rollercoaster, when you don't say no

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Holding Zayn's hand tight in his, Harry traced his knuckles one by one. Trailing the tip of his finger down the lengths of each of Zayn's, Harry longed for a way to physically memorize the softness Zayn's skin left upon each of his fingertips.

"They're going to want us downstairs," Zayn whispered, after a moment. He pressed a kiss against Harry's forehead hastily, Harry nuzzling deeper into his chest.

"Whatever," Harry repeated the process, tracing Zayn's fingers again.

Their parents were outside packing the cars, the sounds of doors opening and closing, cars beeping and shoes against concrete following the wind through Zayn's bedroom window.

With a sly smirk, Zayn kissed Harry's forehead again. This time longer. "Whatever?" he replied, his voice low.

"Exactly what I said," Harry nodded, scooting upwards and sitting up. He made sure to keep his hand connected with Zayn's, trying so hard to live in the moment, although with each passing second came nostalgia for it to last longer.

Sitting up in response to Harry's swift movement, Zayn cupped the left side of Harry's cheek with his free hand, kissing him gently.

The kiss mimicked pent up emotions, happiness, sadness, memories, all wrapped into one flavour. Zayn's lips, with a hint of mint.

"Oh, they're going to be pissed," Harry muttered, before kissing Zayn again, harder, letting go of his hand simply to pull Zayn closer by the back of his head.

"Hm?" A soft mumble was all that escaped Zayn's lips during their kiss as the two melted into their own little bubble, which was soon popped by the sound of Anne's voice.

"Boys! Come on downstairs!" she called, her statement piercing through the creak of Zayn's bedroom window.

"Coming Mum," Harry responded, kissing Zayn promptly on the lips one more time before getting up and grabbing his overnight bag that was sat beside Zayn's bed.

"You know I'm driving the van by myself today?" Zayn said after slinging his backpack onto his back and following Harry idly out of the room.

"Really?" With a tinge of sarcasm on the border of his voice, Harry turned around and raised his eyebrows at Zayn as the two walked down the stairs.

"Yeah," Zayn nodded happily. "Anne and my parents are taking your Mum's car. Mum said I could drive the van with just you and me,"

As the two made it to the bottom of the stairs, Harry grabbed Zayn's hand, just to feel it once more. "I like that idea," he whispered, before running to the front door and sliding his sneakers on.

Zayn followed him outside, struggling to keep up while jumping into his dirty Nikes. "Is the location connected to the GPS Mum?" he questioned, finishing his shoe off and straightening out his red shorts.

"Yes, love," Trisha nodded, before stepping into the passenger seat of Anne's car, Yaser and Anne already set up. "We'll meet you two there?"

"Yes, you will," Zayn nodded, waving her off. The two boys stood in the driveway, watching Anne's car pull out as all three parents yelled safety precautions through the windows.

When the three had disappeared from Zayn and Harry's eyesight, Zayn clicked the van open, throwing his backpack into the backseat, after, taking Harry's and doing the same.

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