looked like a teenage runaway

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Harry dangled his feet off the side of the dock, his sunglasses above his nose, taking a sip out of his water bottle.

Liam and Louis were running beside him, taking turns jumping into the lake, seemingly trying to piss off Niall who was floating peacefully directly beside the dock. 

"Just stay in the fucking water!" Niall yelled, his voice echoing above the trees as he shot up for what seemed like the fifth time Liam and Louis had splashed him.

"Niall, why don't you just float farther away?" Harry asked, putting his water bottle between his thighs and pushing his black sunglasses up with his index finger.

"Yeah!" Louis called, treading water with a laugh. "Float farther away!"

Liam, who had just risen from underwater, pushed his hair back and swam towards Niall who was stupidly, floating once again.

He grabbed Niall from the back, startling the shit out of him, causing him to flip up and ram his foot into Liam's dick.

"Oh fuck!" Liam yelled, swimming to the dock in a hurry, grabbing the side with one hand and holding his dick with the other. "Fucking hell Horan! What'd you do that for?"

"You definitely deserved that," Harry smirked, turning to Niall who was fuming.

"Because you're pissing me off!" he shouted, swimming up to the dock and sitting beside Harry.

"Pass me your water bottle," Niall said as he took it from between Harry's thighs, opening the lid and drinking about half of it before putting it back on Harry's lap.

Liam was still cursing in agony, and Louis had seemed to ignore the entire situation as he was swimming around the lake carelessly.

"Hey!" Zayn's voice came closer behind Harry, his footsteps getting louder with each step. "Let me have a waterfall," he said, leaning over Harry's shoulder, his chin brushing Harry's skin.

Harry turned around to see Zayn quickly, his nose touching Zayn's chin as he grabbed the water bottle.

Standing up straight, Zayn opened the lid and tilted his head upwards as he poured some water into his mouth, some of it dripping down his chest.

"Thank you," Zayn said quickly, throwing the water bottle back into Harry's lap and propelling himself off of the dock and into the lake.

Niall laid back down on the doc with a laugh, reaching for Harry's sunglasses. "The theatrics," he smiled, putting the sunglasses on.

"Hey!" Harry interjected, trying to snatch his sunglasses back, but Niall had a firm hold of them.

"I'm trying to tan," Niall said simply. His feet were dangling off the doc, and Zayn was swimming around them, pulling Liam back into the depths.

"When are you two going to the cottage?" Louis asked as he swam his way back to the doc.

Harry pulled his knees up to his chest, watching Zayn swim around, his hair stuck to his forehead.

"Zayn and I?" he confirmed quietly, his eyes still on the water washing down Zayn's stomach as he now floated carelessly, basking in the sun.

"Yeah," Louis laid his arms on the doc and lifted himself up, sitting between Harry and Niall.

"Uh, this weekend," Harry smiled, then he added in a whisper: "Grab my sunglasses from Ni, would you?"

Slowly, Louis snatched the glasses off Niall's face and pushed him into the lake, him and Harry bursting out into a fit of laughter.

"Fuck you two!"

With a laugh, Harry slid his sunglasses back on. "Today isn't your day Horan,"

Louis continued talking over the splashing and the birds, Niall found his way back onto the dock and Liam and Zayn swam around, keeping their own little conversation.

Harry had tuned Louis out, and he found himself watching Zayn through his sunnies. It was almost like a different experience, even though he's seen Zayn in this state practically his whole life.

Harry could feel his chest building, something floating around in his stomach. He didn't know what it felt like. Almost as if pins and needles were floating about, but it didn't sting. 

Or maybe it stung a little bit. It was almost good.

Harry didn't know what it was, but it didn't matter right now. It didn't matter enough yet.

He was here. He was here under the warm sun with Louis blabbering on beside him, Niall pretending to listen, Liam laughing and Zayn.

And Zayn.

Harry was so focused on him, he didn't even realize that Zayn was getting out of the water and stepping over and around Niall and Louis.

"I'm gonna go grab towels and the cooler, okay?" he said, looking at the three boys who nodded and shot him thumbs-ups.

Putting his water bottle to the side, Harry stood up and followed Zayn off the doc. "You think you're the shit huh?" 

"Oh fuck off," Zayn smiled, bumping his shoulder into Harry's as they walked towards Niall's car. "Whatever do you mean?"

"Just wanted to say it," Harry shrugged. "Because you do think you're the shit,"

Zayn pursed his lips and pretended to look around as if he was thinking. "I mean.. Yes.." he joked, gaining a laugh from Harry.

Zayn popped Niall's trunk and handed Harry the five towels.

"I don't need one," Harry said, trying to put one back. Zayn stopped him with a firm grip on his wrist.

Stinging pins and needles. Good sting.

"Niall's had enough bad luck today. I think it's your turn to get pushed into the water, what do you think?"

"Absolutely not,"

"You never know what's coming,"

Harry rolled his eyes, watching Zayn's muscles bulge as he picked up the cooler. He lifted one of his legs, bending his knee to rest the cooler on top of it while he closed the trunk.

Zayn's legs were so toned, practically dripping in golden brown kisses from the sun.

Harry looked away.

Zayn regained his balance, holding onto both ends of the cooler as him and Harry made their way back to the dock.

"Can I tell you something?" Harry said, slowing down.

Zayn slowed down with him and nodded. "Anything,"

"I'm gay," 

Harry expected more from Zayn than he did his Mum. 

But Zayn didn't do anything either. He kept walking. And smiled a little.

"Okay," he said. "What'd you want to tell me?"

Harry's eyes widened as he looked at Zayn as if he was crazy. 

"I just said it,"

"You said you had to tell me something,"

"And I told you what I had to say,"

Zayn took a minute, and Harry couldn't even read his expression. 

Almost as if he was trying to withhold a smile as he bit his lip, a smirk still showing through.

"That you're gay? That's what you wanted to say?"

Harry quickly nodded. "Yes,"

"Okay," Zayn shrugged, then looked at Harry. "Are you happy?"

Harry held onto the towels a bit tighter. "Yeah,"

Zayn elbowed Harry. "Then I'm happy too,"

Author's Note: Hope everybody is enjoying so far. I've got around four pre-written chapters, and the story does start off quite slow but expect a pickup within the next couple of chapters.

Any feedback could be left here if you wish :)

~ Alexis

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