it was such a rollercoaster

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The bell on the door to Brewstone Creamery jingled as Harry walked in. Going straight into the line, he peeked at the menu before pulling his phone out of his pocket and turning it on, just to see if there were any notifications.


That's alright. Putting his phone back in his back pocket, he shoved his hands in his front pocket, whistling a soft tune, his eyes wandering.

The usual people were sprawled out around the shop. The kids who played basketball across the street were all licking vanilla dipped in chocolate ice cream cones, the chocolate all over their mouths. Couples in the corner booths on dates and as Harry scanned the creamery, he spotted Zayn.

And Perrie.

In the split second that Harry was looking at Zayn and Perrie, all snug in their booth, Zayn caught his gaze.

Harry looked away as quickly as he could, but he could see Zayn at the corner of his eye waving him over.

With a deep sigh, Harry put on a smile and walked over to their booth.

"Hi Harry," Zayn said with his usual cheeky smirk.

Harry shook his head. "Hi, Zayn,"

Zayn and Harry had their little moment, Perrie breaking it up immediately with her cheerful voice.

"Sit down Harry!" she motioned towards the empty booth seat across from her and Zayn.

Wearily, Harry sat down. "I'm not intruding on this little date?" he said with a smile, looking between Zayn and Perrie.

Zayn's arm was around her shoulders, Perrie holding his hand that dangled below her neck.

"Not at all!" Perrie sat up straighter, squeezing Zayn's hand. "We were waiting on our sundae,"

Harry held back a laugh as he eyed Zayn.

Our sundae? Harry's eyes spoke and Zayn kicked his shin underneath the table with a grin.

"You know, I was thinking we should throw another party," Perrie piped up, noticing that Zayn and Harry were having their own little silent conversation.

Zayn pressed a kiss on Perrie's temple. "That's a good idea babe," he said dazed, pulling his arm out from around her shoulders and straightening her ponytail.

"Another party?" Harry questioned, watching the two go off into their own little world.

Harry's mind drifted. Zayn was so wishy-washy.

"There's only been one party since the summer started," Perrie said. "And my parents are out this weekend... We should do it,"

"We should," Zayn nodded. "What do you think Harry?"

Shrugging Harry looked around the shop. "It's not my party... I guess it'd be cool?"

"What's with the attitude Styles?" Zayn joked, pushing Harry's foot gently underneath the table.

Pins and needles. God, Zayn needed to stop messing with him!

Harry's mind had a tendency to get ahead of itself. Zayn probably wasn't messing with him. They've always been playful, no doubt about that. But recently there's been a hint of gentleness and care. His mind was horrible. Harry probably felt that way because he may like Zayn a little.

Just a little.

His thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice bringing Zayn and Perrie's 'our' sundae to the table.

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