Chapter 23

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~ Little TimeSkip~

~ Isabella's POV~

After the plane landed, Wyatt and I went inside a fancy car that was waiting for us. We sat quietly while driving to a place we are staying at. After a while we arrived and there were 2 people outside waiting for us. One of them was a girl and the other was a boy who looked similar to Wyatt.

???: Hey you two. About time you showed up.
'Wyatt': Hey sis.

With that Wyatt went to hug the girl, which I realized that it was Kaiya. I decided to speak up.

Isabella: Hi, I'm Isabella.
Kaiya: Hi, I'm Kaiya. And this is Wyatt.

I got confused as she pointed to the guy next to her.

Isabella: Um I'm sorry but this is Wyatt.

I said pointing to him standing next to me. Kaiya then laughed. What was funny?

Kaiya: You're a jerk Jay. Why would you do that to her?
'Wyatt': Thought it would be a funny prank.
Isabella: Wait... your real name is Jay? And you're Wyatt.
Wyatt: Yes I am. Sorry about him, he likes to pull pranks on innocent people.
Jay: Ok I really didn't think it will last this long.
Isabella: Wow. I can't believe I fell for that. I have to say what you did was full on commitment. Bravo.

I playfully clapped and laughed, along with Kaiya. I could tell we are going to be great friends. After that we got both mine and Jay's stuff and took them inside the house. We got to spend time with each other a little more. During all of that, I texted Corbyn saying that I arrived in LA. He texted back saying that it was Daniel's birthday and that they were at his house celebrating.

Isabella: Hey why don't we go crash a party. I have to say hi to a few people.
Kaiya: Sure. Whose the people?
Isabella: Oh um his name is Daniel and it's his birthday. My little sister is there along with all of his friends and my cousin, who is his girlfriend.
Kaiya: Mia!? She's here?
Isabella: Um.. yeah she is. Anyways, want to go with me?
Jay: We should go.
Wyatt: ( rolls eyes at Jay) Why cause your bored?
Jay: Yes that is exactly why.
Isabella: Cool. Let me text my friend and tell him that I'm bringing you guys and then we can go.

With that I texted Corbyn and told him that I'm bringing Kaiya, Jay and Wyatt. He said that it was fine but as long as they don't cause trouble. I told him they won't and then turned off my phone.

Isabella: Ok let's go. Oh, also please don't cause any trouble.
Kaiya: Ugh fine we won't.
Isabella: Cool. Let's go.

We then left and headed over to Daniel's house. After a while we arrived. I then knocked on the door waiting for someone to open it.

Isabella: Remember, no causing trouble.
Jay: Aye aye captain.

I rolled my eyes and playfully pushed him and as soon as I did that I saw Corbyn answering the door.

Corbyn: Hey guys come on in.
Kaiya: ( rolls eyes) Thanks.

We then walked in and saw everyone was there. There was also decorations and a half eaten cake on the table. Then Daniel spoke up clearly not happy with us being here.

Daniel: You've got to be kidding me? On my birthday?
Noel: Isabella?

I turned to her and almost started to cry. I know it hasn't been that long but she looked so grown up and more confident. I guess Corbyn saw the tension in the room and decided to speak up.

Corbyn: It's cool guys, I invited them.
Daniel: You did what!? Why would you do that?
Mia: Daniel...
Corbyn: All of you are acting like you guys never knew Isabella existed. Like she was never in our lives.
Daniel: Dude, she's the one who keeps leaving. She constantly keeps hurting Mia and Noel. Of course I'm going to treat her like that.
Kaiya: You act like they're yours.
Mia: You need to stay out of this.
Wyatt: Hey, leave her alone.
Jay: Yeah you guys, it's a party. Ooh cake.

I rolled my eyes as Jay made his way to the almost gone cake.

Daniel: Who even are you guys?
Kaiya: That's jay and this is Wyatt. They are my brothers.
Everyone( expect Isabella , Kaiya, Wyatt & Jay): Brothers!?
Jacque: Ok this is too much.
Mia: No kidding.
Daniel: And they are mine. I've been taking care of them and keeping them safe.

I then lost it. Every emotion I was holding in came rushing out and to be honest I was quite terrified.

Isabella: You are not Noel's father so stop acting like you are! You've only been taking care of her for a couple of weeks! I've been taking care of her since she was born. Not even Austin wanted to step up to the plate and help me take care of her! I've worked since I was 12, trying to keep a roof over her head and kept food in her stomach! I've been trying to make sure that she wouldn't witness the death of our brother because she was to young and innocent to understand.

At that point I started to cry but I didn't want to stop. I wanted to prove my point even if I'm ruining Daniel's birthday.

Isabella: I've been buying her things to keep her happy after Austin died because god knows where our parents were! It's been me who's been taking care of her and you are just the babysitting. So don't go around all high and might thinking you're her father because you're not! I've been both her mother and her father for as long as I've lived. Worry about your own damn kid and don't try and lead mine on. Because once that baby comes, we all know that you are just going to forget about Noel.

With that I stormed out of the house, not looking back. I noticed that my old house that I didn't sell yet was not too far from here. So I started to run and I never looked back. After a little while I arrived at my house. It looks so empty except for one light that was on, that was telling me someone was in there.

I ran in knowing the door was unlocked and I saw my mom in the living room, wine bottle in hand.

Isabella: What are you doing here?
Amanda: What are you doing here? Last time I checked you were in Florida.
Isabella: I'm visiting and I have a right to be here. This is my house. My home.
Amanda: Oh sweetheart, it's not anymore.
Isabella: What do you mean?
Amanda: What I mean is that I'm selling it.
Isabella: What!?

~ Author's Note~

Hoped you all enjoyed.

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