it was such a rollercoaster

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Grumbling, Harry turned over, awoken by the sound of Zayn tapping away at his phone, while somehow, simultaneously listening to videos on full blast.

"You don't have earbuds?" Harry muttered, the rasp in his voice more than prominent. "You woke me up,"

"It's almost ten thirty anyways," Zayn replied, looking down at Harry who was wrapped up in blankets beside him. "You should've woken up a while ago,"

Rolling his eyes, Harry flipped over, away from Zayn. "Ten is early Zayn," he said softly. "You want me to wake up before ten? You monster,"

"Monster?!" Zayn exclaimed, holding in a laugh. "So you said let me just sleep my day away, huh?"

"I didn't say that,"

"You're basically saying that,"

"I'm not at all,"

"Go brush your teeth so I can kiss you. Then you'll stop talking,"

Turning around quickly, Harry raised his eyebrows. "Really?" he questioned, holding back a smile.

Zayn widened his eyes at Harry nodding. "Duh," he spoke a matter-of-factly. "Go before Anne and Mum call us for breakfast,"

So Harry did, throwing the covers off of himself and trudging out of bed to the bathroom, his feet dragging along the floors.

He could hear Zayn in the other room, his videos still playing, his fingers still tapping. Harry liked these sounds. He liked the sounds of someone so familiar to him in the other room. They were small, virtually meaningless sounds that Harry would keep alive in his mind.

After brushing his teeth, he rinsed his mouth out with the mouthwash Zayn had left out the night before and rushed back to their bed, climbing on top of Zayn and pulling his phone out of his hand.

"I'm gonna kiss you," Harry whispered, his lips inches away from Zayn's.

Tilting his head back, just enough for his lips to brush the top of Harry's, Zayn smiled. "I thought we already established this,"

"Just wanted to reiterate it," Harry responded, then quickly, he connected his lips with Zayn tasting coffee and his dreams. Always his dreams.

It never got old when he kissed Zayn. Zayn tasted like life, everything Harry had ever longed for, wrapped up in a sunkissed, pink-lipped golden dream. A dream.

Always a fucking dream.

Zayn joined his hands underneath Harry's shirt on his lower back, running them up and down, uttering a smile in their kiss.

Harry's cheeks flushed pink as he parted with Zayn. "What?"

"What?" Zayn's cheeks, being equally as pink made Harry want to melt just a little.

"Nothing," Harry shrugged, kissing Zayn again, short but sweet. "Should we go downstairs to eat?"

"Okay," Zayn answered, pushing Harry off gently, causing him to fall soundly back into his spot, the bed bouncing in response. "If that's what you want,"

"Who said I wanted that?" Harry leaned back against his elbows, eyeing the back of Zayn until he turned around with a sigh.

Rolling his eyes, Zayn huffed, crossing his arms across his chest. "You do things like that and expect me to leave,"

"Okay, we can save it for later," Harry said quickly, standing up and following Zayn out of the room.

Walking down the hall and to the staircase, the smell of fresh pancakes with hints of maple syrup mixed with the air in front of the two. Before they could even step down one stair, Anne's voice trailed up to their ears.

"I just don't know how they're going to take it," Was the first thing Zayn and Harry heard before making it downstairs. "It's gonna be tough,"

"You're right Anne," Trisha chimed in. "So much has happened to them. It'll hit hard,"

"And I am so worried about Harry. As if going away for Uni wasn't enough,"

"It's not your fault Anne! There was no reason for any of you to travel back and forth hours. You made the right choice,"

"It's not like we're leaving the country, you know? Hours away, but still? I know at least once a year we'll see each other, yeah?"

"Of course Anne..."

"Jesus," Harry scoffed, shooting Zayn, who stood uneasy, a look.

Blinking, Zayn finally nodded. "Yeah,"

Harry kept his eyes on Zayn, who gave off emotions that Harry hadn't experienced yet. All Harry could read was his shaken eyes and uncomfortable stance.

"Are you okay?" he asked slowly, while Zayn's eyes flickered over to his.

Quickly, Zayn pressed a kiss against Harry's cheek before starting down the stairs. "I'm okay," he said with a soft smile.

"Uh," Harry nodded, following him downstairs and into the kitchen. "Whatever you say," he muttered before the two promptly faced their parents.

Trisha and Anne were washing and drying dishes, the fresh stack of pancakes the two had smelled just moments before sat on the kitchen table.

"Hi loves!" Trisha smiled, drying her hands quickly before going up to the boys pressing a kiss against both of their cheeks. "Did we sleep well?"

"Harry just woke up like a couple of minutes ago," Zayn said with a laugh. "So yes, we did sleep well,"

"Well, that's good to hear," Anne spoke, turning around and leaning against the sink. "You two'll have the cottage to yourselves today. Any plans?"

"Where are you guys going?" Harry questioned with a slight frown, sitting down at the kitchen table, forking some pancakes onto the plate already placed in front of him.

"Errands," Trisha shrugged. "Yaser is in the car waiting for us,"

"Might go for lunch later," Anne shrugged. "This town is so gorgeous and we never get out. Might as well do it now,"

"You're right Anne!" Trisha smiled, grabbing her purse off of a chair in the kitchen. "It's so gorgeous,"

"Okay then, we'll see you guys later then?" Zayn sat down beside Harry, grabbing the empty plate placed on the opposite side of the table.

"You two be ready later, alright?" Anne spoke, trailing behind Trisha. "We're going out to dinner,"

"Fun," Harry mumbled, his mouth full. "Bye, bye!"

"Make good choices, we love you," Trisha smiled sweetly at the boys as she and Anne made their way to the front.

Before Zayn and Harry knew it, the door was shut and locked leaving the two in the awfully large, quite empty cottage.

"So the thing is," Harry began, pouring more maple syrup over his pancakes. "I just want to swim all day,"

"All day?" Zayn laughed as if he was trying to confirm what Harry had just said.

"All day," Harry quickly assured Zayn, poking his knee. "All fucking day,"

the pool in his backyard ➳ zarryWhere stories live. Discover now