Chapter 16

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~ Isabella's POV~

I saw Zach hooked up with wires and such. I almost broke down at the sight of him all beat up. He then looked at me with a confused look.

Zach: Who are you and why are you in my room?
Isabella: Zach, it's me Isabella.
Zach: I'm sorry. I don't know who you are.

I then broke down crying. He has to remember me. I can't believe I caused this.

Isabella: ... please remember me...
Mia: Isabella...
Isabella: Mia?! Why can't he remember?
Mia: He only remembers things from a year back.
Zach: aye.. Daniel what's good my dude?
Daniel: How ya feeling?
Zach: Not great. Who's that girl with you?
Daniel: That's Mia.. my.. girlfriend
Zach: Ahh sweet dude. What about the other one?
Daniel: Mia's cousin.
Zach: Do I know her or is she some crazy fan?

That's when I lost it. I started to cry hard. Mia then lead me out of he room.

Isabella: I want him to remember.
Mia: He will sooner or later. Let's get you home. I'll tell Daniel to bring Noel home.

We then left the hospital. On the way home, I was crying. How can this happen? I really want him to remember. I arrived home and I was go numb to do anything. Mia helped me get ready for bed. After a while, I went to sleep. The only thing on my mind was what will happen now.

~ Few days later~

Its been a few days and I'm still in my room. I locked myself in here because I don't have the strength to be around people. Mia and Noel bring me food but I don't eat it. I just lay there not doing anything.

I then heard a knock on the door. I didn't say anything because I don't want to talk to anyone. Then I saw Mia coming in. I turned away from her and sighed.

Mia: Hey Izzy. How are you feeling?

I kept quiet. I think she noticed because she I heard her sadly sigh.

Mia: Well I have some news. Zach is getting released from the hospital. I'm sure you knew that Jonah and Jacque got out yesterday.

I sighed. Knowing that they got out yesterday because Noel came and talked to me about it. I turned towards Mia.

Isabella: That's great. Can you please leave?
Mia: ( smiles) Nope because we are going to the boy's house and visit them. So get up lazy bones and meet me downstairs.

With that she left. I got up and went towards the bathroom. I got ready and put this on

I then put my hair up like this

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I then put my hair up like this

I grabbed my phone and went to head downstairs but then I forgot my charger in the bathroom

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I grabbed my phone and went to head downstairs but then I forgot my charger in the bathroom. I went inside the bathroom and searched for my charger. I then came across something unexpected. It was a pregnancy test.

I gasped and dropped it along with my phone which made a loud noise. I then heard Mia come up so I quickly put the test where I found it and grabbed my phone. I then heard Mia outside the door knocking.

Mia: Hey, everything ok in here?
Isabella: Um.. uh yeah... yeah everything is fine. Coming out in a minute.
Mia: Ok hurry up I told the boys we'll be there soon.
Isabella: Ok coming.

I then heard her head back downstairs. I sighed in relief. I composed myself then grabbed my charger which was laying on the counter then raced to my room and grabbed my purse. I made sure I had everything then went downstairs.

Mia handed me an apple which I accept. Then we started to head to the boy's house. On the way there I was wondering who's test that was. It can't be Riley's and Alexa's because they're to young. It can't be Noel's because she is young. It also can't be mine because.. well you know. So it has to be Aunt Skye's or Mia's.

I have no idea but what I do know is that I'm not ready to see everyone. Especially Zach.

~ Author's Note~
Hoped you all enjoyed. This was a little rushed.

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