it was such a rollercoaster

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Three days after 'the fight' as Niall dubbed it, Zayn and Perrie hadn't spoken. Tension had been running high, the rest of the group spending their days holding back their newly developed opinions on Perrie.

"So you two aren't talking?" Harry asked Zayn softly who nodded, unbothered.

"Barely," he scoffed, leaning against the back of the bleachers. "The shit she said is crazy,"

"Yeah," Harry nodded. "Are you okay, though?"

"I'm fine," Zayn sighed, looking at Harry. "Just processing,"

Harry had decided to take Zayn out today, simply to blow off steam and as adamant as Harry was admitting this, just to see him. So there the two were, sat on the bleachers on their high school football field.

"I get that," Harry smiled softly at Zayn. "Well, you can talk to me you know,"

Smirking, Zayn tapped Harry's shoe with his. "That's what I'm doing right now,"

"Well, yeah!" Harry's cheeks flushed. "I just don't know what to say... This kind of thing doesn't happen often,

Shrugging, Zayn turned his head, looking out at the field. "That's okay," he said. "What's up with you and David?" he then questioned, raising his eyebrows at Harry.

Harry rolled his eyes and grinned. "Oh my," he sighed. "We're just talking a bit,"

That was a bit of a lie. Harry's Mum had gone on another trip earlier this week, leaving the house to Harry. Harry invited David over every day since the party. Each time they met up, David would stay a little longer and the two would do just a little more.

Harry didn't like David. He thought David was attractive and he liked what they were doing. It was fun. But Harry wasn't getting everything he wanted.

"A bit?" Zayn asked, wiggling his eyebrows. "You two are talking a bit... Okay... He woke up shirtless at the party... Beside you..."

Harry leaned forward and pushed Zayn gently. "Okay fine, just a little more than talking,"

"Whoa," Zayn pretended to be shocked. "A little more?"

"Don't make a big deal about it!" Harry blushed. "It's not a big deal!"

"I'm not!" Zayn raised his hands up in defence. "Am I not allowed to ask my friend a question?"

"I never said that," Harry smiled, locking his gaze with Zayn's. "It's just not a big deal,"

"Okay," Zayn trailed off, his eyes still on Harry's. "Do you like him?" he asked, his voice quieter.

Lowering his eyes, Harry laughed. "You're serious?"

Zayn reached forward and tapped Harry's thigh. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't like him," Harry answered, pursing his lips. "I mean... He's really good... Very good..."

Zayn raised his eyebrows at this statement. "He's what?!"

The thing was, Zayn's eyes didn't match what was coming out of his mouth. When he spoke, the statement was energetic, shocked. But his face portrayed a completely different emotion, an emotion Harry couldn't read for the life of him.

"Nothing," Harry smirked, standing up and straightening his shorts. "Let's go back to my house,"

Reaching down, Harry grabbed Zayn's hands pulling him up with him.

"Why are you trying to change the subject?" Questioned Zayn as he stood up, the two hopping off of the bleachers and making their way around the school to the sidewalks that led back to Harry's house.

"I'm not," Harry smiled. "You want details? Because I'll give you details if that's what you're looking for,"

Doubling back, Zayn shook his head laughing. "I never said I was looking for details!"

"Fine," Harry looked over at Zayn who was watching the sidewalk.

The two trudged along basking in the summer heat, Harry, ever so often looking over at Zayn who was humming a soft tune.

"You know," Zayn started, his voice quiet but meaningful. "Why does it matter so much about who you like?"

Harry turned his head, gazing at Zayn who was still looking down at their feet, trailing down the walkway.

He shrugged. "I don't know," he stated, honest. "Religion is a big part of it. Some people think that it wasn't always this way. But we've been around for a while,"

"Yeah," Zayn finally looked up and at Harry. "I can't imagine intentionally losing a friend or a family member. Just because they don't like the 'traditional type of person',"

Zayn was now looking elsewhere, but his emotions radiated with passion as he continued talking. "Why do people care about who others like? It doesn't have anything to do with them. It doesn't bother them. It's not like we're causing chaos or commotion,"

Zayn tensed up.

Harry tensed up.

When he was listening to Zayn carefully, his train of thought and deliberation was immediately interrupted by Zayn's word.


Nonetheless, Zayn wasn't finished speaking. "I don't think it matters who you like," he said, his voice lacking confidence and quieter than before. "I think someone should like someone else because of their mind. Not what's between their legs," With a pause, Zayn's words came out in merely a whisper, his eyes low. "Don't think I do,"

Harry didn't answer. The two reached the corner where they turned into their street.

"You're very cool Harry," Zayn spoke, ten sidewalk squares away from Harry's house.

Scoffing, Harry shook his head. "I am not cool,"

"You are though," Zayn pushed, placing his gentle grip on Harry's shoulder. "It takes a lot of balls to be your entire self,"

Stopping in the middle of the sidewalk, Harry studied Zayn who had now taking his hand off of his shoulder.

His eyes were beautiful. His face was created, executed so carefully. Perfectly. His cheeks soft, strands of his jet black hair tumbling over his forehead, his lips, parted. So kissable.

Harry studied Zayn.

He longed for Zayn. He longed for Zayn in a way he's never longed for anyone. He longed for Zayn in a way he didn't long for David, even though David was giving him a lot of some things he really loved. A lot of things he needed.

I mean, at least he thought he needed. He's a boy, isn't that what he's stereotypically supposed to need?

Harry studied Zayn. And god, Harry could study Zayn forever.

"What're you looking at Styles?" Zayn spoke, licking his bottom lip, a smirk forming.

Harry studied Zayn. With a growing grin.

"What are you looking at Malik?" he said, cheekiness dripping off of his lips.

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