and a killer queen you are

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Before Niall, Liam, Louis and Jade could get comfortable on the dock, Harry ran ahead and propelled himself off of it and straight into the lake.

Upon surfacing, he pushed his hair out of his face and swam closer to the dock, while the rest of the group sat down.

"Swimming already?" Niall spoke, pushing his sunglasses up the bridge of his nose and wrapping his arm around Jade's shoulder.

"Yes," Harry replied, floating on his back. "That's what we're here for,"

"Does anyone know when Zayn's showing up?" Jade questioned, looking around. "He said he's bringing snacks,"

"He didn't say he was bringing snacks," A grin grew on Harry's lips. "He said Perrie's bringing snacks,"

The group expressed a collective groan, Harry laughing.

"Honestly," Louis sighed, tangling his legs with Liam's. "I don't want Perrie to come,"

A string of mutual muttering of agreements circulated, Harry scoffing.

"What's funny?" Niall asked, looking at Harry who was swimming around in the lake.

"The fact that he's still with her," he said smiling, causing the group to burst out into a fit of laughter, completely unaware that Zayn's car had pulled in on the gravel pathway.

"How the hell did he not break up with her yet?" Liam smiled, between chuckles, the laughter only getting louder amongst the five.

As the conversation continued, the nastier the statements were, the more uproar they'd cause. So engrossed in the discussion, no one noticed when Zayn finally showed up, standing behind the group, frowning.

Clearing his throat, Zayn caught the groups attention, giggles coming to a complete stop.

"Hi Zayn," Harry waved cheerily, Jade, Niall, Liam and Louis following along.

"What are we laughing at?" Zayn asked, putting his towel down behind Jade and Niall and taking his slides off.

Jade looked up at Zayn and shook her head. "Nothing," she said with a smirk. "Where's Perrie, huh?"

With a deep sigh, Zayn shrugged. "On her way,"

"Alright," Niall nodded and turned to Liam and Louis who had started their own little chat in the meantime.

Looking around, Zayn caught Harry's eye and smiled. Quickly, he jumped into the water and swam over to him.

"Hi," he said softly. "Nice shorts,"

Harry looked down at his yellow shorts. "You're acting like you haven't seen them before,"

"Woah," Zayn shook his head at Harry, smirking. "You can't take a compliment, huh?"

Punching Zayn's shoulder gently, Harry chuckled. "Shut up,"

"I don't get a compliment?" Zayn then questioned, swimming around Harry, his feet brushing Harry's thighs.

Zayn could do anything at this point. Absolutely anything and Harry would be reminded of how much he really likes this boy.

"Yes, you do," Harry's cheeks flushed. "Nice shorts too,"

Zayn looked at Harry, who was blushing. "Thank you,"

"You're welcome," Harry continued to eye Zayn down as if it was some sort of competition. The smile on his lips kept getting wider, seemingly causing Zayn's grin to get bigger as well.

Slowly, Zayn hooked his finger in the waistband of Harry's shorts, still smiling at Harry whose breathing evidently picked up.

"What'cha looking at Styles?" Zayn smirked, running his finger on the flesh of Harry's hip.

the pool in his backyard ➳ zarryWhere stories live. Discover now