and lit a fire while i waited for more

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It was 7:01 PM, as Harry ran down the stairs while trying to zip up his jean shorts and tuck in his button down all while Anne was calling for him to hurry up.

"Harry, we're late!" Anne yelled from the mudroom as Harry came barreling into the room, sliding his Converse on.

"By one minute Mum," he sighed, tying his laces before walking out after Anne.

Slowly walking away from the door, Anne checked her purse and patted down her pockets. "It's about to be two minutes... The wine!"

Chuckling, Harry watched as his Mum ran back into the house and seconds later came out with a fresh bottle of red wine.

"Can I have a glass?" Harry asked his Mum jokingly who shot him a frown and began walking to the Malik's house in a hurry.

"We haven't done this in a while," Anne said once they had arrived at the door. "We used to do this practically every weekend when you and Zayn were younger, yeah?"

Harry nodded as he rung the doorbell. "Indeed,"

Yaser answered, pulling Anne in for a hug immediately as if he hadn't seen her weeks earlier.

"You look lovely Anne!" Yaser spoke as Anne did a quick spin with a laugh.

"Thank you, Yaser! Where's Trisha, does she need help in the kitchen?" she began, stepping into the house and pulling her shoes off.

"She insists she doesn't need help!" Yaser called after Anne who shook her head before greeting Trisha in the kitchen.

"Styles!" Yaser finally spoke, shaking Harry's hand firmly. "Zayn's upstairs getting ready, you can probably head up there,"

"Alright Mr. Malik," Harry smiled. "Thank you,"

Quickly, Harry trailed up the stairs and walked down the narrow hallway to Zayn's bedroom. He took in a breath before knocking on Zayn's door.

"Yeah?" Zayn called from behind the door, followed by the sounds of shuffling.

"It's Harry," he replied softly, watching the doorknob turn, revealing Zayn in his boxers and a smirk wiped across his lips.

"Hi, Harry," he smiled, grabbing Harry's hand and pulling him in, closing the door behind them.

"Hi," Harry plopped down on Zayn's bed, subconsciously taking in his scent.

Zayn grabbed a pair of blue shorts off of his dresser and slid them on. While zipping them up, he looked up at Harry. "So," he said, biting his bottom lip to hold back a smile. "You come to prove it to me, or...?"

"Are we still on this shit?" Harry fell back on Zayn's bed, rolling his eyes. "You're high, aren't you?"

"I'm sober, fuck off," he grinned, pulling on a white t-shirt. "I was just kidding with you. Wanted to see if you'd actually do it,"

These words hit Harry in his heart. And his pants. Quickly, he sat up and squeezed his eyes shut in annoyance, changing the subject. "Question," he started.

Zayn nodded. "Shoot,"

"Have you told your parents...? What you told me?" he questioned, his words agile.

"No sir," Zayn shook his head and sat down beside Harry. "It was scary enough saying it out loud once, don't know if I want to do that again for a while,"

Sighing, Harry smiled softly. "You seemed quite confident when you told me,"

"And?" Zayn shrugged, running finger back and forth along the defined muscle on Harry's thigh.

Pins and needles.

"Nevermind," Harry said. "It's hard saying it. I know what you're saying,"

Zayn kept his eyes down, his finger moving. "I told you, yeah... But I can't even say it in the mirror to myself. So I don't know how I'm going to tell my parents. I don't think they'll care. But still. It's scary,"

"Very scary," Harry agreed, standing up and shaking off Zayn's touch before his body escalated it.

Dropping his hand into his lap, Zayn looked up at Harry. "Why'd you stand up?"

"Tired of sitting?" Harry answered, eyeing Zayn.

"Was I bothering you?" Zayn started, his voice smooth and clear. "Whenever I touch you, you end up pushing me away,"

Harry looked away from Zayn and shrugged his shoulders. "I-" was all he could get out.

"When I pushed your tag back in at the lake, you pushed me off," Zayn continued.

Harry knew that was a flat out lie and looked at Zayn as if he was crazy. There was no tag on the side of Harry's shorts, and pushing the tag back in didn't call for touching almost every inch of his skin.

"What?" Zayn laughed. He knew he was lying too.

Before Harry could speak, Trisha's voice seeped through the door.

"Dinner's ready boys!" she called from downstairs, Zayn shooting up and following Harry out of his bedroom.

The two made their way down the stairs and just as they reached the landing, Zayn hooked his finger in Harry's belt loop, pulling him backwards.

Swiftly, he leaned into Harry's ear. "I wasn't just kidding around," he whispered, his voice low, his breath smelling of mint, hot against Harry's neck.

Harry sucked in a breath as Zayn's lips lingered beside his ear. Harry's mind was screaming.

If he just turned around now, he would be able to find out once and for all if Zayn tasted like caramel. Or Ferrero Rocher. Or hazelnut. Or all of the above.

"Hm," Harry chuckled, wiggling out of Zayn's grip, immediately regretting his decision as he walked to the dining room, Zayn trailing behind him.

Dinner began, Yaser at the head of the table and Anne and Trisha across from Zayn and Harry. As their meal went on, Yaser, Trisha and Anne reminiscing on old memories shared between the two families.

Throughout the night, Zayn would knee the side of Harry's thigh, Harry, pushing back showing annoyance on the outside, but his heart pounding on the inside.

"Do you remember when Harry used to stay over practically every night during the summer?" Trisha brought up, looking over at Yaser and Anne who nodded with smiles.

"You are such an angel for that Trisha!" Anne spoke. "God knows I was on work trips practically every day,"

"You're going on another soon, yeah?" Yaser piped up, taking a sip of his wine.

"Tomorrow actually," Anne remarked, looking over at her son. "I told you about it last week though, didn't I lovey?"

Harry nodded. "Yes, I knew in advance,"

Under the table, Zayn hooked his foot with Harry's and scooted his chair closer.

"Why don't you stay over tonight love?" Trisha said, looking over at Harry with a smile. "Zayn's bed can probably still fit the two of you, and you two haven't had a sleepover in such a long time!"

"Oh, that would be so fun Harry!" Anne responded, eyeing Trisha who was nodding in agreement.

Yaser let out a laugh. "You two are treating them like they're seven years old,"

"Well!" Trisha shook her head at Yaser. "They're still our little boys,"

Yaser shot Zayn and Harry a sympathetic look and scoffed. "What do you say, boys? You two want to encourage this?"

Zayn looked over at Harry then back at Anne and Trisha. A smile grew on his lips.

"I don't like how you two call it a sleepover, but why not?"

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