⍭ K R U M the S C U M ⍭

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Hermione and I sit down as I play with her hair and she reads. "If you were 17 would you have put your name in the fire?"Hermione asks me while not looking up.

"I defiantly want to be in it, it seems so cool, and if I would have won I'll be treated like goddess am I right?" Hermione looks up at me with a look on her face. "The tournament is basically a death wish!" She says and I sigh.

"Hermione I'm only 14, obviously I won't have a chance to even cross the line!" I tell her. "That's what I'd like to hear." After awhile boys and girls enter and some of the males put their name into the fire. After each had done so, people clapped. I honestly can't wait to see who are the final contestants. 

Cedric is being pushed through the small crowd with Red closely following them. Cedric places his name into the goblet and there was once again more claps. Ron wanted to say hi but Cedric didn't even give him a glance.  He went straight towards Red and he gave her a hug. I look at Hermione and nudge her side, "Aren't they cute?" I ask her. "I hope they end up together if I'm being honest," she says. 

Fred and George come running in with happy shouts carrying a paper in hand. If it's what I think it is, I'm going to disown them. The twins high five people and stood on the bench. I give them a glare while Hermione stares them in annoyance. "Well lads, we did it!"Idiot 1 says. "We cooked it up just this morning," Idiot 2 says. "It's not going to work!"Hermione sings and twins push me away to sit beside her.

"That hurt you imbeciles!" I yell at them and they ignore me. I inspected my huge scrap caused by the bench and I zone out on their conversation. Before I know it, once I lift up my head the twins had already drunk the potion and jumped inside. "Yeah!" They said and high fived each other. Everyone claps once they placed their names into the fire. I shook my head and so did Hermione. 

For a split second, there was no reaction from the fire until some of it began to circle around the goblet and hit both George and Fred to the door. "What idiots!" I tell Hermione as the twins began to age and they started to fight. 

The doors open and in come Krum with his headmaster and friend. He puts his name in the goblet and smirks to Hermione and she smiles at him back. Krum leaves and I nudge 'Mione with a smirk of my own. "Someones got a crush," I tease. "Shut up," she says and hits me with her book. 


"Can you believe Cedric asked me to be his girlfriend?" Red asks Hermione, Ginny, and I with a dreamy look on her face. "We all saw it coming Poppy," Ginny tells her. Red turns towards us, "He also asked me out on a date to this place called Hogsmeade for this thing called beer batter! I need you guys to help me " Red chirps.

"Its butterbeer, it's a sweet drink," Hermione mentions. "And of course we'll help you for your date," Ginny adds with a smile. "And of course, I'll be leaving," I say and walk out the common room. 

While inspecting my wand I bump into a strong tall figure, I look up to see Krum and his friends, with a nasty smirk on his face. "Oops, sorry," he says and helps me up. "Its no problem, it's not your fault that you have horrible eyesight," I tell him with a fake smile. His smirk falls and a couple of friends snicker at the scene.

"I thought we were cool with each other," he says with his thick accent. "Oh us? No, no, you see, word has gotten around that you're some kind of...player. When you put your name into the goblet you smirked at my friend, an hour after that I see you shove your little tongue down one of the Slytherins. I don't know your game, but if you think about playing with my friend Hermione's heart, you'll regret even coming to Hogwash in the first place. Buh Bye Krum," I say and continue my walk towards the Black Lake. 

I sit on a rock and look at the full moon, it's really pretty here, you can't really see the moon and the stars clearly if the lights in New York shy them out.

"I didn't expect you to be out here weasel-bee," I hear a little girl say, I turn around to see- oh-Draco. "Why do you have to be in every chapter?"I ask him as he sits next to me. "Why are you asking me? I'm not the one doing this!" He says and glares at me.

"Bandersnatch," I mutter and look away from him.  "So...how have you been?" He asks awkwardly. "Look Malfoy, I really don't feel like talking to someone," I whisper to him. I look at his grey eyes and they are empty and cold. 

He doesn't say anything and we both look at the water. After some time it got colder and we sat closer to each other. "Considering you shared something personal yesterday night, I figured I need to do the same," He says and turns towards me. I look at him and slowly shake my head. "You don't have to Draco," I tell him softly. 

"Ever since I've entered Hogwarts I've been trouble. My childhood has disappeared and my parents have been a lot harder on me. My parents have always told me that half-bloods and Muggle-borns were nasty people, and don't deserve the magic running in their veins. But I see how they are all nice, and I want to be friends with them. It's just no one gives me the chance to, so I became the son my parents want me to be. Perfect, narcissistic, and an obedient one." 

I look at him with wide eyes. "I-I never knew that Draco, everyone has said you're a monster to be around, you bully people, judge them, you just aren't a nice person," I start. He looks away and I generally don't know what else to say. He gets up and puts on his hood, he starts to walk away but I get up before he leaves my sight." I'll give you a chance Draco," I tell him sharply.

He stops and turns around, "What?" he asks with complete shock. "We could start being friends, just starting me and you, then I can officially introduce you to my cousins and his friends, you can introduce me to yours too!" I say and walk closer to him. 

 "I think that sounds great," he says with a real smile. He has a nice smile.

"On one condition though," I tell him sternly and his smile slightly falls. "Alright, get on with it," he says. I cross my arms, "You'll have to apologize to Hermione for calling her 'mudblood' countless of times before, and I'm going to be teaching you how to be more confident with your parents, no more bullying either!" I tell him and he gives me look then sighs.

"Fine, we have a deal," he says and brought out his hand for me to shake. I smirk and spit in my hand getting ready for him to shake but he pulls back. "Disgusting! I'm not shaking your hand you idiot!" he yells.  "Then I guess we won't be friends," I say and take a step back. He quickly spits in his hand and shakes mine.

"Glad to be doing business with you Mr.Malfoy, now, can you pretty please take me to my common room?" I ask him and he rolls his eyes. "Of course I can Ms.Weasley."

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