and i won't stop

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Awoken by the crackling sound of Trisha's waffle maker and Zayn's voice booming downstairs, Harry felt at ease.

The previous night had been the happiest night of his life. And he was facing the incredible repercussions the morning after. He was in Zayn's bed, under Zayn's sheets, beside Zayn's pillow and the little curve in the mattress where Zayn's body had been hours prior, peacefully dozed off.

Harry couldn't get Zayn's voice off of his mind. Or their conversation. Harry's lips had also been stinging since Zayn let go of him.

"I talk too much don't I?"

"No, I don't mind,"

"Can I talk some more then?"

"You can talk all night,"

Touching the tip of his index finger to his bottom lip, Harry looked around Zayn's room. He had felt as if his whole world had changed after Zayn kissed him. But everything really was the same.

Their wet swim trunks were hanging over Zayn's tub, their towels sprawled out on his bedroom floor. Harry's pyjama's beside them.

Harry wanted to sit in Zayn's bed all day. Harry wanted to be surrounded by his scent and immersed in his world. His mind. His lips.

But he had to get up. So slowly, he stepped out of Zayn's bed, grabbed his shirt from the bedroom floor and trudged down the stairs, Trisha's 'Happy Playlist' —as she calls it—playing at a medium volume through her speaker.

Before Harry saw Trisha, he saw Zayn who looked up almost immediately with a goddamned cheeky smile upon his ever so kissable lips.

Smiling suddenly took no effort at all. "Good morning Mrs. Malik," Harry said, rolling his eyes at Zayn and turning to Trisha.

"Good morning love! How did you sleep last night? Did Zayn take all the blankets?"

Harry shook his head and sat down on the stool next to Zayn at the island. "I think I took all the blankets, Mrs. Malik,"

"No, he didn't," Zayn interjected, elbowing Harry. "They were surprisingly equally shared,"

"That's new," Trisha chuckled, looking between the two boys. "Harry used to come to mine and Yaser's room every night you two had a sleepover complaining about how you've got all the blankets,"

"Well, we're older now, aren't we Mum?"

Trisha frowned at Zayn, who immediately murmured an apology, causing Harry to snicker.

"Not funny," Zayn muttered, eating another spoonful of his cereal, brushing his knee against Harry's.

The pins and needles were coming back stronger and harder than ever. Maybe it was because Harry had finally confirmed with himself that Zayn, in fact, tasted like Ferrero Rocher.

He tasted better than Ferrero Rocher.

Gently, Trisha slid a plate of waffles in front of Harry with a bottle of maple syrup.

"Thank you, Mrs. Malik," Harry beamed warmly at her who shook her head with a smile and poured him a glass of orange juice.

"I don't know how you always eat that," Zayn pointed out.

"Zayn, leave him alone," Trisha spoke firmly.

"No, no!" Zayn said. "Hear me out. When you have maple syrup and waffles, and then you take a sip of orange juice, the orange juice tastes weird. Because the maple syrup is so sweet,"

Harry squinted his eyes at Zayn as he ate a forkful of waffles and downed it with a gulp of orange juice. "And what about it Zayn?" he smirked, holding back his laugh.

"Fuck off," Zayn said through gritted teeth with a grin, his voice soft.

"Boys, I'm going to go get dressed, I've got to get to the grocery store before the rush. You'll be fine, yeah?" Trisha spoke as she untied her apron and placed the bowl that once held batter into the sink to soak.

"We'll be fine," Zayn smiled, eating another spoonful of his cereal.

"I'm just going to go change then," Trisha spoke, beginning to make her way up the stairs.

Once Trisha had disappeared around the corner, Zayn ate another spoonful of cereal and turned his body, cupping both sides of Harry's face and pressed his lips against his softly.

This was their second kiss.

It was different than last night, last night's kiss was full of every pent up emotion both of the boys had carried around for almost ten years.

Today's kiss was just real. Not that last night's kiss wasn't. Today's kiss felt like it was almost permanent. Like it was meant to happen again.

"I had to do that," Zayn said when he parted, licking his lips and padding his thumb down Harry's lips. "I didn't want to forget your lips,"

This made Harry blush. "You didn't want to forget?" he scoffed, shooting Zayn a quizzical look.

Zayn shrugged, his fingers still secured underneath Harry's chin, his thumb now running over Harry's bottom lip. "I mean," Zayn started, moving his thumb across Harry's lips once more before letting go slowly. "Not that I would forget. Maybe I just wanted to taste the two contradictory flavours you just ate,"

"I have a fork right here then," Harry pointed at his fork. "And I have the glass of orange juice right here as well. You could've tasted it as a normal person would,"

"Well fine," Zayn sighed. "You want me to admit that I just wanted to kiss you, don't you?"

Harry shook his head and shot Zayn a sarcastic shocked look. "I said no such thing!"

"I'm admitting it," Zayn said dramatically. "Are you happy? You got it out of me! I just wanted to kiss you! I wanted to-"

With a swift movement, Harry reconnected his lips with Zayn.

This was their third kiss.

It was different than last night's kiss. And their kiss prior to this. It was different because Harry started it. Harry had his hand on the back of Zayn's neck, Harry was pulling Zayn in closer, Harry was in control.

"Taste your lips," Zayn whispered dreamily once the two had parted. "You taste quite good,"

"If you keep speaking like that, I'm going to have to kiss you again," Harry said softly, surprised at how bold he, himself was being.

"Again?" A smile grew on Zayn's lips. Harry's hand was still secured on the back of his neck. "I should keep talking like that then, shouldn't I?"

Harry shrugged.

"You taste like sugar almost? Maybe marshmallows? Or vanilla? I'll just need to confirm..." So Zayn kissed Harry this time, savouring his lips.

This was their fourth kiss.

It was different than last night's kiss and their kiss just thirty seconds before. It was different because Zayn tugged at Harry's bottom lip, lingering his teeth and tongue for a moment, making Harry want more as the miliseconds passed.

It was also different because Trisha was stood at the bottom of the stairs all dressed to go.

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