back and glaring at the snitch elf.

We were thrown into a dining room and I fall on my face, ow. Draco helps me up and I look at the people sitting down at the table and they stare at me in disgust. "Amber Weasley, I been meaning to meet you soon or later," I hear someone hiss out. I turn my head to the right and I look in the eyes of a bald man with no nose. 

The longer I look at him the funnier looking he gets, I start to laugh and everyone tenses up. "You are Voldemort? You look like a huge baby that never got its nose back from their parents,"  I tell him and he glares at me. He gets up and Draco walks in front of me, I feel his fear and I gently place my hand on his shoulder.

"Ah yes Draco, you were hiding her were you? Why?" He places his wand on Draco's neck and he holds my hand from behind. "Oh...you love her, how pathetic. Ava-"

"Avada my ass! Stop!" I yell at him and I took out my wand I point it towards myself. I walk in front of my boyfriend. "You kill him and I'll kill myself, I heard you need my blood right? All fresh and warm but if you kill him you won't get jack shit," I threaten him. He glares at me and had Draco's mom take him away. "No- Ember!"

Other death eaters push him away and he was finally out of sight. Fuck, I might never see him again. 

"You are quite the brave one Amber-" "Its Ember get it right snake bitch," I sneer and he points his wand at me. "I'm going to teach you how to respect your superiors," he says, "Crucio!" he casts and I fall to the floor in pain. "This is how your sister felt when Bellatrix cast this curse onto her".

"It only took me so long to realize it wasn't your sister that I needed, It's you, you were born last therefore your blood is much more efficient, and with that potion you took, it gave you powers- powers that I want." 

"You are going to die," I whisper and he said the curse again. "Please stop!" I cry out and I clutch my head. "Crucio!" he casts again and I fall back. "Stop!" "Do you know that I have been looking everywhere for you Ember," he says and looks at me in the eyes. "Please stop, please," I whisper painfully. "Crucio!" 


I hear Ember scream in pain and I clutch on the chains tightly, if only I could make these go away. My father walks towards me and grabs my neck tightly. "You stupid boy, he almost killed you!" he hisses and I slowly shook my head. "I would do anything for her, and why would you care?" I ask him and he threw me on the floor. "You are my son, of course, I would care," he says and I lean back. 

"I hate you," I tell him and he looks at me in shock. "Draco, he is your father," mum says and walks beside him. "A father is supposed to protect their children and the rest of their family, I only see a coward," I spit out and dad looks down for a split second before leaving the dungeon. 

"Draco, please, we have no choice. There is nothing we can do for you and her," mum says and I scoff while looking away from her. She sighs and leaves after father. I continue to hear Ember cry throughout the day and it wasn't till the night where Pettigrew threw her in here. His dirty hands were all over her, I'm going to kill him.

"Draco?" I hear a weak voice call out. I look at Ember and she has deep scratches all over her and I pull her towards me. I lay her head on my lap and she looks at me with fear in her eyes. "It hurt so much," she whispers and I hold her hand. 

"I'm sorry Ember," I tell her as one of my tears fall on her cheek, I wiped it away and she leans her head against my hand. "It isn't you has to apologize," she says and her eyes begin to flutter. 

"Ember- Ember please stay with me," I plead and her breathing stops. I hold her to my chest and I shut my eyes. A moment of two has passed, blue and green strands of energy leak out of her cuts and they begin to heal. They flow back inside her body and I check her pulse. "Ember?" I whisper and her eyes open. 

I brought her lips to mine and I give her a passionate kiss in which she eagerly returns. I press my forehead on hers and our lips parted from each other. "I thought I lost you," I tell her and she gives me a small smirk. "You can't lose me that easy babe," she says.  

"I wouldn't want you to leave me that quick anyway," I tell her and she giggles slightly.  "If we get out of here...do you want to marry me?" I ask her and she gets up from my lap, she sits next to me, her head on my shoulder, and my hand in hers. "When we get out of here...I'm expecting to be at a restaurant with you on one knee and a diamond ring in hand, only then I'll marry you," she says and I smile. 

"But its a yes right?"

"We'll see Malfoy," Mrs.Malfoy teases and she kisses my cheek. 


It turned morning and Ember is sleeping on my shoulder, I look down at my hands when the door opens revealing both my parents. Dad looks at Ember in shock, probably because she looks like no has touched her. 

"H-how is she healed?" he asks and he looks at me for clarification. "She died, and her powers saved her," I tell him bluntly and he sighs. Mom places down a tray of food and dad hand us a small blanket. "I suggest you eat slowly, the Dark Lord is planning to keep you in here for quite some time," dad says and he left with mum holding his hand. 

"Ember- wake up darling," I whisper in her ear and her eyes flutter open. She gives me a small smile and I return it. "C' mon, my parents brought us food," I tell her and she looks at the tray. "Oh gosh, it's french toast." 

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