and i can't stop anywhere i go

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Harry downed four glasses of water and two Advils. He was stood in his kitchen, still in Zayn's red shorts without his white t-shirt, due to some late night stains according to Louis and Liam.

Last night was a complete blur and Harry relied on Louis and Liam's version of events.

The only thing the two had told Harry was that he had continuously asked for Zayn's whereabouts. 

Harry still had Zayn's phone on him. He had yet to return it. Something in his gut was telling him that he can't go over to Zayn's house but his mind didn't know why.

Filling his glass up one more time, Harry heard his next-door neighbour's—Zayn's—backyard door swing open.

The sound was familiar, something Harry had heard all his life. It always seemed to be Zayn's signal. Zayn inviting Harry over to his pool.

But again, his stomach was insisting that today wasn't like that at all. Harry had to figure out why and he had to return Zayn's phone anyways.

So he switched the kitchen light off and walked to the mudroom, pulling his Adidas slides and black sunglasses on.

The Advil hadn't kicked in yet, his head still pounding. Exhaling, Harry opened the door and walked around his front yard and into Zayn's backyard.

He opened the gate slowly, turning the corner to see Zayn doing laps around his pool.

"Hey," Harry called lightly, Zayn shooting up from underwater and pushing his hair out of his face.

When he saw Harry, his cheeks went red.

Harry noticed.

Harry walked over to the side of the pool and sat down at the edge as Zayn swam towards him.

"Hey," Zayn smiled weakly, holding onto the edge of the pool. "What's up?"

Harry pulled Zayn's phone out of his pocket. "Believe this belongs to you," 

Even though Harry was wearing sunglasses, the light was killing him.

"Oh," Zayn nodded. "You can just put it over there," he motioned towards the two bright blue lounge chairs.

"Alright," Walking over to the chairs and putting Zayn's phone down, Harry noticed an extra towel folded nicely on one of the chairs. He didn't question it.

"You get drunk last night?" Zayn asked out of nowhere as Harry walked back to the edge of the pool.

Harry scoffed. "Absolutely fucked,"

"Hmm," Zayn hummed. "Remember last night at all?"

"I only remember looking for you," Harry said, shaking his head. "And I only know that because Louis and Liam told me,"

Zayn stayed quiet a moment, squinting as the sun was in his eyes. "Can I tell you something?" he finally said, his expression unreadable.

Harry hesitantly sat down at the edge of the pool, pulling his knees up to his chest. "Anything,"

"You sure you don't remember anything from last night?" Zayn spoke nervously.

Harry put his hand firmly on his head. The sun was getting to him. "Positive," 

"Okay," Zayn bit his bottom lip.

"What?" Harry laughed a little. "Why are you nervous?"

Zayn looked at Harry as if he was crazy.

Harry truthfully did not remember a thing from last night.

"You serious?" Zayn said. "You never drink,"

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