Chapter 26

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~Kaiya's POV~

After Jay took Isabella back to the room, I checked Wyatt's pulse. He was still breathing, which I'm glad that he is. I dragged him down the stairs and into a hidden room. I grabbed a first aid kit and started to patch Wyatt up the best I could.

I felt bad that I had to shoot my brother but it had to be done. After I finished, I walked out of the room and went upstairs to see Jay leaving the room Isabella is in.

Kaiya: I really didn't want to shoot him. You know that right?
Jay:( sighs) Yeah but you could've knocked him out not almost kill him.
Kaiya: I know, I know. I wasn't thinking. But we have to get ready. Call Sarah, we are going to have ourselves a showdown.

~ Isabella's POV~

I don't know how long it's been but I woke up when I heard voices coming from downstairs. I looked out of the small window and saw that it was still dark outside. It must've been early in the morning. I then heard footsteps and in came Kaiya.

Kaiya: Guess who's awake? So here's the thing, you are going to stop loving Zach and you are going to leave LA and not contact anyone for the rest of your life.
Isabella: If I refuse? I know that's what Sarah did to Mia but surprise surprise, Mia came back because her real family is here.
Kaiya: What, you mean the people who killed my brother? Ugh I'm tired of you already. That's a new record.

Then Kaiya started to punch and kick me. I feel bruises forming all around me but I continued doing nothing. I mean there's nothing I could do. After a while Kaiya stopped and walked out the door. I started to spit up blood, and let me tell you I do not like the sight of blood, not even my own. After about another 10 minutes, I fell asleep again.

~ Few hours later~

I woke up to a lot of voices and gunshots. I have no idea what's going on or who's doing what but all I know is that I have to get out of here. I began struggling with the tied rope, not knowing how Wyatt did it. I then heard someone come running up the stairs so I began to struggle faster. The door then opened and I saw Zach running towards me helping me with the rope.

Isabella: Z-Zach.. You c-came.
Zach: Of course I did. I promised you didn't I?

Zach finally took of the ropes and hugged me. I then cried into his chest and holding him tight not wanting to let go.

Zach: Shh, it's ok baby. Everything is ok.
Isabella: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
Zach: Hey hey, it's not your fault. You didn't know what was going to happen.
Isabella: I love you so much Zach.
Zach: I—

We then heard noises coming from downstairs. So we pulled away from each other and went downstairs. I saw that everyone was there and my cousin Mason. I turned and saw Wyatt looking half dead. I'm just glad he's alive. I turned my attention back to the group.

Isabella: Hi.. Cousin Mason.

With that I didn't want to talk anymore. I tuned everyone out and just started thinking. I thought about how people could've died, how I could've died and never get to see Noel again. Oh god, Noel... She would've been so upset if I died. I have to keep on living, for her.

I didn't realize we were back at the house. I guess I was daydreaming a little to much. We all got out of the car and saw Anna and Noel waiting for us. Oh dear god.

Anna: Um what is all of this?
Noel: Isabella? Are those bruises?
Isabella: No need to worry.
Noel: Why is everyone hurt?
Mia: Just something a long time ago. It needed to me done.

With that I again drifted off. Just thinking.. what if. I caught a glimpse of their conversation. They were talking about how they got into the same college and things like that. I then realize that they were going to leave both Noel and I.

I needed some air so I got up and walked out the door ignoring everyone. I sat down on the ground and looked up at the night sky. I then felt someone next to me and I looked and saw Zach. I smiled at him, he smiled back. It was silent for awhile until Zach spoke up.

Zach: How are you holding up?
Isabella: ( scoffs) How do you think?
Zach: Dumb question, sorry.
Isabella: It's fine. You know what I realized?
Zach: What?
Isabella: That I'm going to be left here alone. That I have no one to talk to at school. Noel doesn't have anyone to take her shopping because I'm going to be busy working. We are going to be all alone while our friends are going to the same college... leaving me.

It was silent for a little bit until Zach sighed and started to speak.

Zach: I guess I haven't noticed that you were a year younger than us. I... I'm so sorry Izzy, if I would've known, I wouldn't even apply to any colleges... Maybe I'll just drop out.
Isabella: Zach...
Zach: Or maybe you can drop out of high school and we can buy apartments super close to the college and we can trap you in there. Ok, maybe not trap you in.
Isabella: Zach...
Zach: Or maybe—
Isabella: Zachary! Shut up.
Zach: Sorry..
Isabella: No I'm sorry. It's just.. you can't do those things just for me. I appreciate it, I really do but—
Zach: Maybe I can take a leap year.

I looked at Zach, thinking he is out of his mind. He really doesn't need to do all of this. But it's Zach so..

Zach: Isabella, I'll do anything just to be with you. My memory is coming back slowly but surely and once it comes back fully, I will want to make you my girlfriend.
Isabella: Why not now?
Zach: If I'm being completely honest, right now isn't a good time. I mean it's just that you just got out of a hostage situation and you got beat up. So in the near future, once we both are a lot better, we can try dating. Maybe you can come on tour with the band. I know Mia's going.
Isabella: ( sighs) Ok, but for now we are just best friends. Right?
Zach: ( smiles) Yeah, best friends.

With that we hugged and stayed out there for another hour just talking about random things. I may not be happy with being friend zoned but as long as Zach is in my life, I'll be sure to be happy for as long as I live.

~ Author's Note~

I might throw in New POV's every once in awhile. Just like how I did in this chapter. Hoped you all enjoyed.

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