Chapter 13

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~ Isabella's POV~

After a long plane ride I get a cab back to my house. As I enter everything was the same but I then heard people's voices coming from the dining room. I set my stuff down by the door and started to head towards the dining room. As I got there I saw my mom, dad and uncle Adam. I was shocked to see all of them here. I decided to speak up.

Isabella: What's going on?
Amanda: Isabella What are you doing here? Where's Noel?
Isabella: I could ask you the same thing. Noel is fine. She's still in New York.
Jason: And why would you leave her there, all by herself?
Isabella: She's not by herself. She's with Aunt Skye and Mia. Now, why are you in my house?
Amanda: It's not your house. It's my house.
Isabella: Well you see, did you pay the bills?Did you cook or clean? Did you take care of Noel and I? Get Noel up every morning to go to school and feed her? No I don't think so.

I was starting to get mad. They can't just come in here and act like they run the place when they weren't even here to begin with.

Isabella: So let me ask you again. What. Are. You. Doing. In my house?
Amanda: First of all, don't ever have that time with me young lady. Second, we are here to discuss some adult things.

I scoffed at that. They are not here for that. We all know it.

Isabella: Whatever. I gotta get ready.
Jason: Where are you going?
Isabella: If you must know, Father dearest, I'm going to go get surgery for my cancer. So if you'll excuse me.

I faked a smile and went up to my room. I unpacked my things and went to check my phone. I then saw a text from Zach. I was scared to open it, so I shut my phone off and grabbed my purse. I went downstairs and grabbed my keys and headed out the door. I didn't even bother taking a glance at them. I hopped in my car and went to the hospital.

~ TimeSkip~

I can't remember what happened after they put me to sleep but I do remember why I was put to sleep in the first place.

I then adjusted my eyes and looked around my surroundings. I then saw my phone and tried to sit up and grab it but someone stopped me. I looked and saw it was Uncle Adam. I was confused on to why he was here.

Isabella: What are you doing here? I wasn't expecting anybody.
Adam: I came to see how you are.
Isabella: I feel like poop.

We both laughed. Uncle Adam was like a father I've always wanted. He took care of me and Noel when we really needed it.

Adam: That's What happens when you go through surgery. Do you want anything?
Isabella: Just my phone and some water would be nice.

He got up and handed me my phone and went to get some water for me. I opened my phone and saw a few texts. Couple from Zach, some from Mia, and some from Noel. I opened Mia's texts and all of said was that Noel was missing me. I then opened Noel's. Hers said that when I would be back or if I'm dead. I kinda laughed and texted her back saying that I'm alive and told her that I loved her so much. I didn't want to open Zach's just yet. So I set my phone down and just laid there.

~ TimeSkip~

It's been a few weeks since my surgery and I feel a lot better. I'm finally going back to New York. Noel has been keeping updated on how things were going.

~ Little TimeSkip~

After I got off the plane I texted Noel where she is. She told me she was going to be at a hospital? I have know idea why she would be there but oh well. I decided to drop my stuff of at Aunt Skye's house.

I went in and saw Aunt Skye and Riley. They didn't see me which was good, so I went up to my room and saw that nothing changed. I smiled at that. I set my stuff down and snuck out the house.

After a while I finally made it to the hospital. I told the receptionist the room number Noel gave me and she gave me directions. I finally made it to the room and saw everyone there looking happy. I then decided to make my presence known.

Isabella: Umm... Hi?

~ Author's Note~
Hoped you all enjoyed.

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