Chapter 22

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~Isabella's POV~

It's been a few days since I've skipped school with Wyatt. Ever since then I've been going to school on time and attending all of my classes. At lunch Wyatt and I ask permission to leave school to get lunch but we always come back 5 minutes late, but we don't get in trouble. Right now I'm packing up a few clothes since it's the weekend. Wyatt invited me to go with him to LA and I really want to see Noel.

I finished up packing, which wasn't a lot, and I decided to call Corbyn. Don't ask why I want to, I just feel safer when talking to him. Like I'm not walking on eggshells around him.

Phone Conversation:

Corbyn: Hey Hey. What's up?
Isabella: Hey Corbyn. Guess what?
Corbyn: What? Are you pregnant too?
Isabella: What!? God no!
Corbyn: Ok well are yo—
Isabella: You know what I'm just going to tell you because I don't trust you guessing anymore.
Corbyn: ( scoffs) Rude. But what's up?
Isabella: I'm coming to LA for the weekend.
Corbyn: What!?? Dude no way! That's awesome.
Isabella: Yeah. I want to surprise Noel. Even though she might hate me, I still want to be in her life somehow. So I want to talk it out in person.
Corbyn: That's really cool of you. Also Noel doesn't hate you. She's just learning how to... grow up on her own without her motherly sister with her.
Isabella: Yeah. Anyways, how's Christina?
Corbyn: She's doing great. I just can't wait for the twins to be born.
Isabella: ( laughs) Yeah I honestly want to see them too.

I then heard some background noise from Corbyn's end. It sounded like everyone was there with him.

Corbyn: Hey I kinda have to go. I'll pick you up from the airport. If that's ok with you?
Isabella: Oh actually I'm going to be with someone but I'll text you to hangout.
Corbyn: Ok sounds good. I gotta go now. See ya soon.
Isabella: Bye Corbyn.

End of Phone Conversation

After the phone call, someone knocked on my bedroom door. I yelled a come in as I sit on my bed. The door opened and revealed Wyatt. He came in and closed the door behind him and sat down next to me.

Isabella: Hey whatcha doing?
'Wyatt': Well I came to come and get you before our flight leaves.
Isabella: When does it leave?
'Wyatt': In about 1 hour and 45 minutes. And it takes about 50 minutes to actually get there so we should hurry up.
Isabella: Oh jeez. Um ok. I'll have Burt take my stuff downstairs and we can go.
'Wyatt': Ok I'll meet you in the car.

With that Wyatt walked out of true room. I went to call for Burt but he suddenly appeared in the doorway.

Isabella: Oh there you are Burt. Can you please take my bag downstairs and into Wyatt's car?
Burt: Yes madam.
Isabella: Cool. Thanks Burt.

With that Burt grabbed my stuff and took to Wyatt's car. I walked out of my room and down the stairs only to be greeted by Aunt Cassie.

Isabella: Bye Aunt Cassie.
Cassie: Farewell Isabella-Marie. Remember, don't embarrass me while you are over there. We don't want Wyatt complaining about his company.
Isabella: Of course Aunt Cassie.

Before she could say anything else, I bolted out the door and jumped into Wyatt's car. After a while we arrived at the airport. We boarded the plane early. Don't ask me why we did that we just did. I mean I'm not complaining though because we are in first class. Wyatt then started to talk to me about the people I will be meeting once we get to LA.

'Wyatt': So you'll meet my sister. Her name is Kaiya.
Isabella: Cool. Didn't you say you also have a brother?
'Wyatt': Oh um yes but uh.. he's dead.
Isabella: Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry. My twin brother died too.

I didn't want to say anything else after that. Apparently he didn't want to either. So I drifted off to sleep not knowing what to expect in LA.

~ Author's Note~

Hoped you enjoyed. Sorry if it's a bit short.

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