Chapter 10

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~Isabella's POV~

When Zach and I returned and we all just started to either talk or watch tv. I looked up and saw both Daniel and Mia go upstairs. I paid no thought to it and just went back to my conversation with Corbyn. I don't know how but we got into an argument about space. Thats when Jack and Zach jumped into our argument. A little bit after that we came into an agreement and watched tv.

I didn't even notice that Mia and Daniel came back. That's when she started talking about everyone leaving.

Mia: Guys.. you gotta leave.
Isabella: No they don't.
Mia: Yes they do.
Zach: Why?
Mia: Because it's a long story.
Daniel: Guys.. we can all meet up tomorrow it's fine.
Jack: Ok

They all left through the back as Noel and Aunt Skye came through the front door. I still don't know why Mia made them leave but I'm pretty sure she'll tell me later. I decided to speak up.

Isabella: How was New Jersey?
Noel: It was so fun! We should all go sometime.
Mia: Maybe.

With that we all went to do other things. I got ready for bed then went to see Mia what all that was earlier. I walked into her room. It looked like she was watching Netflix.

Isabella: What was that whole fiasco about?
Mia: I can't believe I'm saying this.. Zach and all the boys.. they are apart of Noel's favorite band.

I got confused. What was she talking about?

Isabella: Why Don't We? g
Mia: Yeah.. I found out awhile back.
Isabella: Now I know why Jacque said I would steal his money.
Mia: I wanted Zach to tell you but.. didn't have time for that.
Isabella: She would've loved to meet them.
Mia: She can.. but on accident
Isabella: Maybe at the mall
Mia: Perfect

With that I left and went to talk to Zach. I decided to text since I don't feel like hearing his voice due to me being mad at him.

Text Convo:

Bells😎: We need to talk. Now.
Zachy😝: What's up? Is something wrong?
Bells😎: Yes, something is wrong. Why didn't you tell me you were part of a band?
Zachy😝: Bella listen. I wanted to tell you. So bad but..
Bells😎: But what?

I waited in suspense. I was afraid of what he was going to say.

Zachy😝: But I thought you would use me.

I started to feel angry and upset. I decided to ignore him. I left my phone on my dresser then went to find Noel. I then found her in the den doing her homework.

Isabella: Hey kiddo.
Noel: Hey. You look upset. You ok?
Isabella: Um yeah. I'm fine. So, guess what?
Noel: What?
Isabella: You, me and Mia are going to the mall tomorrow.
Noel: Really? Sweet! I need new clothes anyways.
Isabella: Awesome. Be ready by 10 tomorrow morning. Ok?
Noel: Ok. Did you take your medicine yet?
Isabella: Yes kiddo. I did. Don't worry. I'm going to head to bed.
Noel: What about dinner?
Isabella: I'm not hungry. Love you kiddo.
Noel: Love you too.

We hugged and went back upstairs. I grabbed my phone and hopped on my bed. I saw Zach texting me a lot of times. I sighed and went to Jonah's contact. I started to text him telling him about Mia's plan for tomorrow. He said he'll tell the others and said they will be there around 11:30. I replied back with an ok and went to my music.

I got up and grabbed my headphones from my purse and went back to bed. I plugged up my phone and shuffled my music. I sighed not know what tomorrow will bring. With that I went to sleep.

~ Next Day~

I got up and went to tell Noel and Mia to get up and ready. I went to get ready myself and put on this

I also put a little effort in my hair and did this

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I also put a little effort in my hair and did this

I also put a little effort in my hair and did this

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I then grabbed my phone and purse. I went downstairs and grabbed a bowl of fruit. I went into the living room and started eating. I finished and cleaned up my mess. I was a bit early so I started to play games on my phone.

I then heard footsteps coming down the stairs and saw both Noel and Mia laughing about something. Not gonna lie I was a little jealous but I shook it off.

Isabella: Ready to go?
Mia: Yeah, yeah we are ready.

With that we went to the mall. I checked the time and it read 11:23. Only 7 more minutes. I decided we should head to the food court. I told them I'll be with them because I had to text Jonah. I told him to meet us into the food court and he replied with an ok. I then went back to the girls. We got our food and started to eat. Then what happened next went so fast.

So here's the thing, Corbyn came flying out of no where and landed on the floor groaning in pain will he was covered in ketchup. Then I looked up and saw Jacque and the rest of the boys all laughing at Corbyn. Noel, being the person she is, went to Corbyn and helped him up asking if he was ok.

Noel: Are you ok sir?
Corbyn: ( groans) Yeah. I'm.. I'm good. Thanks.
Noel: No probl—

Then Noel screamed. Knowing she pieced it together, Mia and I went up to her to calm her down.

Noel: Your Corbyn.

Then she turned and saw the boys and screamed again. People were starting to stare.

Noel: Your Why Don't We!!
Boys: Yes we are.

Then Noel went and hugged each one of them. They all hugged back. That's when Zach looked at me but looked away quickly. I looked down not knowing what to do. They all introduced themselves and Noel got autographs from them. I decided to speak up because I've been quiet since they got here.

Isabella: So you guys want to hangout?
Jack: Yeah sure. That would be great.

We all them hung out and took pictures and everything. I looked at Noel the whole time and saw how happy she was. I've never seen her so happy in my life. She deserved so much more than what she's been going through. You know with me and our parents. She definitely needed this and I wouldn't want it taken from her. Ever.

~ Author's Note~
This was a little bit longer than I expected it to be. Hoped you all enjoyed.

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