Chapter 8

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~ Isabella's POV~

When we got home, Noel and I went into the guest room we are going to stay in and started to unpack.

Isabella: So, how do you like New York so far?
Noel: It's ok. How are you?
Isabella: ( sighs) I'm ok. You don't have to worry. Ok? I promise.
Noel: Is their even a cure?
Isabella: The doctor said there was. But I just have to keep taking my medicine and I'll be fine.
Noel: I hope you are right. I can't loose both of you.
Isabella: Both of us?
Noel: You and Austin. He died with the same cancer you have right?
Isabella: Um yeah. Right. Don't worry, I'll be extra careful.
Noel: Ok. I love you.
Isabella: ( smiles) I love you too.

With that we finished unpacking. After that we went downstairs and saw Mia and decided to just hang with her. We watched movies and played a few games. It was really fun and I think Noel enjoyed it as well. I told them it was time to go to bed, so we cleaned everything up and went to bed.

~ Next Day~

I woke up and checked my phone. It was currently 11:23 am. I got out of bed and got ready for the day. I put on this

I then did my hair

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I then did my hair. I wanted to do a really cute hairstyle but I was a bit to lazy so I stuck with a simple one that's like this

 I wanted to do a really cute hairstyle but I was a bit to lazy so I stuck with a simple one that's like this

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I then heard my phone go off so I went to see what it is. It was Zach. I immediately smiled and opened the text.

Text Convo:

Zachy😝: Hey. What's up?
Bells😎: Nothing. I just woke up.
Zachy😝: Wow. So late?
Bells😎: I didn't set an alarm ok.
Bells😎: Anyways, What have you been up to?
Zachy😝: I'm actually going somewhere to.
Bells😎: Looking for your best friends girlfriend, right?
Zachy😝: Right. Um, I have to go. Getting on the plane but I'll txt you when I land ok?
Bells😎: yeah sure. See ya

End Text Convo

I sighed, wanting to talk to him longer. I finally went downstairs and saw a plate ready for me. I grabbed it and went into the living room to find Noel and Mia talking and playing a card game. I went to sit on the couch and started eating.

Mia: There you are. What took so long?
Isabella: Just woke up late. Then I started to talk to a friend.
Noel: You didn't set an alarm? You always do that.
Isabella: Must've forgot I guess.
Noel: But you never forget.

Then there was a awkward silence. I'm grateful that Mia broke it.

Mia: So after you finished eating I was thinking that I could show you around New York. Even though I've only been here for a few days.

We laughed. Spending time with Mia is a real refresher. I really need it.

Isabella: Yeah that sounds great.
Noel: Where are we going first?

As Noel finished her question Aunt Skye came in and intervene.

Skye: You, young lady, are going to school.
Noel: What!? I thought this was a vacation?
Skye: It is. But Isabella, Your mom and I think it's best that you get an education here while on this vacation. Don't worry after I can take you wherever you want to go.
Noel: ( sighs) Ok fine.
Skye: Great. Let's go. Don't want to be late. Bye girls have fun.
Isabella&Mia: Bye. Love you.

With that both Aunt Skye and Noel left. I finished my food and put the dishes in the sink. I then went back to Mia.

Isabella: So, where to first?
Mia: Let's just go freely and see where we end up.

We then went and we some how ended up in Time Square. We then went shopping until me being me, bumped into someone.

???: Oh, I'm so sorry.
Isabella: It's fine. Don't worry about it.
???: Isabella?

I then looked up. And saw Zach along with a whole bunch of people. Only people I recognized were Corbyn and Jacque.

Isabella: Zach? What— Uh, what are you doing here?
Zach: Um vacation.
Isabella: And you didn't tell me you were going to be here?
Zach: You didn't tell me you were going to be here.

Then Mia came out of the shop we were in and looked pale all of a sudden.

Isabella: Hey Mia, you ok?

Everyone(besides Isabella and Mia): MIA?!?

~ Author's Note~
A little cliffhanger. Hope you enjoyed. Also go check out my jacquexoxo1602 we are collaborating. Check out her book called " Make Up My Mind"

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