Chapter 25

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~ Isabella's POV~

After Mia told me everything, with Daniel killing her ex and Kaiya kidnapping Zach and Anna, I just lost it. I told Noel to go back to the house with Jacque, Corbyn and Mia. I also to Mia that I was going to talk to Kaiya face to face and that she needs to take care of Noel if something bad happens.

I'm currently almost to Kaiya's place as we speak. I have no idea what I'm getting myself into but I know that it's not good. I just can't wrap my head around the fact that Jay and Wyatt would help her. I'm now in front of Kaiya's house ready to knock. I sighed preparing myself, then I knocked.

Kaiya and Jay both opened the door with somewhat evil looks on their faces. They let me in and say me down in the living. I looked around to find Wyatt but he wasn't here, which caused my stomach to twist around.

Isabella: Where's Wyatt?
Kaiya: Oh you know, he's... out right now.
Isabella: Oh ok. Well, Kaiya I actually came here to talk to you about something... privately.
Kaiya: ( laughs) Whatever you have to say you can say it in front of Jay. Right Jay?
Jay: Yeah, friends don't keep secrets.
Isabella: Oh um.. yeah. I uh.. I wanted to ask you, did you kidnap Zach? And Anna?
Kaiya: Where is this coming from?
Isabella: Well, Mia was telling me how you and your brother Conner—
Jay: You leave his name out of your mouth! You bitch!

With that he slapped me!? I started to cry, from the pain and honestly because I'm scared. I saw Kaiya walk out and soon later comes back with ice and.. rope!? Oh no...

Kaiya: Here ice your cheek.
Isabella: Thanks...
Kaiya:Mmhmm, Jay kitchen.. Now!

With that Kaiya pull Jay out of the room yelling at him about how not to hit me yet. I have no idea what that means and quite frankly I don't want to know. I iced my cheek while pulling out my phone. I noticed I have been here for about 45 minutes. Everyone must be asleep already but I continue to text.

Text Convo:

Isabella: Please help me!
Zach: Where are you?
Isabella: No time.. Get everyone and come and help me. I think they have Wyatt tied up. He's not here. Also Kaiya has a rope and jay slapped me.
Zach: Calm down love, I'm pretty sure everyone went to sleep but we will come and get you tomorrow ok? You just have to tell me where you are right now love.
Isabella: I'm * Address* Please hurry up Zach. Please...
Zach: Don't worry, I'll be there before you know it. Just stay strong. If not for you then stay strong for Noel... For me. Can you do that?
Isabella: Yeah I can try.
Isabella: Oh no.. they are coming back. I gotta go. I love you so much Zach..
Zach: Isabella—

Before I could finish reading his text I saw a hand grab my phone. I looked and saw Kaiya looking at the messages between Zach and I. She looked madder and madder each text she read. I gulped afraid of what's going to happen.

Kaiya: ( without looking up) Tie her up in the room he is in. Make sure her mouth is duct taped shut.
Isabella: Wha— wait Kaiya please let's talk about this. Please.

She finally looked up from the phone and looked at me with a look of hatred in her eyes.

Kaiya: Time for talking is over. See I thought I could look pass you texting, thinking it's defenseless Mia or cowardly Daniel but you were texting someone that I love telling him you love him! Jay do it!
Isabella: Wait! You love Zach?
Kaiya: Yes I do. But you ruined it. Now he's going to hate me even more and it's all because of you! Jay do I have to do it myself!?! Tie. Her. Up. Now!

Before I could protest, Jay grabbed me and carried me upstairs and into a semi-dark room. I notice someone else was here too but I was focused on getting out of Jay's grip. It took awhile but Jay tied me onto a wooden pole that was attached to a very small bed, and duct taped my mouth.

Jay: Don't do anything stupid you two.

With that he left, which left me to see someone struggling against the ropes. I then got a good look of who it is and saw.. Wyatt!? I saw he doesn't have duct tape and he was almost out of the ropes.

Wyatt: Don't worry Isabella. I'll get you out of here soon.
Isabella: Mmmmm!
Wyatt: Shhh, we don't want to get caught... And almost got it.

Then Wyatt broke out of his ropes and went over to me. He took off my duct tape and went to untie me.

Isabella: What happened to the nice people I met?
Wyatt: I don't know. I guess Kaiya just snapped and convinced Jay to go on some killing spree... hold still.
Isabella: Sorry... Is it really true? That she kidnapped my friends?
Wyatt: Sadly yes. Don't worry, I have a plan.
Isabella: What is it?
Wyatt: I'm going to get you out of here. I'm going to skip my car keys into your pocket and I want to you to get your loved ones and leave LA. Go somewhere where not even me will find you ok?
Isabella: Ok but what about you?
Wyatt: I'm going to distract them while you run... and there you go, your free.

I got up and hugged him. I'm so grateful that I met him. I was planning to take him with me and my friends. I then felt something being slipped into my pocket. I looked and saw car keys. I then heard the door being opened. We then got into positions, just like we planned.

We then saw Kaiya and Jay coming through the door. Wyatt then ran in tackle them down. I jumped around then and started my way downstairs.

Kaiya: Get her!

I heard Kaiya say. I then felt my ankle being grabbed and I looked and saw Jay bringing me down. I tripped and hit my chin on one of the steps. I tried to struggle out of his grip but it was too strong.

I then heard a gunshot and I let out a scream, thinking it a bullet hit me. Both Jay and I looked and saw Kaiya standing up, gun pointed at Wyatt. Then we turned to Wyatt holding his shoulder, bleeding out and screaming. I then started to cry, not wanting me to be next.

I pushed Jay off of me and ran to Wyatt. I started to hold down on his wound, trying to save him.

Isabella: Stay with me Wyatt. Please.
Wyatt: ... Try and ( coughs) try and escape when the time is right. Fight back.
Isabella: ( crying hard) Wyatt...
Kaiya: Ugh enough ( shoots off gun into roof) Jay, get her. I'll deal with.. him.
Isabella: Wyatt stay with me please. Wyatt, you have to keep your eyes open. Wyatt...
Wyatt: Goodbye Isabella..

With that Wyatt's body went limp. I then cried even harder. He didn't deserve this. He was such a kind soul and a good guy. I then felt Jay gently grab me and I didn't struggle this time. He set me on the floor and re-tied me back up. After that he wiped off the blood that was on me, Wyatt's blood.

Jay: I'm—
Isabella: Please... Don't.

With that he finished and walked out of the door. I sighed knowing that I'm never going to get out of here. I thought about Mia and Zach, how I'm going to miss them when I die. I then thought of Noel which made me cry even harder than I was before, if they was possible. After awhile I drifted off to sleep, not knowing what the future holds for me.

~ Author's Note~

This took a big turn and I apologize. Hoped you all enjoyed.

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