there was something i could tell ya'

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Across the pool, Harry watched as Zayn brought Louis' blunt up to his lips, taking a hit.

Harry found himself in moments like this, wondering what was going on in Zayn's head. Not really because he was smoking, but just curious as to what Zayn was thinking.

What Zayn was thinking about anything for that matter. If Zayn was thinking about the sun and how bright it was, how hot the stones around the pool felt on the back of his thighs or simply if he was worried he'd get a sunburn and his skin would start peeling.

Harry watched Zayn as if he was trying to immerse himself into Zayn's skin, Zayn's mind.

"What are you looking at Styles?" Zayn nodded, handing Louis his blunt and standing up from his spot on the stones. Straightening his shorts, he strode towards Harry exuding utter confidence that made Harry want him more.

With a quick motion, Harry stood up and smiled as Zayn found his hands around his waist.

"You," he whispered with a smirk, kissing Zayn's lips lightly.

Zayn raised his eyebrows, unintentionally leading Harry towards his house. "So we're bold now, huh?"

"So we're disregarding everybody else here, huh?" Louis yelled at the two with wide eyes from the side of the pool.

Shrugging, Harry ran ahead of Zayn and slid the back door open, ignoring the group as they hollered out enthralled Ooos.

"Thought the house was off limits!" Jade called from the pool after Niall had jumped in. "Ni and I could've gone in there, couldn't we have?"

Zayn shook his head at Jade with a cheeky smile as he closed the glass door in front of him and Harry. Eyeing Louis, Niall and Jade from inside, Zayn pushed his index finger against his lips mockingly before taking Harry's hand and trailing into the living room.

The sun seeped through Zayn's orange blinds, a dreamy gust of foggy nostalgia casting over the furniture.

Harry felt like it was the last day of school. All the pent up excitement, dreams of the summer and endless freedom was finally catching up to him as he pulled Zayn into his lips, kissing him with all the power his heart could hold.

"Woah," Zayn scoffed when he and Harry parted. "You okay?"

"Yes," Harry nodded quickly, sitting down on the couch below the windows. "I want to kiss you,"

Zayn sat down beside Harry and kissed him sweetly. "You know you can kiss me whenever you want," he whispered with his forehead pressed against Harry's, his lips hovering right where they had been connected prior.

"I know that," Harry replied. "That's why I'm doing it,"

So that's when Harry reconnected his lips with Zayn's. Slowly at first, savouring Zayn's taste, the sweet, the salty, before inching backwards, finding himself leaning against the armrest and Zayn finding his way on top of him.

Maybe it was the whimsical atmosphere planted by the tangerine coloured air or the simple fact that Zayn was now on top of Harry that made him grow more fond of this moment, but Harry felt defenceless.

He wanted everything under the sun at the same time and the only way he could articulate it was by pressing his body against Zayn's to feel anything.

"Shit," Zayn muttered between their kisses, moving his hands along Harry's arms until they reached his hands, intertwining fingers. "Fuck,"

"Hm," Harry smiled and slid farther down on the couch, making Zayn sit softly on his lower abdomen.

Zayn still had his hands in Harry's and as he toyed with Harry's fingertips he watched Harry's eyes.

the pool in his backyard ➳ zarryWhere stories live. Discover now