Chapter 12

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~ Isabella's POV~

I finally got to the hotel and asked for a room. The receptionist gave me my room number and room key. I got my stuff and went up to my room. I got ready for bed but before I could fall asleep I checked my phone to see if anyone texted me. I saw that Mia, Daniel and Zach texted me. I just read through all of their messages and shut my phone off. I lied awake for about 10 minutes until I finally went to sleep.

~ Next Day~

I woke up and checked the time. It was 10:37 am. I quickly got dressed knowing that my flight is in 2 1/2 hours. See, while I was in the Uber I changed my flight to today but I wasn't going to LA just yet. I was actually going to go to Florida since I have cousins there. That's also where Austin's body was buried.

I turned on my phone and went to Zach's contact. I was about to text him but then someone started to call me. I looked and saw that it was the hospital. I quickly answered, wanting to know any changes about my cancer.

Dr. Jones: Hello Isabella. How have you been?
Isabella: Hi Dr.Jones. I've been doing pretty well. Thank you for asking.
Dr. Jones: Well I have some news to tell you.
Isabella: What is it? Is it about what type of cancer I have?
Dr. Jones: Yes. You have renal cancer.
Isabella: What's that?
Dr. Jones: It's kidney cancer.

I started to cry. I really hope there's a cure or treatment or something that will help me.

Isabella: how do I treat that?
Dr. Jones: Well, you need to come in and have surgery so we can remove the tumor that's spreading.
Isabella: How fast do you need me there?
Dr. Jones: Tomorrow. If we want to treat this it's gotta be right now.

I was shocked at first, not knowing what to do. I quickly composed myself and went back to talk to Dr. Jones.

Isabella: Ok.. ok yeah I'll be there tomorrow around 11:45.
Dr. Jones: Perfect. I'll see you then Isabella. Have a nice day.
Isabella: Thank you so much. Bye.

With that the call ended. I then realized me leaving was a stupid idea. But I can't go back now. I rushed to my computer and switched my flights so I can be in LA by tomorrow. I got my stuff and went down to the lobby. I was about to check out but that's when I saw Jonah, Corbyn and I think her name is Anna? I quickly hid my face hoping they don't see me. I checked out and went outside to hail a cab.

One finally stopped and the man helped me out my stuff away. I then heard my name being called so I looked around and saw that it was Corbyn. I then hopped into the cab and told the driver to go really fast to the airport. I sighed. I really hope he doesn't say anything to Mia or Zach. Knowing my luck he probably will.

I reached the airport and saw that I only have 20 minutes to get on the plane. So I rushed out of the cab, not before I payed the driver, and walked in. I went through everything and waited till they called my flight. I then, once again, heard my name being called. I looked up and saw that it as Mia, Daniel, Zach and... Noel?!?

She shouldn't be here. They couldn't reach me due to security so I slowly went up to them.

Isabella: What are you guys doing here?
Noel: We came to stop you from leaving.
Isabella: You don't understand. I have to.
Mia: No you don't. We can talk about this. But just please don't run away.
Isabella: I'm not running away.
Zach: Isabella please. Come back to the house with us and we can talk about this.

I was about to speak but then I heard my flight number being called.

Isabella: That's me. I have to go.
Noel: No! You can't leave me. You.. you promised.

Noel looked like she was going to cry. So was Mia. I looked down not knowing what to do. Then I heard my flight being called again.

Isabella: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, but I have to go.
Zach: No you don't Isabella.
Isabella: Yes, yes I do. You don't understand. But in time you will. All of you.

I then hugged Noel. She held on tightly not wanting to let go.

Isabella: ( whispers) I'll be back kiddo. I promise. I love you so much.
Noel: I love you too.

We then pulled away. I looked at them one last time and walked onto the plane, not looking back. Before I had to put my phone away, I quickly texted Zach saying this

Bells😎: I love you ❤️

I then shut off my phone and put it away. I really hope this surgery goes well. They might be mad at me but I don't care. As long as I'm alive, it won't matter if they are upset with me or not. I'm going to do this and no one is going to stop me.

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